From janitor to actor

Chapter 120 Dubbing Ghosts

Chapter 120 Dubbing Ghosts
In fact, the program team also wanted to see the famous scene of Ji Mingxi or Fei Xiaodong's male supporting female, but the result of the next round of voting was directly related to whether they could be promoted.

Both Ji Mingxi and Fei Xiaodong are pre-determined to be promoted. Once the cooperation between the two fails, even if the program group cheats on the number of votes, it will not be able to stop the audience from raving about it.

The shady show voting will definitely be scolded on the hot search.

Ren Shuai is very clear about his position, he is just a guest.

Since the program team asked to switch partners, he is of course willing to cooperate.

Besides, Ji Mingxi has some relationship with him, so it's okay to take care of him.

So Ren Shuai nodded with a smile and said, "Okay, let's change."

The audience didn't know the behind-the-scenes operation of the choreographer and director team. Seeing that the gatekeeper happily agreed to the request of the great elf, they all thought that the teacher was very reasonable and kind, and their favorability gradually increased.

After several people in the preparation room reached an agreement, Ren Shuai and Fei Xiaodong were in a team, and Ji Mingxi was in a team with Liu Fu.

Two groups of partners need to dub four clips, two clips for each group.

Since Ren Shuai's group got more votes overall, Ji Mingxi's group dubbed first.

The clip Ji Mingxi chose was the classic dialogue between the male and female protagonists in "Let's Watch the Meteor Falling from the Sky".

And Liu Fu continued the style of the cartoon, choosing the famous detective scene in the classic children's drama "Little Detective with a Bow Tie".

The characters chosen by the two fit well with themselves. Although the dubbing is slightly different from the original, it also looks very harmonious when paired with the screen, which won warm applause.

Then came the combination of Ren Shuai and Fei Xiaodong.

The clip prepared by Fei Xiaodong is a father-son dialogue, in which the son is only 10 years old.

In the beginning, he chose Liu Fu because he wanted her to play the role of his son.

But now it seems that he can only match his son himself, and he can't let someone of Mr. Li's age match his son.

Not suitable.

Ren Shuai didn't care, he just followed Fei Xiaodong's choice.

But when Fei Xiaodong saw the clip of Ren Shuai, he was in a bad mood.

I only saw everyone's individual clips just now, and the two-person clips will only be released after choosing a partner.

Fei Xiaodong originally thought that he could escape the fate of being a female vocalist without having to team up with Ji Mingxi.

But what happened to Mr. Li?
I even chose a dialogue between a vixen and a faint king in a classic fairy tale, which is still very provocative.

Although the actor pays attention to liberating nature, Fei Xiaodong still feels very ashamed. In any case, it is impossible for him to play the vixen.

"Ms. Li, should we change the clip temporarily?"

Fei Xiaodong stood in the corner and quietly communicated with Ren Shuai.

Ren Shuai was hesitant when he heard this, he had finally mastered the breath and pause of this clip, if he changed it temporarily, at his pure novice level, it would definitely not match the mouth shape.

"I don't think so." Ren Shuai chose to refuse.

Fei Xiaodong's face suddenly became embarrassing, and he said tentatively: "My voice is really not good enough for a female voice."

Ren Shuai thought that he was worried about this, he waved his hand indifferently and said, "It's okay, I'll come."

Fei Xiaodong was startled, thinking that with your voice, you don't sound like someone who can match a female voice.

Besides, she is also a charming and charming vixen.

However, the preparation time is over, and the dubbing show is about to begin.

The first clip the two had was a tear-jerking dialogue in the tender father-son movie "You Are Not My Son".

Fei Xiaodong choked his voice, trying to look childish.

"Dad, why do you always say that I am like my mother, not like you?"

"Because you are not my son."

Ren Shuai's voice is very gentle, exactly the same as the actor famous for his subwoofer in the original film.

"Since I'm not your son, why did you raise me?"

"Because your mother entrusted you to me before she died."

"What about my biological father?"

"I don't know, your mother didn't tell me."

"Then how are you sure I'm not your own son?"

"Hey, don't ask."

In the picture, the hero hugged his son and shed sad tears.

The moment the scene ended, the audience began to whisper.

A pair of sisters sat under the stage, and they looked at each other in agreement. The elder sister said, "Was that dubbing by a single person or a duo just now?"

The younger sister spread her hands and said, "I think it's a single person. The actor's voice is the original voice, and only the son is dubbed."

There are not a few people who have this idea.

Before the audience can communicate more, the next dubbing show has already started.

The two interpreted the intimate dialogue between the faint king and the vixen in "My Nine-Tailed Fox Queen".

Fei Xiaodong pinched his throat too much just now to pretend to be tender, but now his vocal cords are a little uncomfortable, and his voice is slightly hoarse, which just coincides with the rough voice of the Hunjun.


The king in the picture took two steps across, walked to the side of the nine-tailed fox in a fiery red gauze, and put his arms around her waist.

The nine-tailed fox dodged flexibly, revealing a seductive laugh.

"Hehehe, the king is chasing me."

Ren Shuai opened his mouth and laughed out a series of silver bell-like voices.

Fei Xiaodong, who was standing next to him and was about to adjust his breath, was startled and almost choked in his throat.

If he hadn't stood nearby and heard it with his own ears, he would have suspected that the program crew was playing the recording.

Fei Xiaodong forced himself to restrain himself, trying to turn his attention back to the dubbing.

"Beauty, don't run away, let the widow take a good look at you."

After finishing this sentence, he quickly turned to look at Ren Shuai, staring at his mouth.

I saw Ren Shuai's lips opening and closing, crisp and sweet words mixed with a trace of laziness came out.

The vixen's unique tone and temperament were perfectly handled by Ren Shuai.

Fei Xiaodong felt a strong sense of dislocation at close range.

There was obviously an old senior standing beside him, but the words he said were no different from those of a girl, and he didn't know whether to say admiration or feel a chill down his back.

Sitting on the side, Ji Liu and the two had unprecedentedly the same expressions, staring at Ren Shuai with their mouths wide open as if they were looking at a mutant species.

The two of them intuitively felt this miraculous scene, and felt that Ren Shuai had put a tape recorder in his mouth, and the vixen's voice was played directly.

The audience whispered again.

"Now it's confirmed that it's a solo dubbing. There are no girls in the combination of the two of them. The voice of the vixen must be the original version."

"Is this considered shameless? The group just now was dubbed by two people."

"The combination of two male guests can't let a man match a female voice."

At this time, Lan Yixin picked up the microphone and said: "Thank you two teachers for bringing the works, the dubbing of the vixen just now really shocked me."

As his and her words fell, the scene was once again in an uproar.

"Is the vixen actually a dubbing?"

"No way, rough old men can actually make such a seductive voice, it's too scary."

"I don't trust loli voices on the Internet anymore."

Director Xiao, who had been sitting in the monitoring room, was in a mess.

He originally thought that the janitor would have a female voice, even if his voice was strong enough to produce a female voice, it would not be able to show the spirit of a vixen.

Unexpectedly, it was [-]% restored.

Dubbing genius.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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