From janitor to actor

Chapter 112 Signing

Chapter 112 Signing
Mu Xiaoqing left the school with a bunch of book lists.

The production crew has successfully contacted Lao Pi's group performance company, and agreed that the personnel will be in place tomorrow.

The director and the producer expressed their sincere gratitude to Mu Xiaoqing. She helped contact the group performance company and recovered a large loss of the crew.

Mu Xiaoqing was very happy in her heart, and said that the credit was all due to her teacher.

The people on the production team couldn't help but think, Mu Xiaoqing's backing is Meiying, and she really has a deep and wide network. A teacher can immediately contact a reliable group performance company, which has to be admired.

Ren Shuai didn't pay much attention to his effort, all he was thinking about was system tasks.

Today he released two more chapters of the novel "Cycle and Beginning", and found that he already has thousands of favorites.

However, there are only fifty chapters in the manuscript in hand, and he has to edit the follow-up by himself.

Jing Ying, a cute girl with big eyes in the editorial department of the starting line, is very depressed today, because yesterday is the last day she has the authority to contact the author of "Cycle and Beginning".

Starting today, not only her, but several other editors can also extend olive branches to the author.

Just when she lamented that the opportunity slipped away, a reminder came from the chat software that someone applied to add her as a friend.

Jing Ying lazily stretched out her hand and clicked on the chat software.

As an editor, new writers will take the initiative to add her every day, but among these people, there are very few who can really achieve results.

She raised her eyes and scanned the remark information of the friend application, and sat up straight in a "teng".

He stared at the screen without blinking, watching it over and over again.

"Ren Shuai, the author of "Cycle and Beginning", sent you a friend request"

That's right, that's right, it was really sent by the author of "Cycle and Beginning"!


Jing Ying couldn't hold back, and let out a series of cheers in the office.

After so many days of torment and waiting, the author finally added her as a friend.

The other colleagues turned their heads in doubt, Jing Ying hurriedly silenced, and quietly clicked to agree.

This kind of good thing cannot be spread to the outside world, so as not to be envied by others at the same time.

Jing Ying smiled foolishly, and couldn't wait to send a chat message.

"Hello, author, I am Jingying, your editor in charge."

The reason why Ren Shuai sent this request was also because he wanted to open it.

Since the system released the task for him to finish writing "The Week Again", it means that there will be no rewards for subsequent chapters.

Since he wanted to complete the task, he simply maximized his profits, and signed a contract with the platform to earn some manuscript fees to supplement his family.

So he found the editor Jingying who was the first to send him a message from a bunch of signing applications.

First come, first served, since Jing Ying contacted him first, then sign him.

Judging from the name, this editor should be a vigorous man, and the chat must be the type of concise and concise, and the communication is not tiring.

Ren Shuai typed concisely: "Sign the contract."

Jing Ying did not expect the author whose pen name is Ren Shuai to be so straightforward, she immediately responded: "It is an honor to be your editor in charge, I will send the signing address link to your writing software, you follow the process to read and write online Just sign the contract."

Ren Shuai understood and replied, "Okay."

Then he went offline decisively and checked the push messages of the writing software.

Jing Ying was completely caught off guard. Seeing Ren Shuai whose avatar turned gray and went offline after posting a good word, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart, she really is a writer with personality.

Only such a person can write such outstanding and unique works.

Ren Shuai quickly read the contract and signed it after he felt that there was no problem, and submitted it.

The system of the platform is very efficient, and the online signing review is very fast, and his work "Weekly and Beginning" immediately became signed.

Ren Shuai turned to the comments of the work, and found the user who had been urging him to sign the contract and said he would give a reward.

Leave a message below: "I have signed a contract, please feel free to reward."

He just scratched it casually, and after leaving a message, he planned to close the page and concentrate on typing.

Three seconds later, the system suddenly prompts: "Received a tip of 10000 points from the user "I'm not cute"."

Ren Shuai was surprised. Although the tipping points on the starting line were 1:100 to the real currency, 10000 points are worth 100 yuan. He didn't expect to give it at will.

It's a thigh, you can hug it.

Jing Ying was sitting in the office and had been paying attention to the work "Cycle and Beginning". Unexpectedly, the author replied to her message in the message area.

"I'm not cute" is her trumpet, dedicated to observing the works signed by her men.

A few days ago, in order to urge Ren Shuai to sign the contract, she frantically left messages and claimed that she wanted a reward.

Now that Ren Shuai still chooses to sign with her among many editors, it is a special kind of trust.

Jing Ying thought, of course she should reciprocate, so she offered 100 yuan in red envelopes.

Because of her generosity, Ren Shuai had the illusion that writing novels could make a fortune, and his motivation to write immediately became full.

Sitting in a chair, I began to conceive the follow-up direction of the novel.

Originally, Ren Shuai wanted to be clever and finish the novel after writing casually, so as to quickly harvest system tasks.

However, when he logged into the writing system and saw thousands of people collecting it, he couldn't bear it.

Since the system has rewarded him with new skills, there is no need to use them in vain. It is better to calm down and write novels.

Soon, Ren Shuai regretted it.

Writing novels is different from acting in TV. Actors only need to follow the script, display their acting skills, and perform their due emotions and characters.

But writing a novel requires not only writing skills, but also plotting.

The current situation is that the system has endowed Ren Shuai with writing skills, but not inspiration.

Writing this matter, technology alone is not enough.

Ren Shuai held back all afternoon, and then came up with a short paragraph.

In the first fifty chapters of "Cycle and Beginning", the protagonist Luo Xing has died dozens of times. He finally escaped from the long street of the phone booth and returned to the resort hotel where he worked. However, he was hunted down by the murderer because of a murder.

Finally, the protagonist finds out the murderer and successfully arrests him, but finds out that the murder case is not as simple as it appears on the surface.

There is a secret decades ago involved behind it, and the victims are not innocent people, it is related to an old case back then.

Just when the protagonist felt that he still hadn't escaped the crisis and planned to resign and leave, he died again.

The death is inexplicable, unconscious, and even the protagonist himself does not know the cause of death.

The story ends here, and Ren Shuai is also very uncomfortable. He really wants to know the follow-up content, why the protagonist died for no reason.

However, the evil system left the arduous task of writing to Ren Shuai.

He racked his brains until he got off work and finally compiled a little content.

Ren Shuai feels that writing novels is really not a human job. If you finish this book, you must never write another one.

Even if there are any system tasks, go to hell.

He walked slowly to the cafeteria, planning to rest early after eating. Today, he spent a lot of brain cells, which was more tiring than writing a graduation thesis.

Suddenly, a student stopped him on the road and kept looking him up and down.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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