From janitor to actor

Chapter 111 Sudden Request

Chapter 111 Sudden Request

After chatting with Ren Shuai for a while, Mu Xiaoqing talked about the reason for the crew's holiday.

"There is a problem with the group performance company, and the group performances in the crew have all left. There is no way to shoot as scheduled, so we have to temporarily suspend work."

Mu Xiaoqing was a little helpless.

Their crew itself is a court drama, requiring many eunuchs and maids to support the scene, and there is a great demand for group performances.

Ren Shuai asked curiously, "The extras are on strike?"

Mu Xiaoqing shook her head and said: "Not really, the boss of the group performance company was investigated because of financial problems, and ran away with money. After hearing the news, the group performances all went to the company to ask for salary, but the crew was released. There was no one in charge.”

She was actually very distressed. This was the first time in her life that she acted as a heroine, but she encountered such a thing.

"Shouldn't it be enough to find another group performance company?" Ren Shuai said.

Mu Xiaoqing smiled wryly and said, "The crew has used their connections to find several people, but recently there are so many dramas that have been launched, and the group performance companies are full of jobs, and they can't find anyone at all."

Seeing her melancholy, Ren Shuai comforted her, "It's good for the crew to have a holiday, you can still rest for a few days."

Mu Xiaoqing admired Teacher Li's open-mindedness, but she couldn't be so open-minded.

"Our crew itself is a small investment. Delaying the shooting for the past few days has already wasted a lot of money. If the delay continues, the investor is likely to withdraw the capital in order to stop the loss in time."

She obviously didn't want her first role in the female lead drama to end without a problem.

Ren Shuai didn't expect that there was such a layer. It would be a pity if the group was shut down because they couldn't find the group performers.

Since Mu Xiaoqing had helped him start several missions, she still had to help him with this favor.

He is not trying to make people's bird's nest and shark's fin, the key is friendship.

"Let me inquire for you, maybe there is a turnaround."

After Ren Shuai finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and made a call.

Mu Xiaoqing was surprised at first, and then understood.

After all, Teacher Li is an undercover old artist, and his connections must be much stronger than ordinary actors.

She was looking forward to it, but also a little worried. No matter how well-connected Mr. Li was, he would still be able to know people from the group performance company.

Usually, those who deal with group performance companies are executives like producers. Even if Mr. Li is willing to help, it is estimated that he will contact a familiar producer, not only to save face, but also not necessarily efficient.

Just as Mu Xiaoqing's thoughts were surging, the call from Ren Shuai was connected.

"Hello, Lao Pi, I'm Li Laifu."

"Ahahaha, Mr. Li, I was afraid of delaying your filming, so I never dared to contact you. Thank you so much for what happened last time!"

There was a mid-spirited voice on the other end of the phone, and laughter could be sent 2 meters away through the phone.

As soon as Ren Shuai heard his laughter, he knew it was over.

On the other end of the phone was the group performer he had helped before, Mr. Beer Belly.

Ren Shuai had exchanged contact information with him at the time. He thought it was just a polite gesture, but he didn't expect it to be useful one day.

Coincidentally, Mr. Beer Belly is surnamed Pi, so he is known as Lao Pi.

Obviously, after Ren Shuai's on-demand broadcast, the beer belly uncle succeeded in becoming the leader of the group.

Ren Shuai went straight to the point and said, "I have a production team here, and there is a temporary lack of a large number of extra performers. Can you spare some people?"

After hearing this, the beer belly uncle said repeatedly: "Of course, the workload has suddenly increased recently, but if you speak up, I will definitely be able to gather people."

Ren Shuai and Mu Xiaoqing looked at each other, briefly talked about the situation of their crew, and told Lao Pi the time and place.

The rest is the connection between the crew and Lao Pi's company.

After hanging up the phone, Mu Xiaoqing looked at Ren Shuai in surprise.

I used to think that Mr. Li is a senior actor who concentrates on experiencing life. Even if he has a wide network of contacts, he should know actors, screenwriters or directors, but he did not expect that Mr. Li's network of contacts is so rich.

Even the group leader of the group performance company knows each other.

Could it be that Mr. Li had experienced other occupations before experiencing the life of a security guard?

Well, very likely.

After some reasoning, Mu Xiaoqing agreed with her own conclusion.

She immediately came back to her senses, got up and thanked Ren Shuai: "Ms. Li, you have helped me a lot this time. I really don't know how to thank you. Otherwise, I, I..."

When Mu Xiaoqing said this, she blushed a little, wondering whether it would appear shameless to say so.

Ren Shuai looked at her suspiciously, thinking, what is she going to do?

Mu Xiaoqing hesitated for a long time before continuing: "I worship you as my teacher?"

After she finished speaking, her face turned redder, and her heart was beating thumpingly.

In fact, she has long admired Ren Shuai's acting skills and wanted to learn from him, but she has never been able to find a good opportunity to speak.

This time she finally caught the opportunity.

Although Ren Shuai helped her, she wanted to be a teacher even more, which seemed to be taking advantage of him.

But Mu Xiaoqing couldn't restrain this impulse in her heart, as if ordinary people suddenly discovered a hermit master, if they didn't pay close attention to apprenticeship, the opportunity slipped away, and they would never come back.

At that time, she will regret it for the rest of her life.

Ren Shuai was taken aback by what she said, and he never thought that the beautiful school girl hesitated for a long time, and wanted to worship herself as a teacher?
He coughed dryly and said, "What can I teach..."

Before Ren Shuai could finish speaking, Mu Xiaoqing was worried that he would refuse, and immediately replied: "You can teach me anything, as long as you agree to be my teacher."

Ah, here, Ren Shuai's thoughts are a little stagnant.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Mu Xiaoqing said while the iron was hot: "If you don't refuse, it's your acquiescence, teacher!"

Seeing her eagerness, Ren Shuai couldn't figure out what attracted her to him.

He thought about it, and didn't know what he could teach her, especially about acting, he didn't know as much as Mu Xiaoqing.

If you talk a few more words, you have to show your true colors immediately.

After pondering for a long time, Ren Shuai sighed, reluctantly: "Okay, then I will teach you programming."


Mu Xiaoqing froze for a moment, and soon realized that Teacher Li was just joking to brighten the atmosphere.

Ren Shuai is very serious. He has been a programmer all his life, and this is the only specialty he can get the most out of. The other may be playing games.

But for a girl, the enthusiasm for playing games must be limited, it is better to learn programming.

The career risk of an actor is so high, if he loses his job in the future, he can barely find a job to make ends meet after learning programming.

Mu Xiaoqing nodded with a smile and said, "Okay, I will listen to the teacher."

Ren Shuai nodded, pulled out an order form from the shopping software, handed it to Mu Xiaoqing and said, "Follow this, buy all the books first, learn about them during filming, and then teach on the computer when you have time."

Mu Xiaoqing looked at the list of books such as "Data Structure", "Computer Network", and "Operating System", and a string of mosquito coils appeared in her eyes.

Mr. Li shouldn't be serious, right...

 There is another chapter in the afternoon.

  Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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