From janitor to actor

Chapter 118 Dubbing debut

Chapter 118 Dubbing debut
Host Lan Yixin turned to face the back of the stage.

"Next, let us welcome the four mysterious dubbing guests with warm applause."

Seeing the camera turn around, the four people in the preparation room made various greeting gestures to greet the audience.

Their microphones have undergone voice-changing processing, and they can't tell who they are through the voice of greeting.

Lan Yixin said through the big screen: "Four teachers, please sit down and introduce yourself."

There is no definite order for the self-introduction link when facing the script, but according to the usual practice, it starts from the lowest rank to the highest rank.

Liu Fu felt that she was at the bottom of the list in terms of qualifications and popularity in front of the three of them, so she said consciously, "Then ladies are the priority. Hello, everyone. My nickname is Pink Maruko. I hope everyone will like my voice."

Although the identities of the guests are kept secret, the gender is clear at a glance and there is nothing to hide.

After Liu Fu's introduction, Ren Shuai felt that it was his turn.

As a result, Fei Xiaodong answered the conversation very positively: "Hello everyone, I am Fried Ice Cube. I am very happy to communicate with you through voice."

Ren Shuai thought that it was his turn this time. Ji Mingxi is now at the peak of popularity, and his popularity and traffic are absolutely top-notch. He is the core guest of this issue, and he will definitely be the finale.

It just so happened that Ji Mingxi cast his eyes on Ren Shuai.

"Hello everyone."

"Hello everyone."

The two spoke in unison.

Ren Shuai looked over in surprise, thinking to himself, Ji Mingxi, don't you have a clue about your coffee position? You just made eye contact just now, why are you still grabbing my words.

On the other hand, Ji Mingxi smiled wryly, thinking that the uncle really has no experience, and he even gave him a look with his eyes to introduce him first, so why did he still want to get ahead of him.

Although Ji Mingxi is young, he is relatively modest, and usually comes to affairs. Although he knows that he will be the last to be introduced according to the coffee position, he doesn't want others to use the coffee position to talk about things, so he wants to speak in the middle.

After the two were introduced at the same time, Lan Yixin quickly controlled the field and said: "It seems that the guests are very eager to say hello to everyone. Since the first two guests were introduced in order of seating, the two teachers will continue to come in order. "

Ren Shuai shut up decisively when he heard the words, he was the last one, and naturally he started the introduction last.

Ji Mingxi nodded with a smile and said: "Hello, everyone, I am a big elf from the small forest. I am very happy to participate in this program and look forward to meeting you all later."

This time it was finally Ren Shuai's turn to introduce, he said straightforwardly without any nonsense: "Hello everyone, I am the porter."

After listening to this introduction, Ji Mingxi was shocked, thinking that Mr. Li, you are too straightforward.

The host didn't expect his introduction to be so concise, so he answered with a smile: "It seems that our concierge has a lot of personality, let's look forward to it together, our first sound show will start soon, all guests please do well Ready for the competition."

Before the official start, everyone has a five-minute audition time to adjust their mood and state.

Ren Shuai looked at the script book in his hand. He had tried a few times before, but he didn't use the dubbing card, just to find out the time of pause and the opening of breathing.

After all, the dubbing card is only valid for 6 hours, and I don’t know how long it will take to record a program, so save it and use it.

The order of appearances this time was arranged by the program team, and it was completely sorted from low to high, and Ren Shuai was the first one.

While he was getting ready, the program director quietly walked into the preparation room, stood outside the camera lens, holding a piece of paper.

It said: "Temporarily adjust the order of appearances. The original scheduled Teacher Li will appear last, and Liu Fu will appear first. Thank you!"

This decision was temporarily requested by director Xiao. After he knew the details of the concierge, he had great doubts about whether Ren Shuai could dub smoothly.

After he saw the clip Ren Shuai chose, his doubts turned into certainty that Ren Shuai would never be able to complete the dubbing smoothly.

Based on this judgment, he decided not to let the concierge be the first to appear on stage, otherwise today's show would be ruined at the beginning of recording, which would have a very bad impact on the rest.

It's better to put the concierge at the end, at worst, it's an easter egg of the show, a funny part of the arrangement.

People in the preparation room saw the prompt and expressed their understanding.

For experienced guests, it is normal to have adjustments in the process of participating in variety shows, because many unexpected things will always happen on the scene.

Liu Fu was a little nervous when she went from second to first, but she had already practiced the clips in private, so she was quite confident.

She chose a cartoon titled "The Son with the Big Face and the Dad Who Slapped the Face".

She was assigned the role of a son, and for a girl, it is very suitable to dub a cartoon boy.

The performance went smoothly, and there was warm applause from the scene.

Next is Fei Xiaodong, who has rich experience and stable performance.

When it was Ji Mingxi's turn, the host specially chatted a few more words to fill up the audience's anticipation.

The dubbing object he chose is quite different from his personal image. It is a military-themed commander with a rough voice.

"Brothers, rush for me!"

When the last sound fell, there was a very warm applause at the scene.

Not much to say, Ji Mingxi has a little talent in the field of dubbing, and he can match this kind of broken voice perfectly.

Finally, it was Ren Shuai's turn to play. The segment he wanted to dub was a classic comedy with a high popularity.

The comedian's voice is very distinctive and of the memorable type.

For ordinary people, just reading this line smoothly in a short period of time is already a remarkable thing.

Not to mention the need to control and shape the sound in this case, so that the voice is exactly the same as the original.

Ren Shuai seized the time and decisively used the dubbing card.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for using the dubbing card, the sound shaping ability has been improved]

He felt a coolness in his throat, looked at the lines in his hand, recalled the voice of the original film in his mind, and tried to read a sentence softly.

"I made a wish when I was a child..."

The voice of this sentence can only be heard by himself. After Ren Shuai finished speaking, he decisively covered his mouth.

This voice is stable.

Produced by the system, it is indeed a high-quality product.

Ren Shuai's challenge now is not how to shape his voice, but how to finish his lines in one breath without interruption.

"Mr. Concierge, are you ready?" The host Lan Yixin began to advance the process.

Ren Shuai raised his hand to signal that it was all right.

Several people in the preparation room were looking forward to his performance, and all turned their heads to pay attention to him.

And Qian Meigui, who was sitting in the cheerleading seat, closed her eyes tightly, silently meditating on the blessings of the gods, and hoped that the uncle would not mess up.

Director Xiao in front of the monitor sighed softly, thinking that today's recording accident might be coming, but he was powerless to stop it.

Ren Shuai's voice acting debut is about to begin.

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(End of this chapter)

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