From janitor to actor

Chapter 113 Interview

Chapter 113 Interview
Ren Shuai was stopped, and when he looked up, he found that the other party was a beautifully dressed female student with a high nose bridge and a three-dimensional appearance, with short cool hair. She seemed to be a mixed-race beauty.

Judging from her appearance, the other party didn't look like some gangster who sneaked into the campus. Ren Shuai was going to politely ask her what's the matter.

As a result, the student suddenly yelled "ah".

It looked as if Ren Shuai had molested her.

This sound immediately attracted the attention of other students passing by, and several male students stepped forward to protect the female student.

"Student, what happened? Is this old man molesting you?"

"It's disrespectful to be old at such an old age."

The students talked in a hurry, and looked at Ren Shuai with hostility.

Ren Shuai almost wanted to cry, he was really wronged, walking on the road, he was blamed.

Just when he was struggling and didn't know how to explain it, the mixed-race girl who stopped him pulled away the male classmate who was blocking her, and said angrily, "What nonsense are you talking about, this is an old fairy!"

Seeing the female student suddenly say such a sentence, the others immediately looked at the snake spirit.

Modern society, well, where did the old god come from...

The girl didn't care what other people thought, she stepped in front of Ren Shuai, and said excitedly: "That's right, the old fairy is you, I can't be wrong!"

Ren Shuai thought to himself that this was a brain damage... a fan.

Most likely because I watched "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds" played by myself, and fell in love with the old god.

But there is no need to scream in the street, it feels strange to call him an old fairy in front of so many people.

No wonder the way everyone looked at her changed. There was nothing wrong with her mind and she couldn't do such a thing.

"Are you Li Laifu?" The girl continued to ask.

Ren Shuai could only reluctantly nod his head, ready to take a photo with the other party.

The girl was in high spirits immediately, and clapped her hands together and said, "Let me just say, the old fairy is the concierge of our school. My roommate still doesn't believe me, and threatened to live broadcast the one standing upside down, ahem, she will fall into my hands now." Yes, haha!"

Ren Shuai petrified in situ.

I dare to feel that she is so excited just to make sure of her roommate.

At this time, Ren Shuai just wanted to leave quickly, and he didn't want to talk to this nervous mixed-race girl at all.

However, the girl didn't let him go. She stepped to stop Ren Shuai, and said with a warm smile, "Uncle Li, I am Qian Meigui, the president of our school's publicity agency. Are you interested in participating in a campus interview?"

"Not interested in."

Ren Shuai resolutely refused, and walked towards the cafeteria.

The other onlookers watched Ren Shuai leave, and did not stop him any longer, and felt a little sympathetic for him.

"Walking on the road, I was targeted by a snake spirit disease for no reason. The uncle is so pitiful, and he was almost wronged."

The onlookers couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"In my opinion, that girl is even more pitiful. She looks pretty good, but unfortunately her brain is not very good. Why did she focus on an old man?" The classmate next to her shook her head regretfully.

"Don't be sorry, are you envious of her good looks? You changed your mind."


Ren Shuai walked into the cafeteria, but the girl named Qian Meigui followed him all the time.

"Uncle Li, I sincerely invite you. Our campus interview column is very good, and it is well-known in the school."

Ren Shuai didn't want to talk, he felt that this classmate Qian Meigui just wanted to leave evidence that he played the role of the old fairy after the interview, so as to further pinpoint her roommate.

Ren Shuai didn't want to get involved.

Seeing that he was unmoved, Qian Meigui said with emotion and reason: "Sir, don't think we are just a campus radio station, but the funds are very generous, and guests who are interviewed can get 500 yuan as a reward." .”

Ren Shuai stopped eating for a while, turned his head and said, "I'm very busy and have to go to work, so the interview time can't be too long."

He thought to himself, although this classmate has a bad mind, he is still very good at doing things and knows what is to grasp the key points.

When Qian Meigui heard the words, she immediately showed a bright smile, and said straightforwardly: "Just one hour is enough. We are only broadcasting short programs and adopting the form of recorded interviews."

Ren Shuai was happier than him, and said directly: "Just now."

After speaking, Ren Shuai gave up the rice bowl with beaten tomatoes and eggs, and chose a Kung Pao chicken rice bowl instead.

Since there is extra money delivered to the door, of course we must improve the food and reward ourselves.

Qian Meigui didn't expect the uncle to be so decisive. He accepted the interview immediately without wasting any time.

There are not many people in the cafeteria now, and it is not too noisy. Removing the noise later will not affect the playback, so she nodded immediately: "Then let's sit in the corner, it's quieter over there."

Ren Shuai nodded happily, picked up the plate and walked towards the corner of the cafeteria.

Qian Meigui was secretly happy, as long as she got the interview materials of Uncle Li, her roommate would not be able to forgive her even if she wanted to.

Ren Shuai's guess was right. The main purpose of her interview was to watch her roommate do handstands live...

This woman has a dark heart.

After the two sat down, Qian Meigui took out her mobile phone, opened a professional recording software, and prepared for the interview.

Looking at the hot dishes on the dinner plate, Ren Shuai thought to himself that it was recording anyway, so eating and picking at the same time should not affect it.

So he began to enjoy the delicious Kung Pao Chicken Rice Bowl.

Qian Meigui was stunned. She didn't expect that someone could be more nervous than her. She was being interviewed here, and she didn't miss dinner on the other side.

She coughed lightly, and her tone became very standard: "Hello, Uncle Li, it's a great honor to invite you for an interview."

Ren Shuai took a mouthful of rice, and said "uh" in response.

Qian Meigui continued: "Many people must have paid attention to the newly released hit drama "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds" recently, and in the two episodes that were broadcast just yesterday, I believe that many people, like me, are fans of the role of the old fairy. "

After she entered the role of host, her whole state changed drastically. She didn't look carefree like usual, but looked very dignified.

Ren Shuai listened to her talking on his own, without making a sound, and lowered his head to concentrate on cooking.

"Many enthusiastic netizens are very curious about the actor who plays the old fairy. They even searched for his information on the Internet, only to find that this actor named Li Laifu is very mysterious. Today I found this teacher Li for everyone."

"Mr. Li, you played the old fairy very successfully and won the love of many netizens. I would like to ask how you took on this role?"

After Qian Meigui made a brief opening statement, she finally asked the first question.

Ren Shuai swallowed a mouthful of food, cleared his throat and said, "By chance."

Qian Meigui waited for the next article, but found that Ren Shuai lowered his head to pick up the rice again.

"Uncle Li, what kind of coincidence is it?" she asked.

Ren Shuai thought about it. It would be a waste of time to explain the cause and effect. The key is to delay eating.

He concluded: "The director has set his sights on me."

 The first update, please recommend, ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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