From janitor to actor

Chapter 108 Drive Out The Crew

Chapter 108 Drive Out The Crew
After returning to work, Ren Shuai continued to sit in the guard room and drink wolfberry water conscientiously.

Gao Dagui was abnormal and didn't come to check the post. It is probably because he is still in the observation period and dare not do anything to offend others.

Ren Shuai casually released the new chapter of "Cycle and Beginning", and was surprised to find that there were more than 100 comments under the work.

"The author is going to update quickly, it makes my heart itch."

"This setting is really amazing. I have never seen it on the entire starting line platform. This work is bound to be popular."

"I'm just curious how many times the protagonist has to die before he can leave the phone booth alive."

"The worst protagonist in history, died in Chapter 1, and then died in every chapter. It's too miserable. I really want to watch it."

"I really want to know how the main character will die next time. Please beg for an update. Two chapters a day is not enough!"

And so on, most of them are praises and reminders, and a small part are comments.

And among these comments, there was a person with a cute avatar who kept leaving messages, leaving a paragraph every now and then.

"The author hurry up and sign the contract. Only after signing the contract will there be benefits."

"After signing the contract, this work will definitely be strongly promoted, and subscriptions will definitely explode at that time."

"I really want to reward the author, but I found out that the author has not signed a contract, so I can't reward."

In short, the central idea of ​​this message is to persuade the author to sign a contract.

Ren Shuai was a little puzzled, thinking to himself that an enthusiastic reader, why bother for him.

In fact, the user of this cute girl's avatar is the editor Jing Ying. She waited for two days, but she still didn't receive the author's application to add friends, and she felt very cold.

But the short messages on the site have been sent several times, and people turned a blind eye, so she could only find another way and start persuading in the message area.

Ren Shuai is also helpless, he only has 50 chapters in his hand, once the contract is signed and the eunuch will definitely make the editor miserable.

For the sake of this editor named Jing Ying, he decided not to sign the contract.

Ren Shuai directly closed the program.

Near noon, his cell phone rang, and the caller ID was Shen Luxi.

"Mr. Li, I have good news for you."

Shen Luxi's tone was brisk, and she sounded very happy.

Ren Shuai thought to himself, could there be another endorsement or discount card delivered to the door, he didn't remember what brand of clothes he wore on the red carpet.

"Something good happened?" he asked dryly.

Shen Luxi on the other end of the phone chuckled and said: "Early this morning, a large number of fans came to the production crew to protest, which caused the production crew to suspend work in the morning, and it has only resumed now."

Ren Shuai wondered online, is this good news?
Shen Luxi continued: "Most of the people who came today are fans of the original work, and they hope that the crew will drive Chao Kexin out so that this work won't be ruined.

As a result, after the director reported the situation to the producer, the producer not only refused to agree, but also mobilized the security guards at the shooting base to drive away the fans. "

Ren Shuai thought to himself, the producer is Uncle Chao Kexin, so of course he is protecting his shortcomings.

But things are clearly not going in the direction the producers hoped for.

Sure enough, Shen Luxi said: "This is exactly what the fans wanted. The people who took the lead in the protest were very intelligent. They specially invited many entertainment reporters to hide in the fan group. When they saw the security guards chasing people away, they immediately took out their cameras to take pictures.

When the crew saw that the situation was not good, they immediately gave in and wanted to send representatives to conduct friendly negotiations, but the fans didn't buy it and they had to kick Chao Kexin out of the crew. "

"and after?"

Ren Shuai is a little curious whether the fans' protest will be effective this time.

"The producer didn't want to agree, but I heard that there were two other representatives from the investor. They were afraid that because of Chao Kexin's impact on the TV series' reputation and ratings, the investment would be in vain, so they strictly asked the producer to replace his nephew.

Now the crew has issued a statement, saying that Chao Kexin is temporarily unable to continue acting due to physical discomfort, and has decided to replace him with another actor. "

Shen Luxi spoke quickly, obviously this kind of joyful thing made her a little excited.

Ren Shuai didn't need to manage his expressions at all through the phone, and he smiled with his big white teeth.

People like Chao Kexin deserve to be blamed.

It is not investors who have the most say in the entertainment industry, but fans and audiences.

Today's result can be regarded as being facilitated by Ren Shuai.

Chao Kexin's behavior and style must have offended many people long ago, and he belongs to the type of people who are troubled by one side and stepped on by all directions.

Kicking him out of the crew was Ren Shuai's reward for his desire to delete his role.

It's just a small punishment and a big punishment.

Afterwards, Ren Shuai immediately thought, if the actors were changed, would the previous scenes need to be re-shot.

So he asked: "Chao Kexin has filmed quite a few scenes, what about his shots?"

Shen Luxi replied: "Don't worry, his scenes will use special effects to change his face, and you don't need to spare time to come to the crew to reshoot."

After hearing this, Ren Shuai was slightly disappointed. He also thought that since the salary is calculated on a daily basis, one more day of filming can save more pension funds.

Afterwards, the two chatted about the topic of "Jiu Sheng Jiu Shi".

Ren Shuai praised Shen Luxi for her beautiful appearance, and Shen Luxi on the other end of the phone blushed suddenly, feeling a little happy.

Others praised her for her beauty and didn't feel anything, but Teacher Li couldn't help but feel happy when she praised her.

But she was a little worried about gains and losses.

I wondered if Teacher Li praised her for being beautiful because her acting skills were too ordinary and there was nothing to praise her for.

Ren Shuai didn't think too much about it, he just praised him sincerely.

He glanced at the time and found that the cafeteria was going to be closed soon, and it would be too late if he didn't go to cook.

So he said decisively: "I'm going to eat first, bye."

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Shen Luxi was a little dazed and a little adapted.

Teacher Li always hangs up the phone so decisively and suddenly.

She originally wanted to ask Mr. Li what she thought of her acting skills, so she had to contact her next time.

Ren Shuai stepped on the spot to make a lunch, and while eating, he thought about what kind of reward the system could give him this time.

It would be best if he could make a fortune and generate income, at least he could get enough food and clothing, and at the same time save some pension.

Ren Shuai was thinking all afternoon, absent-minded at work, constantly looking at the time, waiting to go back to watch "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds" in the evening.

The old fairy will officially debut tonight, and the closer it is to the broadcast time, the more excited he gets.

Finally, after get off work, Ren Shuai returned to the dormitory, took out his mobile phone, and started counting down.

The ninth and tenth episodes will be updated tonight, and the old fairy will appear in the tenth episode.

The moment the phone page was updated, Ren Shuai clicked to play it.

The heroine played by Shen Luxi finally got the ticket to the demon-hunting conference, and listened to the discussion of the monks with full anticipation.

She is a fledgling, and she has made many suggestions for the heroes of the immortal family to discuss the matter of defeating demons.

However, many famous immortals expressed contempt for a yellow-haired girl's suggestion.

He thought she was a girl who didn't know anything about fighting demons.

As a result, in the verbal confrontation, one by one was speechless by the heroine.

These seniors in the fairy world couldn't hold back their face, so they wanted to suppress the heroine by force, and the wonderful fairy showdown kicked off.

 Happy weekend, ask for a monthly ticket, please recommend!
(End of this chapter)

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