From janitor to actor

Chapter 122: The Great Harvest of Favorability

Chapter 122: The Great Harvest of Favorability
After Ren Shuai finished dubbing this time, the audience erupted, and the audience applauded enthusiastically.

Some people even applaud directly.

Director Xiao, who was sitting in the monitoring room, was dumbfounded.

The electronic sound can be matched, and the number of votes may be out of control.

I can't explain to Fei Xiaodong's team, what should I do?

On the stage, Lan Yixin took the microphone.

"It's so wonderful. I didn't expect Teacher Li to be able to match the voice of the mecha. What else can't you do?"

Ren Shuai waved his hand modestly. He himself was quite surprised. He didn't expect that the dubbing card could match everything. He almost caught up with ventriloquist.

Ji Mingxi, who was standing beside him, exclaimed, "I used to only know that Mr. Li's acting skills are good, but I didn't expect Mr. Li to be so good at dubbing."

Upon hearing the words, Lan Dian immediately asked: "Did you know Mr. Li before Mingxi?"

Ji Mingxi nodded and said, "Yes, Teacher Li and I are from the same school."

"So that's how it is. Meiying has always produced talents. I never thought that Teacher Li and Mingxi are alumni." Lan Yixin said with emotion.

Ren Shuai immediately clarified: "No, Mingxi and I are not alumni, we are just..."

Before he could finish speaking, Lan Yixin immediately took over and said, "It turns out that Mr. Li is an employee of Meiying."

Just now, Lan Yixin was in the earphones, and received a prompt from director Xiao, asking her to interrupt Ren Shuai, and don't reveal the identity of the concierge.

Although it is quite enough to say that this identity is explosive, but if he is so strong in dubbing and crushes everyone else, but his identity is a concierge, and he doesn't even have a professional background, I am afraid that other guests will lose face.

Even if director Xiao doesn't stop it, it is estimated that this passage will be cut out later.

Ren Shuai did not refute this time. Although he is only a concierge, he is indeed an employee of Meiying.

After Lan Yixin received the prompt from Director Xiao, she quickly changed the topic and began to focus on the topic of dubbing.

"I would like to ask all the guests to introduce, how do you usually train your voice?"

After Liu Fu and the others were serious and I introduced the method, it was Ren Shuai's turn to speak.

He knows how to do shows, if he really said that he has never practiced, it would be a bit embarrassing to the three guests, after all, he is a cheating crowd.

Using item cards is definitely a weft-dropping strike.

So Ren Shuai began to make up serious nonsense.

"I have been sensitive to sound since I was a child. I can basically imitate one or two sounds made by other people. I am usually very interested in this aspect, and I often practice imitating some movie clips."

He talked for a long time, which was basically empty talk and nothing systematic.

Mainly because he doesn't understand.

To sum it up in two words, one is talent and the other is interest.

Ji Mingxi was very popular, but on the dubbing stage, it was obvious that everyone was more interested in Ren Shuai.

Regardless of the audience or the expert group, they all hope to see him show a few more dubbings.

Choreographer Xiao has fallen into autism.

Looking at the enthusiasm of the audience, he knew that this teacher Li would definitely not stop at the first two rounds.

However, the program competition system requires that only the two guests with the highest voting rankings can perform follow-up performances.

And Fei Xiaodong and Ji Mingxi should be the default ones to be promoted.

According to Ji Mingxi's popularity, it is definitely no problem to advance to the next round, but Fei Xiaodong is obviously much inferior, and will definitely be squeezed out by Teacher Li.

At this moment, even Fei Xiaodong who was standing on the stage was a little confused.

He remembered that when he was reviewing the script, his agent clearly told him that he would record the entire episode.

But if this trend continues, he will definitely be eliminated.

Ren Shuai looked at the electronic watch on the side of the stage, and found that the dubbing card was only valid for the last hour.

If I continue to record, I am afraid there will not be enough time.

And he also discussed with the program team that he will only participate in the recording of the first two rounds of dubbing in this episode.

Recording later...that's another price.

Ren Shuai had an idea, and said: "Since everyone likes my performance, I will imitate the live guests by the way, but I may not be able to continue to participate in the recording later."

When Director Xiao heard what he said, his heart tightened.

I thought that the concierge had no experience in recording programs, so he wouldn't tell the script's default things, right?
However, it is too late to stop it now, Ji Mingxi has already asked casually: "Why?"

Ren Shuai explained: "Actually, the dubbing of the first few paragraphs was also very challenging for me. The load on my voice is not small, and I may lose my voice after dubbing."

As soon as this remark came out, the on-site professional jury expressed their understanding.

Director Xiao was very surprised, he didn't expect the concierge to come up with such a well-founded argument.

At this time, a professional dubbing actor answered: "The dubbing clips chosen by Mr. Li span a huge span, and the original sound does not fit Mr. Li's voice very well. It is absolutely super difficult for anyone. It puts a lot of pressure on the throat."

The bearded man who had been commenting on Ren Shuai also took up the conversation.

"I originally thought that Teacher Li's own voice was more suitable for a thinner and softer voice.

After hearing him speak, I realized that Mr. Li's voice is actually more magnetic, completely unfeminine, plus the last part of the mecha electronic sound, which is very harmful to the voice.

Adding up a few paragraphs, not to mention the matching is exactly the same as the original film, even the complete matching is not easy. "

Lan Yixin nodded and said: "After the expert teacher's explanation, now I can fully understand Teacher Li's feelings, and I also hope that he will protect his voice and give us more and more exciting performances in the future."

Although the audience didn't understand the dubbing, after listening to the expert's explanation, they didn't understand it and applauded Ren Shuai one after another.

At this time, director Xiao finally sat down on the chair, thinking that the concierge Qian Meigui had found was not easy.

There was no stage accident this time, and it was all thanks to Mr. Li.

The program team must accept his affection. If there is any good performance opportunity in the future, Mr. Li must be considered first.

Ren Shuai didn't think about it that much at all, he just saw that the dubbing card was not effective enough, and the money he got didn't involve the subsequent recording.

Unexpectedly, I also gained the favor of the program group by accident.

In fact, it's not just the favorability of the program group, Qian Meigui's favorability for Teacher Li has also begun to soar.

If she can become a regular this time, she has to thank Teacher Li.

Ren Shuai left the stage, returned to the dressing room, and found that there were several missed calls on his mobile phone.

The numbers showed that they were all Cui Shaoyu, who was Su Xin's manager.

Back then, I approached Ren Shuai alone at the hotel and expressed his desire to become his manager.

Ren Shuai did not refuse, but even if he signed a contract with a brokerage company, he would have to wait until after retirement.

He called back.

Cui Shaoyu answered in seconds, "Ms. Li, I finally got in touch with you."

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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