Chapter 114

Qian Meigui didn't expect Ren Shuai to answer the question so easily and quickly.

What she wants to know most is why the director chose a porter instead of professional actors.

I could only take the initiative to ask: "I forgot to introduce Mr. Li's identity just now. His job is our Meiying concierge, and the actor is just a part-time job. I really want to know how did Mr. Li cross the border and become an actor? "

Ren Shuai raised his head and said, "Play a play."

Qian Meigui didn't react for a long time, and it took a while to figure out the smell.

As long as you act in a TV series, you will naturally have the status of a cross-border actor. Isn't this nonsense.

But she didn't dare to make complaints like this. As a host, she must maintain proper professionalism. Since she couldn't ask anything, she should hurry up and change the topic.

Qian Meigui said with a smile: "For the general public, acting in TV is not something you can do if you want to. The old fairy you played is very vivid, and your acting skills are impeccable. Have you studied it?"

Ren Shuai said truthfully, "No."

Qian Meigui choked for a moment, feeling that this old man didn't follow the routine to answer the question.

How could that kind of acting be mastered without learning?

Ren Shuai was very honest in explaining the problem. He has a system and he has never learned acting, but he feels that his acting skills are not enough recently.

Sometimes I don’t know much about problems and I rely on my intuition to solve them, so I plan to study acting seriously and improve my performance level.

Originally, Qian Meigui just wanted to take care of her roommate and interview the concierge by the way, but now she has gradually developed a little interest in this man.

It is no ordinary talent for a concierge who has never studied acting to be able to play the old fairy so vividly.

"Mr. Li, the old fairy you played is so successful, do you ever think about playing other roles in the future?"

Ren Shuai nodded and said, "Thought about it."

Qian Meigui, as a graduate student in the Department of Broadcasting and Hosting, will not be perfunctory by the interviewee's two-word answer.

She asked: "Can you specifically talk about what kind of role you want to play?"

Ren Shuai swallowed a mouthful of diced chicken, and thought about it carefully.

This piece of diced chicken has too much salt.

Seeing him pondering for a long time, Qian Meigui must have said a few more words, with anticipation in his eyes.

Ren Shuai looked at her and smiled apologetically, "Sorry, I'm too salty. I'll go buy a bottle of water later."

Then he got up gracefully and walked towards the canteen, leaving Qian Meigui choking speechlessly.

She really shouldn't have expected too much from Uncle Li. After finally answering more than ten words, she turned out to ask for leave to buy water.

While she was smiling wryly, the mobile phone on the table rang.

Qian Meigui immediately paused the recording, picked up the phone and said, "Director Xiao, yes, I'm at school."

There was an anxious voice on the other end of the phone, speaking very fast, obviously something urgent.

When Ren Shuai came back from buying water, he saw Qian Meigui answering the phone with a cold face, and his tone was not polite.

"I'm just an intern host, and I'm not obliged to invite guests for the program group. Even if I'm a student of Meiying, I can't find a relationship."

On the other end of the phone, she didn't expect her to be tough, her tone softened a little, and she said a lot more.

As a bystander, Ren Shuai consciously didn't eavesdrop, mainly because the food would get cold if he didn't finish it.

Qian Meigui seemed a little annoyed by the words, her tone raised slightly.

"Don't say you give [-], even if you give [-] or [-], there is no way to hire someone who can both talk and dub.

There are no such students in our school, let alone teachers who meet the requirements.

The job of recruiting people should be the responsibility of the director team. Now that the skylight is about to be opened, they will blame us interns, don't even think about it. "

After finishing speaking, she hung up the phone very unhappy.

Then he looked up at Ren Shuai who was eating, feeling a little wronged, and a layer of mist formed in his eyes.

She thought to herself that she was bullied by her seniors during her internship at the TV station, and she finally interviewed a concierge, but she couldn't answer two words in three sentences.

It's so frustrating.

It's really hard being a host, I want to cry.

After Ren Shuai ate the last grain of rice, when he looked up, he saw Qian Meigui pouted and about to cry.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

Qian Meigui could hold back her mouth without opening her mouth, but when she opened her mouth, she couldn't help but shed tears, stumbling, "I just, thought, wanted to be the host, why, it didn't go so well..."

Ren Shuai was at a loss, only heard her say 10,000 taels on the phone, his heart moved slightly, and he asked: "Do you want to invite guests?"

Qian Meigui was feeling aggrieved in her heart, and wanted to find someone to confide in, since the concierge asked, she simply complained to him.

"I was an intern at a TV station, and I finally had the opportunity to participate in a dubbing program. As a result, some guests played pigeons in the program group. The director team couldn't find anyone temporarily, so they assigned the task to our interns, and required the guests to be topical. , can dub, only give [-] announcement fee.

If I can't find someone, the show opens the window, and the leader blames me, and the blame will be placed on my head, not to mention becoming a regular, and I don't even have to be an intern. "

The more she spoke, the angrier she became, and the tears fell down again.

Ren Shuai looked at her pear blossoms with rain, and felt a little unbearable, and he was definitely not attracted to the 5000 yuan.

"Look, am I suitable?" He suggested himself.

Qian Meigui, who was crying and concentrating, was so dazed that she forgot to shed tears, and looked at Ren Shuai suspiciously.

The concierge wants to participate in the show?

It's not Hu...

No, it seems to work.

Qian Meigui's long eyelashes flickered twice, and the eyes were full of light.

As a concierge, Uncle Li plays an old fairy across borders, which is very topical in itself. In addition, "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds" is currently on the air, and the actors in it all have their own enthusiasm.

If you invite him to participate in the program, there is absolutely no problem in terms of topicality, it's just dubbing...

Qian Meigui tentatively asked, "Have you ever studied dubbing?"

Ren Shuai took the time to glance at the dubbing card in the system, thinking that with this card in hand, the stage can go.

"I can."

He can only say this because he doesn't want to waste a dubbing card for a demo.

Although the recognition is now in the thousands, and all the tool cards can be bought, but they can't be squandered.

Seeing that he answered so firmly, Qian Meigui immediately raised her hand to wipe away her tears and said, "Then can you demonstrate to me?"


Ren Shuai raised the water bottle in his hand and said, "It's salty today."

Qian Meigui's mood was ups and downs, and she finally chose to believe in the concierge, and could only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

If she can't invite guests, she will definitely take the blame, and her internship career will be ruined. It's better to let Teacher Li try.

After reading, she stood up and bowed solemnly: "Thank you very much this time. If I can keep my job, I will definitely treat you to a big meal."

Ren Shuai waved his hand calmly, acting like a master.

"You don't need to invite me to dinner or something, just settle the interview fee first."

Thousand Roses: ...

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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