From janitor to actor

Chapter 117 Hell Difficulty

Chapter 117 Hell Difficulty
After Ji Mingxi greeted Ren Shuai, he turned around to say hello to Fei Xiaodong and Liu Fu.

After the four of them arrived, they took their seats, and Ji Mingxi naturally had no choice but to sit next to Ren Shuai.

Fei Xiaodong jokingly said, "Mr. Li is very familiar with Mingxi. Let me tell you why Mr. Li's guess is so accurate. It turns out that you have already passed your breath, haha."

Ji Mingxi waved his hand and said, "I'm also very surprised that Teacher Li came to participate in the program. It must have been deliberately arranged by the program team."

Director Xiao, who had been sitting in the director's studio, was confused.

Since turning it on, he has been watching the monitor with trepidation, fearing that the concierge will do something wrong.

However, the development of things was a bit beyond his expectation.

Ji Mingxi, the heavyweight guest who paid a lot of money in this issue, actually looks very familiar with the porter.

How is this possible?
There shouldn't be any intersection between the two, right? Wait, Ji Mingxi seems to have graduated from Meiying as well.

In this way, it is not surprising that he knows the porter, but the warm embrace between the two of them may be more than just acquaintance.

Since the concierge was able to play the role of the old fairy and was a great success, he might have some strength.

But acting skills and dubbing are two different things. If you really want to dub the voice, the audience can't see the voice actor's face.

Besides, whether the dubbing effect is good or not does not depend on the voice alone, it also depends on whether it fits well with the performance of the characters in front of the camera.

Only what is suitable is the best.

The clips prepared by the program group for several actors are all carefully selected, and they are works that are very familiar to the audience.

The real test of the dubbing skills of the guests is whether they can perfectly restore these classic clips.

Ren Shuai came here purely for fifteen thousand dollars, and didn't pay attention to the dubbing clips, letting the program group make arrangements.

Since he was the last confirmed guest, the clips were the ones picked by the others, and they were also the most difficult.

Ren Shuai didn't care about this at all. Anyway, he has a dubbing card in his hand, and any sound is the same to him.

But others don't think so.

Several people in the preparation room saw the few clips selected by Ren Shuai, and they could only show their admiration with their thumbs up.

Those clips are either extremely demanding on the power of sound shaping, or they are too classic to be reproduced at all.

Ji Mingxi thought that the program team must have invited Uncle Li to add comedy elements, and asking him to choose such a difficult segment was completely out of the attitude of breaking the can.

Anyway, as long as there is joy, it's over, it doesn't matter whether the match is good or not.

And Fei Xiaodong guessed that Mr. Li might be a professor of the dubbing department, who has the pinnacle of voice shaping ability, a person with a high level of art is bold, and dares to choose such a difficult segment to challenge.

He could only hold back and be indifferent to those few fragments.

If you want to match those ultra-difficult clips well, it is not only about the ability to shape the voice, but also has high requirements for the voice of the actors themselves.

As a singer, Liu Fu has a better understanding of the control of voice. When she saw the clips chosen by Ren Shuai, her admiration poured down like a waterfall.

I didn't expect to meet such a powerful old artist in a program.

She had carefully watched the clips selected by Ren Shuai, and it would be okay if it was just one, as long as she had a relatively strong ability to shape the voice.

But the difficulty is that these clips have no intersection at all, and they are completely irrelevant, and the sound span is extremely large.

This is not supported by simple shaping power. Even with a strong voice talent, it is almost impossible to complete these few clips in a short period of time.

Because of dubbing in this way, the damage to the voice is too great, and it is likely to cause loss of voice.

There is no need for guests to work so hard just to participate in a show.

Unless, Mr. Li is very comfortable with the selected clips, and he doesn't worry about burdening his voice at all.

But this completely made Liu Fu unbelievable.

To be able to complete these few clips without worrying about voice problems is simply not within the reach of human beings.

Unless it's not human.

Ren Shuai is a pure layman, so he doesn't know what fragments he chose.

He just randomly selected from the few materials left in the program group, completely at random.

I didn't know that it happened to collect a large collection of hell difficulty.

At this moment, Director Xiao, who was in front of the monitor, couldn't sit still anymore, grabbed his hair and shouted: "Who arranged the dubbing clips for Mr. Li, why are these few?"

Due to the rush of time, director Xiao mainly focused on Ji Mingxi and other important guests, and didn't pay attention to Ren Shuai who made up the numbers, so he didn't know what dubbing clips he chose.

But just now when the machine was turned on, several guests showed the dubbing clips, and he was about to collapse on the spot.

This Mr. Li is a concierge himself. Even if he played the role of the old fairy across the border is considered a success, he can't be like this.

Were those dubbing clips something he could do?
It's a layman's choice at a glance.

The assistant editor-director ran in after hearing the sound, and whispered to the editor-director Xiao: "This Mr. Li contacted the program team late, and there are not many clips left, but these are all selected by him."

Choreographer Xiao gritted his teeth and said, "Then you wouldn't suggest him to choose a few simpler ones?"

The assistant editor said aggrievedly: "He is an old artist, how dare we comment on it."

"How old is he... Oh, forget it."

Director Xiao was in the middle of speaking, he let himself down first, thinking that Ren Shuai himself is a concierge, even if he chooses easy clips, it will not be worthy of any effect.

The result was the same, he accepted his fate.

Anyway, this guest was found by Qian Meigui, and she will be the one to blame for the failure of the recording, so I will only receive a few reprimands at most.

At this time the host had already stepped onto the stage, and the [-] audience members in the studio applauded.

"Everyone at the scene, audience friends in front of the TV, hello everyone, I am the host Lan Yixin, and welcome to the all-star dubbing program "Magnetic Charm" created by Comet TV."

Lan Yixin is one of the hostesses of Comet TV's leading actresses. She follows the route of intellectual maturity, and her whole person exudes a calm and calm feeling.

After she finished her opening remarks, she raised her finger to the side of the stage and said, "Let us welcome today's review guests, they are from..."

After introducing the guests one by one, Lan Yixin pointed to the left side of the stage and said with a smile: "These are the cheerleaders we invited, and they are responsible for canvassing and cheering for today's celebrity guests."

There were a few young faces over there, and they all showed bright smiles when they saw the camera, including Qian Meigui.

These people are the backup hosts that Comet TV is going to cultivate.

Originally, with Qian Meigui's qualifications, she couldn't show her face, but because of her excellent appearance, she was chosen to show her face by the way.

Otherwise, she would not be blamed for finding someone temporarily for the program group.

Although Qian Meigui had a bright smile on the surface, she had no idea at all in her heart. Her future depended on Ren Shuai's performance at the moment.

As soon as the camera turned, it aimed at the center of the stage, and four mosaic-covered screens lit up.

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(End of this chapter)

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