From janitor to actor

Chapter 119 God Restored

Chapter 119 God Restored

Ren Shuai stood in front of the microphone, looked at the small screen in front of him, and pressed the remote control.

The picture starts playing synchronously on the big screen in the studio.

The protagonist wears a pair of flip flops, climbs up a section of the wall, sits there and begins to look up at the stars.

"When I was young, I made a wish. When I grow up, I will marry a beautiful wife, raise two dogs and three cats, live in a luxury villa with a swimming pool, and earn a lot of money every day without going to work. Do charity to support the poor to lift them out of poverty and provide them with the opportunity to go to school, education and work. Now that I have grown up, I just hope that my hair will stop falling out.”

After reading this passage, Ren Shuai took a sudden breath.

Almost suffocated.

Fortunately, the segment is not long, and this is the only line.

He took off his earphones, turned around and was about to go back to his seat, but found that the three people in the preparation room looked at him with horror in their eyes.

At the same time, no one spoke to the [-] spectators sitting outside, and the audience was silent.

Many people had doubts and shock on their faces.

The host, Lan Yixin, even forgot how fast he was going on stage.

Thousand Roses in the cheerleading team has the illusion that she is daydreaming.

Director Xiao has already made preparations to deal with unexpected accidents, and the draft has been prepared in his heart, just waiting for the gatekeeper to make a mistake.

However, however.
I'm afraid it wasn't a mistake when the video was played in the dubbing room, and the original sound was not turned off.

With a "wow", after a short silence, the scene boiled instantly.

The audience burst into warm applause.

Lan Yixin finally came back to his senses, and walked onto the stage in amazement.

"This janitor, isn't it Mr. Zhou himself who starred in the segment?"

There are not a few people who have the same idea as her, and many viewers suspect that it is me who came to dub the scene.

And the three people in the preparation room at this moment can fully confirm that this voice came from Teacher Li's mouth.

Liu Fu and Fei Xiaodong slowly regained their energy after being amazed for a short time, thinking in unison in their hearts that Mr. Li is indeed a professional, and the dubbing effect is excellent.

Only Ji Mingxi couldn't take it easy, he always thought that Uncle Li was here to make a joke.

The result is like this.

Can't say it's exactly the same, it's almost exactly the same.

In contrast, Ji Mingxi felt that he was the one who came to make a joke.

"clap clap"

The three of them applauded spontaneously.

"It's amazing, it's almost exactly the same as the original film."

Ji Mingxi sighed: "Master, you are really hiding something!"

Ren Shuai laughed and said, "I have to go back and practice my lung capacity, I almost lost my breath."

The host Lan Yixin smiled and said: "Mr. Kanmen is very humorous. Thank you for bringing us such a wonderful dubbing. The effect is really the same as watching the original film."

After a few words of admiration, she finally remembered to push the process, and continued: "Since the four guests have completed their dubbing, let's start the first round of voting."

"Every audience has a voting device in their hands. Keys 1 to 4 correspond to the four guests in sequence. The countdown counts down for 30 seconds and the voting begins."

After the host started, the young cheerleaders began to solicit votes for their favorite guests one by one.

The guests they assisted had been assigned long ago. Since Shuai Ren was low-ranking and it was a pre-determined round of tours, only Qian Meigui was arranged to canvass for him.

"The dubbing of the gatekeeper is so lifelike. If it wasn't because I knew him, I even suspected that it was Mr. Zhou himself who came to the scene just now. Everyone must vote a lot!"

Qian Meigui tried her best to pull the tickets, but the program team only gave her time for one sentence.

Qian Meigui wanted to solicit votes, but she had no chance.

Thirty seconds passed quickly, and the voting channel was closed.

Lan Yixin walked to the center of the stage and said, "The voting results have been transmitted to me in real time, and the four guest teachers can now choose pairs to prepare for the next round."

"Once two or more people choose the same teacher at the same time, they will be judged according to the number of votes. The teacher with the most votes can give priority to choosing a partner."

In the part stipulated by the program, in addition to individual dubbing, there is also partner dubbing.

Each guest chooses a segment of dialogue and cooperates with another guest to complete it.

"During the time when several teachers are choosing partners, do you have anything to say from the teachers of the professional judging panel?"

Lan Yixin looked to the left side of the stage, and ordered a person in charge of the dubbing team to comment.

The man had a big beard and wore small glasses. He took the microphone and said, "I want to focus on the concierge. This guest shocked me as soon as he spoke. I don't know if the audience felt it. I didn't recognize him." Any difference from the original sound."

He paused and then said: "I personally think there are two possibilities for this effect to be produced. One is that the teacher has a strong ability to shape the voice, and the other is that the teacher's own timbre is different from the one in the original film." Teacher Zhou is very similar."

Lan Yixin asked, "Then which one do you think is more likely?"

The bearded expert said with a smile: "I am more inclined to the second possibility, because I haven't seen a few people who can achieve that kind of strong voice shaping."

The implication is that it is difficult for the program group to invite guests of this level.

Even if there are, they are professional voice actors, and this program focuses on all-star dubbing, so it is inevitable that professional voice actors will not be hired to reduce dimensionality.

"Okay, let's wait and see."

Lan Yixin saw that the time was almost up, and began to turn his attention back to the preparation room.

Ren Shuai and the others have already chosen their favorite partner, and are waiting for the announcement of the result.

In the end, Ren Shuai won zero votes, obviously no guests were willing to partner with him.

This doesn't mean that other people look down on him, but it proves that the other three are afraid of his strength, for fear that if they are in a group with him, their brilliance will be obscured.

And Ren Shuai chose Liu Fu as his partner, the reason is very simple, in his next clip, there is a female voice dubbing.

Coincidentally, Ji Mingxi and Fei Xiaodong also chose Liu Fu.

The host looked at the result, smiled helplessly and said: "It seems that the teachers have a good understanding, so who has the highest votes and can cooperate with Teacher Wanzi?"

After a short period of suspense, Lan Yixin said the words "Master Janitor".

Obviously, Ren Shuai's super-restored dubbing in the last round conquered the audience.

Ji Mingxi saw the result, and immediately begged Ren Shuai with a bitter face: "Can you give me Teacher Wanzi? I chose a classic idol drama for the following clip. If there is no female voice, I can only let me or Teacher Bingkuang be male." Got a girl."

Ren Shuai thought about the scene, and it was quite beautiful.

Just when he was about to refuse, the program director quietly opened the door and walked in, holding a piece of paper in his hand.

Obviously, the director team has to make temporary adjustments to the process.

"Please cooperate with Teacher Li to change partners, thank you!"

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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