From janitor to actor

Chapter 110 The School Flower Returns

Chapter 110 The School Flower Returns
Ren Shuai got up late today.

Last night because of the system rewards, I was too excited, I didn't fall asleep all night, and I gradually fell asleep when the sky was about to dawn.

He trotted to the cafeteria, bought breakfast before closing, and carried it to the guard room.

From a distance, he saw a familiar patrol car parked at the door, and suddenly said badly in his heart.

I was late today, but was blocked by Gao Dagui, the God of Plague, which was very wrong.

Just as Ren Shuai was hesitating to find some reason to explain, a soft greeting came from behind him.

"Teacher Li?"

Ren Shuai turned his head and saw a familiar figure.

Mu Xiaoqing was wearing an exquisite slim suit, with her hair tied loosely behind her head, looking gentle, generous and youthful.

"Xiao Mu, why are you back?"

Ren Shuai was a little puzzled, thinking that Mu Xiaoqing should be filming on the set, and shouldn't be wrapping up so soon.

Mu Xiaoqing smiled and said, "I was going to look for you in the guard room, but I didn't expect to meet you here."

"What's the matter?" Ren Shuai asked.

Mu Xiaoqing shook her head and said, "No, the crew is on vacation temporarily, so I brought you some special products to try."

After speaking, she raised the paper bag in her hand, which was full of things, which looked like various foods.

Seeing that Ren Shuai was holding soy milk fritters in his hand, Mu Xiaoqing took the initiative and said, "Can we go to the guard room to talk, so don't delay your meal."

When Ren Shuai heard about the guard room, he remembered that Gao Dagui was still blocking there, and he had to find a way to get over it.

Ren Shuai glanced at Mu Xiaoqing, and immediately said: "Do me a favor, I will tell you that your mobile phone was lost in the cafeteria, and I will find it for you."

Mu Xiaoqing was puzzled immediately, but when she saw Ren Shuai walking towards the guard room, she followed him.

As soon as he approached the guard's room, Ren Shuai saw Gao Dagui sitting on a chair with his hands folded around his chest, looking like he was waiting for his teacher to question him.

Seeing Ren Shuai enter the door, Gao Dagui raised the corners of his mouth, stood up from the chair, and showed a smile of catching rape on the bed.

Now that I caught you straight away, Gao Dagui secretly smiled inwardly to see how bad you are.

"Li Laifu, you are 11 minutes and 36 seconds late, you don't want this month's floating performance."

After Gao Dagui's observation period ended, he kept his position as the security captain smoothly, and immediately drove a patrol car to show off.

Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected harvest. Li Laifu was caught by him for being late.

Ren Shuai had already thought about his speech, and in a flash, he revealed Mu Xiaoqing behind him.

"This classmate lost her mobile phone in the cafeteria and asked me for help. It took me 20 minutes to help her find her mobile phone." Ren Shuai said without blushing.

Mu Xiaoqing didn't expect that Teacher Li asked her to help her lie because she was late for work.

She held back her smile, nodded and said, "Yes, I have to thank Uncle Li for his help so that I can get my phone back."

When Gao Dagui saw Mu Xiaoqing, he straightened his eyes.

He also knew this beautiful girl from Meiying, but he had never had the chance to communicate with her at close range before. He never expected to be able to talk to her face to face now.

Ren Shuai coughed.

Only then did Gao Dagui come back to his senses. In order to hide his embarrassment, he quickly grabbed the water glass on the table and planned to take a sip.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Ren Shuai followed the thermos and said, "This is mine."

Gao Dagui was even more embarrassed. He didn't expect that when he met Xiaohua for the first time, this was the case. The first impression was ruined.

He wept in his heart, forgetting to continue picking on Ren Shuai.

Ren Shuai saw that he was distracted, and reminded him: "Captain Gao, is there anything else, you should continue patrolling if there is nothing else."

Gao Dagui saw that Mu Xiaoqing was standing at the door and did not leave, ignored what Ren Shuai said, and said enthusiastically: "Student, helping students has always been the duty of our security team. I usually educate my subordinates. When the time comes, you must help in time, you are welcome."

What he said inside and outside the meaning, one is that he is the leader of the security team, and the other is that he is also a part of the credit for helping Mu Xiaoqing find the phone.

Mu Xiaoqing could only nod and smile, but didn't answer.

Ren Shuai put down his breakfast and said to Mu Xiaoqing, "Come in and sit down."

Gao Dagui nodded quickly and said, "Yes, come in and sit down. You are welcome. If you need help from our security team, you can always come to me. My name is Gao Dagui."

Mu Xiaoqing walked into the guard room with the special products and put the bag beside Ren Shuai.

When Gao Dagui saw it, he immediately scolded: "Li Laifu, how do I educate you in normal times? It is our duty to help classmates. How can we ask others to thank you?"

Ren Shuai said without changing his face: "This is a special product sent by my friend from my hometown. Classmate Mu just helped me carry it."

"What, you, how can you ask the little girl to help you carry things?" Gao Dagui was dissatisfied immediately.

Mu Xiaoqing also noticed that this security captain named Gao Dagui obviously wanted to target Teacher Li and make him look bad.

She must not sit idly by.

"You misunderstood. I took the initiative to help Uncle Li. He didn't even have time to eat in the cafeteria, so he helped me find my mobile phone. I see that he has so many things in his hand. Of course, I need to help share some." Mu Xiao Sunny said with a smile.

Gao Dagui couldn't answer the conversation now, so he could only look at Ren Shuai and said, "Then you should also refuse, how can a beautiful girl with slender hands help you carry things."

Ren Shuai smiled and said, "You have the heart to refuse the little girl's kindness?"

Gao Dagui choked, feeling that it was wrong to say yes, and it was wrong to say no.

The first impression left on Xiaohua today was completely ruined. He felt that the more he said, the more mistakes he made.

It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, we have to leave some room for the next meeting.

He coughed dryly and said, "I still have to patrol a few other school gates today, so I'm leaving first, Li Laifu, this time, for your sake of helping classmate Mu find his cell phone, it's fine if you're late, remember to go out early next time."

Ren Shuai gave a "hmm" and watched Gao Dagui leave.

Gao Dagui got into the patrol car and reluctantly glanced at Mu Xiaoqing who was still in the guard room.

I thought that guy Li Laifu was really lucky to meet the school beauty when he went to the cafeteria for dinner in the morning, and he could even help her find her mobile phone.

Next time, I can't send my little security guards to help bring meals, and I have to go to the cafeteria myself to increase the chance of encountering the school belle.

Gao Dagui secretly made up his mind.

Ren Shuai looked at Mu Xiaoqing who was smiling like a little fox, spread his hands and said, "Life is not easy."

Mu Xiaoqing secretly smiled in her heart, she had already determined that Teacher Li was an undercover artist who came to experience life.

How could he care about being late and deducting performance.

The reason why she was asked to help make up a reason for being late must be because of Mr. Li's playful mentality, and also because of his contempt for the security captain named Gao Dagui.

Mu Xiaoqing was very happy to be able to cooperate with Teacher Li and send that Gao Dagui away.

She bent down and took out all kinds of food from the paper bag and said, "The film and television base has a well-developed tourism industry, and there are all kinds of specialties. I don't know what you like to eat, so I bought some of them."

Ren Shuai smiled and said, "You don't have to be so polite."

He looked down and found that there were bird's nests and sea cucumbers inside.

Ren Shuai was stunned, thinking that such a precious gift
You can buy more next time.

 The second update will start tomorrow, please recommend, ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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