From janitor to actor

Chapter 115 Preparing to Record

Chapter 115 Preparing to Record
Early in the morning, Ren Shuai began to wash and dress up.

Today I am going to the TV station to make money, no, record a program.

The name of this program is "Magnetic Charm", and it is a dubbing program.

After Qian Meigui communicated with the program team, the program director readily agreed and expressed satisfaction with Qian Meigui's work efficiency.

Choreographer Xiao, who was talking to her before, thought that Qian Meigui was ignorant, but dared to openly contradict her seniors, and her internship career would definitely die early.

Unexpectedly, Qian Meigui is a person who thinks he is upright, hangs up the phone one second and refuses, and starts looking for someone the next second.

And also found a very suitable candidate.

When editor-director Xiao saw Qian Meigui, he said in a tone of hatred: "Tell me about you. If you don't know what to say, you dare to hang up on me. Isn't this a beautiful thing? Don't do it next time." Speaking, that is, I have a good temper, if others would have been angry."

Qian Meigui smiled and nodded, thinking that if I didn't find Uncle Li to participate in the show, you might not know how to curse him.

While talking to Qian Meigui about the script, director Xiao sighed: "It's because you have a deep foundation in beauty film, and you can find a suitable candidate if you say that you can find it. Unfortunately, you said that you have neither a suitable classmate nor a suitable teacher, so you can find someone." Well."

Qian Meigui muttered in a low voice: "I'm not talking nonsense, Uncle Li is neither a student nor a teacher."

Although her voice was low, Director Xiao still heard it, and asked doubtfully, "Isn't this Teacher Li from your school?"

Qian Meigui nodded immediately and said, "Yes, Uncle Li is the concierge of our school."

"Door, porter?"

Choreographer Xiao suspected that his ears had misheard.

He raised his tone and said, "Your school concierge, the old fairy who played "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds"?"

"That's right, Uncle Li's acting skills are really good." Qian Meigui said proudly.

Choreographer Xiao didn't slow down for a while, and asked after a while: "Has he studied acting?"

"No, Uncle Li is gifted." Qian Meigui said naturally.

She completely forgot how shocked she was when she heard Ren Shuai say that for the first time.

Director Xiao's hand holding the script slightly trembled, and asked in a trembling voice, "Has Mr. Li ever studied dubbing?"

"No, but he will, so don't worry."

Qian Meigui showed a smile that even she didn't feel at ease.

I thought I could only gamble, and hoped that Uncle Li would not cheat himself.

However, director Xiao did not think so.

Since the show was about to start broadcasting, Ren Shuai was recruited too hastily, and he didn't have time to rehearse. Now he seriously doubts whether this porter will be able to dub!
Although it was recorded and broadcast, it is impossible to find other guests to make up the recording. If the concierge makes a mess on stage, the sound will not be shaped at all, and the effect of the program will definitely be quite impressive.

This dubbing program is very serious, not a comedy program.

Director Xiao suddenly had the urge to strangle Qian Meigui to death.

Why did the program team find such a nervous and unreliable intern? He really wanted to take back all the compliments he had just said.

But it was hard to get over the water. At this time, Ren Shuai had already put on his makeup, entered the preparation room, and waited for the recording of the show to start.

He was the first to enter the preparation room, and there were three empty seats next to him.

Ren Shuai checked the script with the choreographer and director. Since he was a temporary replacement, the original guest was not a high-ranking guest, and the process was pre-determined to be a round tour.

That is to say, Ren Shuai only needs to participate in the first two dubbing competitions today, and then he will miss the final round of PK due to the number of votes behind.

Although it was the first time to come to the TV station to record a program, Ren Shuai was not nervous.

The main reason is that he has a dubbing card, he has a bottom line in his heart, and secondly, he knows that he only focuses on participating, purely making up the numbers, and leaving after two rounds, and there is no psychological burden.

Just after he took a sip of hot water comfortably, the door of the preparation room was pushed open.

A young girl in a pink dress came in. She was not tall, with big eyes, and she looked very cute.

Seeing that Ren Shuai was sitting on the chair in an even and stable manner, and he didn't look too young, she thought to herself that he was definitely an old man in the industry.

But it's a bit strange, I don't think I've seen her before, but it's not long since she debuted, so it's normal that she doesn't know all the people.

She hurriedly bowed and said hello: "Hi senior, I am singer Liu Fu."

Ren Shuai nodded politely, "Hi, I'm Li Laifu."

He had never heard of Liu Fu's name in his memory, so he must be a newcomer.

Ren Shuai usually doesn't listen to many songs, nor has he paid much attention to the music scene, so naturally he doesn't know about Liu Fu.

She is a rising star in the music scene recently, and she has already had 2 songs on the Golden Song Chart in more than 3 years since her debut.

Although their popularity is not particularly high now, they already have many loyal fans, and their achievements will be limitless in the future, and they are highly valued by their agency.

This time Liu Fu participated in the program purely for playing songs and increasing exposure.

She looked at the seats and found that Ren Shuai was sitting on the first sofa to the left. She wondered if the seats were arranged according to seniority, but it was not mentioned in the script before.

So Liu Fu consciously sat on the first sofa on the right, counting from the left, she was the last one.

The two chose sofas at both ends, leaving two seats in the middle, just like the air between them, which was a little embarrassing.

Liu Fu thought that since she was a newcomer, she should be the first to break the silence in front of her seniors, so she took the initiative to say, "Senior, you must have a lot of dubbing experience. I'm still a newcomer. Please give me your advice when the show starts."

Ren Shuai laughed and said, "It's my first time dubbing, and I have no experience."

Liu Fu was going to start the conversation along the way, asking for some skills, but suddenly found something was wrong when she opened her mouth.

The senior's answer was different from what she thought, how should I answer this.

She didn't have much social experience, so she changed the subject a bit bluntly: "Then do you usually like listening to music?"

Liu Fu subconsciously directed the topic to her own professional field, so that she could chat more.

Ren Shuai said politely, "It's okay."

Liu Fu breathed a sigh of relief, the senior finally didn't answer that he didn't listen to the song.

"Then whose song do you usually like to listen to?" She asked with a smile.

Ren Shuai subconsciously wanted to talk about Jay Chou, but quickly put it away. There is no Jay in this world, so he had an idea: "I like to listen to old songs."

Liu Fu suddenly laughed and said, "Me too, which old song do you like to listen to the most?"

Ren Shuai wanted to kiss him goodbye, but quickly stopped and said, "Friend."

In what world would there not be an old song called Friend? It's not wrong to say so.

Liu Fu fell into deep thought.

She thinks that the depth and breadth of the playlist are incredible, but she can't think of an old song called friends.

 The first update, please recommend, ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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