From janitor to actor

Chapter 116 Surprise?

Chapter 116 Surprise?

Ren Shuai saw Liu Fu's doubts, and thought to himself, is there really no friends in this world?

"Cough cough."

He coughed lightly: "The song is too old, you are still young, it's normal that you haven't heard it before."

At this time, the advantage of being older is highlighted. As long as you say that you are still young, you can solve all problems.

As expected, Liu Fu believed it, and nodded knowingly, thinking that her playlist was not rich enough, so she would look for this song called "Friends" to listen to when she returned home.

She was still waiting to continue the topic, Ren Shuai was afraid of making too many mistakes, so he immediately turned passive into active: "Whose song do you like?"

Liu Fu immediately spit out a name.

"Srilan Bonnie Hathaway."

Ren Shuai was speechless, this was obviously not a singer from Yezhou, even if he was, he didn't know him.

Just when the two were about to fall into an embarrassing atmosphere again, the door of the preparation room was pushed open again, and a middle-aged actor with back hair walked in.

Liu Fu quickly stood up from the sofa, bowed and said hello, "Mr. Fei, I'm the singer Liu Fu."

"Haha, you're welcome, I've heard Xiao Liu's song, it's very good." The visitor responded with a smile.

Ren Shuai glanced at the person who came, and found that it was the actor Fei Xiaodong. He remembered watching the TV series he starred in.

He was popular more than ten years ago, and he played the lead role in several urban dramas. He looks pretty good, but his reputation has declined in the past few years, and he has changed to play some villains or male lead.

Fei Xiaodong also saw Ren Shuai and found out that it was someone he didn't know, but he didn't show any neglect.

Judging from his age, the other party was definitely his senior.

So Fei Xiaodong walked over to shake hands with Ren Shuai very enthusiastically and said, "Hello, teacher, I am Fei Xiaodong."

Ren Shuai also got up and shook hands, "Hi, I'm Li Laifu."

Fei Xiaodong had never heard of this name before, and he was 100% sure that he did not know him, but years of experience in society told him that a person of this age must be very qualified.

Maybe this Mr. Li is not from the entertainment industry, maybe he is a master in other fields.

So the smile on his face was even more pervasive, and he nodded politely: "Mr. Li, I have been admiring you for a long time."

Of course Ren Shuai knew that he was being polite, and he boasted to each other in a very commercial way: "I have seen many of your works, and your acting skills are very good."

Seeing the enthusiastic communication between the two, Liu Fu found that Teacher Fei knew Teacher Li, and he was the kind of person who had admired him for a long time. She thought that it was because she was ignorant and her social circle was too narrow, so she didn't know a senior like Teacher Li.

After exchanging a few simple greetings, Fei Xiaodong was ready to choose a seat, looking at the two empty seats in the middle, one was next to Ren Shuai and the other was next to Liu Fu.

He and Ren Shuai didn't know each other at all, and they didn't even have a topic to talk about when they sat together. It would be better to sit next to the little beauty. He had followed Liu Fu's songs and could chat for a while.

Besides, who wouldn't want to chat next to a beautiful woman.

Now there is only one guest, and the three of them don't look too awkward sitting in the room, Ren Shuai drinks water quietly, Fei Xiaodong and Liu Fu chat softly.

At this time, a director came in and informed the three of them that they were going to start the machine now and record some conversations between the preparation rooms as broadcast material.

Then a cameraman walked in and signaled everyone to get started.

In addition to a live photographer, the cameras set up around the preparation room also turned on small red lights, adjusting their angles to focus on the three of them.

Probably feeling that all the people present were seniors, Liu Fu took the initiative to speak, and first led the topic to the program.

"We are short of a guest today, do the two teachers know who it is?"

Fei Xiaodong smiled and waved his hands and said, "The program group has done such a good job of keeping secrets that I don't even know whether the guests are male or female."

"Then how about you make a blind guess?" Liu Fu laughed.

Fei Xiaodong is a veteran in the entertainment industry, he knows that when doing variety shows, he must pay attention to the effect, so he must guess who is the hottest one.

So he said cheerfully: "Then I guess Shen Luxi will come. Recently, "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds" she acted in is currently on the air."

Liu Fu nodded seriously and said, "If she comes, I will definitely sign her name. The fairy she plays is so beautiful."

After speaking, she turned her eyes to Ren Shuai.

Ren Shuai, who had watched many variety shows in his previous life, naturally knew how to make fun of it, guessing a popular star for the sake of the show's effect.

However, he knew very few popular stars, and most of the actors he had followed before were out of date.

There are only two or three people I have met recently, and I can't talk nonsense for the effect of the show, I have to guess a little bit.

He picks and chooses from the few top people he knows, thinking about those who have the ability to participate in the dubbing program.

He said, "I guess Ji Mingxi."

"Wow, is it possible? Since he acted in "Flying Sword and Immortal Book", he has been very popular." Liu Fu said with a smile.

She thought to herself that Mr. Li had a sense of variety show, knew how to get popular, and guessed at those popular first-line stars.

Just as she finished speaking, someone pushed the preparation room away, and a tall figure in a dark blue suit walked in.

Liu Fu looked up, her eyes widened immediately.

Unexpectedly, it was really Ji Mingxi!
Ji Mingxi, who had just entered the door, was about to say hello, but found that everyone in the room was looking at him in surprise.

Is there something wrong with my makeup today? Is my eyebrows crooked?
He suddenly murmured in his heart.

Liu Fu said in surprise, "Mr. Li, you guessed it right."

Fei Xiaodong also laughed and said, "Teacher Li is really amazing, maybe he knew it in advance, haha."

It was only after the two had finished speaking that Ji Mingxi realized that they were guessing who the last guest was.

Apparently someone had guessed him.

Ji Mingxi followed their eyes to look in, and found that the person on the sofa looked familiar, but he was a little unsure.

Ren Shuai greeted him with a smile: "Xiao Ji, I didn't expect it to be you."

Ren Shuai was also very surprised. He never thought that he would just pick someone he knew and hit the spot.

Ji Mingxi saw it clearly now, and was instantly surprised: "Li Da, uh, Teacher Li, you, why are you here?"

He really didn't expect that the program team would invite the concierge of his school to participate in the recording.

I clearly heard that this is a serious program, not a funny one.

He thought about it quickly, wondering if the program team wanted to give him a surprise, or that the recording of "Once Upon a Time" with the uncle last time was so effective that the program team wanted to follow suit to increase the ratings.

While thinking about it, Ji Mingxi walked towards Ren Shuai, hugged him warmly and said, "I'm not nervous when I see you coming, it's so kind."

Ren Shuai thought to himself, what do you mean.

Their actions misunderstood Liu Fu and Fei Xiaodong next to them.

Fei Xiaodong thought to himself, Ji Mingxi was born in Meiying, so he must be very familiar with this teacher Li who is so warm and friendly.

And thinking that he had never heard of Li Laifu's name in the entertainment circle, it is very likely that this is a teacher from Meiying.

Liu Fu was even more certain of her guess. Teacher Li was a senior in the industry. Both Teacher Fei and Teacher Ji knew him, but she was the only one who didn't know him. It was really embarrassing.

 Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommendation!

(End of this chapter)

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