From janitor to actor

Chapter 123 Online Video

Chapter 123 Online Video
Ren Shuai didn't know why Cui Shaoyu contacted him suddenly, but he felt the other party's anxiety, so he explained a little bit.

"I was recording a show just now, and I didn't bring my mobile phone."

Cui Shaoyu originally thought he was filming or in class, so he couldn't answer the phone, but he didn't expect to be recording a program.

It seems that Teacher Li's career development is very comprehensive, and she is more determined to sign Teacher Li.

Cui Shaoyu said: "Actually, there is something I want to discuss with you. I wonder if you have time early next month?"

"Tell me."

Ren Shuai thought, whether there is time depends on what the specific thing is, or whether it is worth it.

"Our company recently contacted a resource, but there are no suitable actors in the company. I feel that it would be a pity to miss this opportunity. I thought of you."

Ren Shuai thought to himself, Cui Shaoyu is throwing an olive branch and showing his favor to him.

Although Ren Shuai did not sign a contract with her, she was already thinking of introducing resources to Ren Shuai and bringing herself into the position of agent.

Ren Shuai thought about it, and there was one week left of the annual leave, which should be used until the end of the year, because there were several invitations during that time, and he might need to ask for leave.

There will be a celebration day in Chuyezhou next month, and the whole state will be on holiday for 3 days. If the shooting time is not long, I can agree.

"It should be fine, can you tell me the specific situation?"

Cui Shaoyu first breathed a sigh of relief, and then said a little embarrassedly: "In fact, it is not a particularly important role, but the production team is very good. I think that after getting acquainted with them, there may be better cooperation and development in the future."

Ren Shuai doesn't mind whether the role is important or not at all. He doesn't have much free time now, and if it really takes a long time to shoot, he can't take it.

"It's okay, how many days will it take to shoot?"

Cui Shaoyu had known for a long time that Mr. Li was a warm man, but he never expected him to be so talkative.

Hearing this, he said happily: "It will take about two days. I will send you the plot summary and character clips later. After you read it, you can decide whether or not to take the filming. However, the crew is a little anxious to choose a candidate, so you can reply before the evening. me?"

"it is good."

Ren Shuai hung up the phone and looked at the message she sent.

In fact, the script and these are not the focus of Ren Shuai's attention now, he only wants to read the contract.

To be more specific, it depends on the salary in the contract.

But he received Cui Shaoyu's kindness, let's take a closer look at the plot and characters.

Ren Shuai swiped the screen of his phone and found that it was a criminal action movie called "Infernal Affairs", and the producer was a well-known action team in the alley.

No wonder Cui Shaoyu said that resources are rare. The previous works of this team have always occupied the top three in the field of action movies.

Only surpassed by oneself, never counterattacked by others.

Ren Shuai also looks forward to working with this kind of team.

He continued to read the outline of the plot, which was about a series of grievances and grievances between an undercover policeman entering a gang organization. Action movies are generally weak in terms of plot, and the biggest attraction is the thrilling action.

As for the role he will play, he is a gangster boss. Although there are not many scenes in the scene, they are all plots of berating Fang Qiu and directing the plot.

Even if the boss was killed by his subordinates in the end, it was because of the traitor's betrayal, not his lack of strength.

There are indeed very few scenes, and it died after only a few shots, but the characters themselves still have some bright spots.

In the script, this big boss values ​​loyalty and trusts his subordinates. Although he was killed because of this trust in the end, the character has distinct characteristics. If he plays well, he can easily be recognized.

This is very important to Ren Shuai.

A role that is easy to get affirmation is more conducive to him harvesting system recognition.

Then he replied to Cui Shaoyu and confirmed the time and place.

The filming location was chosen to be in the alley, and he needed to fly there. Fortunately, the crew reimbursed the travel expenses.

But before that, the crew wanted to meet Ren Shuai himself.

But it was a bit troublesome for him to make a trip for this, so he chose the online video method.

Ren Shuai returned to the dormitory, looked in the mirror to tidy up his appearance briefly, and prepared to meet the main creator of "Infernal Affairs" online.

After the video was connected, first a skinny middle-aged man with pigtails showed his face, and then another man who could be called obese came online, followed by a woman with short hair who still had a charm.

Although the role that Ren Shuai is going to play is just a big boss who doesn't have many roles, the crew has its own standards for selecting actors, and even supporting roles can't be sloppy.

This shows why the films they make can always dominate the market.

Often the grasp of details is the key to success.

Ren Shuai and the other party introduced themselves respectively. The middle-aged man with braids is the well-known director Lai Xingzhen, the fat man is the producer Hu Qifa, and the short-haired woman is the screenwriter Cai Zhizhi.

The three of them can be regarded as an iron triangle relationship, and the previous successful works were also completed by them.

Originally, a simple interview did not require the Audio-Technica to join the battle, but they heard that Ren Shuai is an excellent old artist, so they showed their faces one by one to show respect.

Moreover, the online chat does not waste time, and it will be over soon.

Director Lai Xingzhen greeted Ren Shuai very politely. When he saw Ren Shuai for the first time, he felt that his aura did not look like a big boss, and he was a bit handsome, which could not support the oppressive feeling of a big boss.

Producer Hu Qifa also felt the same, but he didn't think Ren Shuai's appearance was inappropriate, mainly because his temperament was not very similar, and he was a bit too gentle.

Cai Zhizhi, the only woman, had a good first impression of Ren Shuai.

She felt that Ren Shuai's speech and appearance were in line with her aesthetics.

As a female screenwriter, but often writes crime action movies, her descriptions of men tend to be more feminine.

But the characters in her works are not lacking in passion, and have a sense of combination of delicacy and toughness.

Apart from the director, Cai Zhizhi has the most say in the choice of roles.

However, although Ren Shuai fits her aesthetics, he doesn't fit the setting of the gang boss she described.

But women are usually emotional, and a good first impression made her want to give Ren Shuai more opportunities.

Cai Zhizhi said: "I heard from Xiao Cui that your acting skills are superb. We would like to know your understanding of this role."

Ren Shuai was sweating when he heard this.

Thinking about it, Cui Shaoyu often praised himself to them, maybe they made him into some kind of fairy.

But he has a good idea in his own mind, and his acting skills are at best better than ordinary actors. The main reason is that others regard him as an old artist and have preconceived filters.

Coupled with the fact that he has used the charm card, the bonus to the character must be a geometric progression.

But now it is a bit difficult for him to express how he views the role of gang boss.

Ren Shuai doesn't have any acting theory at all, and he doesn't know how to describe the characters.

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(End of this chapter)

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