From janitor to actor

Chapter 121 Shocking the scene

Chapter 121 Shocking the scene
After this round of dubbing ended, everyone's admiration for the gatekeeper was like a torrent of water.

The audience's enthusiasm for voting was unprecedentedly high, and the voting devices in their hands pressed and pressed the No. [-] button and clicked continuously.

Qian Meigui became excited. She didn't expect that she not only bet right this time, but also won the first prize.

Mr. Li is definitely a master of treasures.

Not only the acting is good, but the dubbing is also amazing.

Lan Yixin saw that the on-site discussion was very lively, and all the experts in the professional review booth could hardly sit still.

Especially the bearded expert who commented on Ren Shuai in the last round, he originally thought that Ren Shuai's voice was close to that of the comedian himself.

But after looking at it this time, even the vixen can be matched just right, obviously not only because of his voice, but definitely because of his excellent dubbing skills.

"Teachers, do you have anything to say about the dubbing show of the four guests?"

Lan Yixin first handed over the microphone to a college dubbing professor.

The person said: "The dubbing of the guests in this issue is remarkable, especially the teacher nicknamed the concierge, who performed very well. I am curious which teacher is sitting behind the scenes."

The rest of the people also expressed their compliments one after another, and several of them were obviously arranged. In addition to praising Ren Shuai, they also focused on praising Ji Mingxi.

Finally, the microphone was passed into the hands of the bearded man, and he said: "The two clips dubbed by the concierge teacher have a thinner and gentler voice, maybe his own voice is more suitable for this kind of role.

But even so, I also admire the teacher's strength, the dubbed two clips are exactly the same as the original film.

I'm a little curious.

The guests invited by the program group have never been professional dubbing actors. Why is this teacher, the gatekeeper, so professional? I can’t wait to see his true face. "

Lan Yixin took over the conversation with a smile: "Okay, since all the teachers and audience want to know the identities of the guests, let's start the exciting star real voice session immediately."

In this session, the guests will greet the audience with their own voices, and the audience will cheer after hearing the voice.

Guests with higher decibels will be given priority to come to the venue to meet everyone.

The four people in the preparation room greeted everyone one by one with their own voices, and several girls in the auditorium could no longer sit still.

They clearly recognized Ji Mingxi's voice, and they almost cheered excitedly.

Popularity is not necessarily directly proportional to strength.

Although Ji Mingxi's dubbing was not as shocking as Ren Shuai's, his voice was still number one.

When he met the audience, the fans were very enthusiastic, with constant noise and applause.

Then it was Ren Shuai's turn to play.

Everyone was curious about his identity and stretched their necks to look towards the center of the stage.

Ren Shuai stood on the lifting platform, gradually rose from the ground, turned around, and walked onto the stage calmly.

Originally, Ren Shuai, who was recording the show for the first time, should have been a little nervous, but he knew in his heart that it was just a round trip, so he was very relaxed.

When he walked onto the stage, the audience made doubtful voices.

Who is this teacher is a little unfamiliar.

Lan Yixin introduced in a timely manner: "In the recent hit drama "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds", there is a character that is firmly remembered by everyone, but this actor is very mysterious. Today we are honored to invite him, old fairy Teacher Li Laifu played the role!"

The audience suddenly realized that many people watched "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds", and the old gods in it did perform well, but most of them didn't pay much attention to this supporting role.

Today I saw his dubbing ability, and found out that I am a handsome uncle who looks very elegant, and I feel a little fancied.

Ren Shuai greeted the audience, then stood aside without speaking.

Looks very understated.

Then Liu Fu and Fei Xiaodong also came to the stage, and the four of them will then conduct a round of live dubbing show in front of the audience.

Director Xiao felt melancholy looking at the votes just counted.

Although the second round of voting was divided into partner dubbing and stage dubbing, but seeing Ren Shuai's far ahead of the votes, he thought to himself that it would be difficult to vote.

Unexpectedly, the concierge that Qian Meigui found was a ruthless character.

Choreographer Xiao only hoped that Ren Shuai would make a small mistake in the stage dubbing for a while, otherwise he would not be eliminated in this round.

If he is dragged down abruptly, the audience will definitely be dissatisfied and affect the reputation of the show.

But if he were to stay, it would be difficult for Fei Xiaodong, who was supposed to be promoted, to give up his schedule.

Before he could figure out a way to get the best of both worlds, the dubbing show on the stage had already begun.

Liu Fu didn't choose cartoons anymore, but chose a romance film called "A Coquettish Woman Is Better to Die".

There is a story about a woman coquettishly eating chicken legs. In front of a small booth in the picture, the woman coquettishly said to the male protagonist: "Chicken is so cute, how can you eat chicken legs! It's too cruel. I have raised chickens before, and I also Chicken, woo woo woo..."

Liu Fu mastered the coquettish and cute voice just right, and immediately received a lot of applause.

Fei Xiaodong's dubbing clip is the father in "My Dad's Girlhood", which is quite satisfactory.

When it was Ji Mingxi's turn, he was a bit of an idol, and he didn't dare to choose a segment with too much contrast. The dubbing object was the male protagonist in "The Brother Who Slept Faint on My Upper Bunk".

The actor's voice line and his follow-up post, the matching effect is good, coupled with the blessing of popularity, there are constant cheers at the scene.

When it was Ren Shuai's turn, everyone was full of anticipation. After seeing the clip selected by Ren Shuai, many question marks appeared in their hearts.

"Isn't the clip Mr. Li selected this time a bit simple?"

"Compared to the previous two clips, there are no bright spots in this segment."

"Looking forward to nothing, could it be that I have run out of skills and have no new skills?"

The clip that Ren Shuai chose was "Alien Mechs and Cocky Boys", the content is similar to Transformers.

Everyone felt that even if Ren Shuai could match a boy's voice, it would not be surprising. Even a vixen could match it, and a little boy would have no difficulty at all.

At the beginning of the clip, the alien mech stretched out its ten-meter-high body, and the boy on the ground looked up at it.

"Oh my god, where did the monster come from!" The boy in the picture ran backwards.

The audience looked at Ren Shuai, but found that he didn't speak at all.

Immediately afterwards, the boy in the picture picked up a stone and threw it at the alien mecha.

The stones jingled against the body, the mech's mouth began to open and close, and a sound full of mechanical and electric sensations came out.

"People will act horribly about things he doesn't understand."

The audience was surprised to find that this sentence came from Ren Shuai's mouth.

Full of sense of technology and faintly audible echo.

I'm afraid it's an auditory hallucination.

The audience stared at Ren Shuai with wide eyes.

"If you throw stones again, I will fight back." The voice was still full of electronic sense.

Now the audience is blown away.

The human mouth can actually make such a sound!
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(End of this chapter)

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