From janitor to actor

Chapter 109 New Skills

Chapter 109 New Skills

After watching the ninth episode, Ren Shuai took a sip of wolfberry water.

At last it was almost his turn.

The group of immortals competed with the heroine in magic, and was amazed by the heroine's outstanding fairy art and outstanding talent.

It's a pity that the heroine has been practicing for a short time. After some senior immortals took action, she was finally powerless and defeated.

At this time, the old fairy played by Ren Shuai made a grand appearance.

I saw him with immortal demeanor, white hair and white clothes, flying out of the crowd and landing in front of the hostess.

The hostess looked surprised, and looked at the old fairy in front of her in confusion: "Senior, who are you?"

The old god didn't respond, but looked contemptuously at the people in the fairy world in front of him and said: "The tradition in the fairy world has always been that seniors bully younger generations. You are right. As a senior, I will bully and bully you."

After finishing speaking, he waved his sleeves, and two gusts of wind blew up.

All the people from the fairy world on the opposite side fell to the ground one after another, and those who were weak in mana even flew out backwards.

The heroine was amazed at the ability of the old fairy, and the rest of the people also showed strange expressions.

"Senior, you..."

Before the heroine finished speaking, the old god waved his hand and said, "What kind of senior is called great-grandfather."

The heroine showed unexpected emotions, looked up and down, and then asked tentatively: "You, you are the one that the family said, the great-grandfather of the golden fairy?"

The old god smiled heartily, turned his head and said to everyone: "Remember, this girl is my great-granddaughter, and whoever dares to bully her in the future, I will bully anyone!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and quietly said to the hostess: "Girl, is your great-grandfather handsome?"

"Great-grandfather, you are so handsome."

The hostess smiled happily, with some coquettishness in her tone.

The old fairy smiled in satisfaction, and after finding the place, he left in a graceful manner.

The tenth episode ended here, and Ren Shuai watched it very seriously.

From the perspective of a bystander, watching my own performance, it still feels quite amazing.

He clicked on the comment area immediately after watching, wanting to know how the audience felt.

"Xianshu pk is so handsome, and the special effects are good!"

"Luxi is still as beautiful as ever, Goddess, come on!"

"Lu Xi's appearance and acting skills are superb, this drama will definitely become popular in the future."

After reading many comments, Ren Shuai found that most of them praised Shen Luxi, but there were no comments about the old god. "

This, shouldn't be.

He felt that his acting was not bad, his appearance and acting skills were good.

Ren Shuai was a little puzzled, and suddenly realized that he only appeared in the tenth episode, and many viewers should have just finished watching it, and haven't had time to comment.

He decided to let the bullets fly for a while and give the audience more time to leave a message.

Five minutes later, Ren Shuai entered the comment area again.

"I admire the casting director of the crew, the per capita acting skills are online, and even the supporting roles are very good."

"The scene of the Demon Slaying Conference is so handsome and grand. It was a little uncomfortable to see all the immortals bullying Luxi together. Fortunately, there are old immortals supporting the scene."

"Lu Xi came on the stage, and now all the immortals shut up obediently."

"Did no one find the old fairy handsome?"

"I've never seen the actor playing the old fairy before. His performance is really good."

"That's right, someone finally noticed the old god, and the moment he appeared on the stage, his aura was full. Unfortunately, in the original book, the old god only appeared this time."

"I'm a fan of the original novel. To be honest, the old gods amazed me. I was worried that the crew would just find an actor to fool me with this small role. I didn't expect it to be so powerful. The whole crew praised it!"

When Ren Shuai saw this, the stone in his heart fell slightly.

I thought no one really paid attention to the old fairy.

Sure enough, the audience's eyes are discerning. As long as the performance is outstanding, even the supporting roles will be recognized by others.

Ren Shuai continued to look down, since everyone was praising him, of course he had to look more.

"I dug up the cast list, and the actor playing the old fairy is called Li Laifu."

"Li Laifu, what a delightful name, haha."

"I've never heard of this name. I searched the Internet and didn't find this actor."

"Could it be a stage name? I don't have any impression of Li Laifu in the show business circle."

"It's amazing. Could it be that the person playing the old fairy is an amateur?"

"Our school has a gatekeeper named Li Laifu. Could it be that he is going to play the old fairy, hahahaha hiccup."

"Haha, if the janitor wants to have this acting skill, I'll live broadcast Live Stand Upside Down."

When Ren Shuai saw this, he suddenly couldn't hold back.

Be cautious when posting messages on the Internet in the future, in case the identity of your concierge becomes widely known in the future, this netizen will probably be dug up and flogged.

He didn't continue to immerse himself in the praise in the comment area, and the key point was to see how much his system recognition had increased.

Ren Shuai immediately called out the system interface.

Name: Ren Shuai/Li Laifu

Occupation: Concierge/Actor
Achievements: none
Props: Charm Card*3, Voice Card*1
Skills: Primary Acting (880/1000)
Recognition degree: 999
System functions: shopping mall, lucky wheel, backpack
The moment Ren Shuai saw the recognition, he became excited!
Compared with the previous growth rate of recognition, this is definitely a surge.

Just when he was excited, the system prompt sounded at the right time.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the main task, rewarding a random skill]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for acquiring the skill: Elementary Writing]

Ren Shuai was pleasantly surprised again. He didn't expect that the recognition rate would break through the 1000 mark in a short time.

And the recognition of the system is still rising at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a few minutes, it rose to more than 1200 points.

He was still a little dazed, thinking that at this speed, the recognition would have to reach at least a few thousand points.

At that time, those tool cards will be bought as soon as they want.

got rich.

Ren Shuai was intoxicated for a while before he realized that the system reminded him that the main task was completed and a new skill was rewarded.

Ren Shuai quickly checked the skill introduction.

[Writing Elementary (100/1000), the host has elementary writing ability, and can be upgraded after the proficiency is full. 】

This kind of introduction has the meaning of "listening to what you have to say is better than listening to what you have to say".

Fortunately, Ren Shuai has gotten used to the tonality of the system, and all the introductions are very concise and powerless.

I don't know what the use of elementary writing ability is. As an actor, he can't write the script by himself, so he should act it himself.

Besides, writing is not an industry where you can get rich. I heard that being a writer is a dead end, and you will starve to death sooner or later.

It's not as good as the system directly rewarding novels through the big turntable.

Of course, it’s better not to be like “The Week Again and Again”, where only dozens of chapters are given to the first chapters, and there are no answers for the rest.

Do you still want him to write it himself?

Just when this thought flashed through Ren Shuai's mind, the system prompt sounded again.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for triggering the system task, continuing to write "Cycle and Beginning", and rewarding a random item card after completion]

What, what?
Ren Shuai froze immediately.

He just thought about it casually in his mind, and he didn't mean to make his dreams come true.

Is it really good for the system to cheat the host like this?

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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