From janitor to actor

Chapter 125 What are the shameful things to see?

Chapter 125 What are the shameful things to see?
Ren Shuai looked at the comment area and found that there were more than 500 comments, and the one with the most likes was the reminder message.

The latest messages are basically asking him why he hasn't updated yet, and dislike him for being short.

Many people clamored that he was a eunuch.

There are still many people clamoring to send blades.

Even the editor Jing Ying sent him several chat messages.

But Ren Shuai turned on the shield and didn't see it.

He glanced at the reward column next to him, and found that he had accumulated 222200 virtual coins.

Converted into cash, it has reached 2222 yuan, but it has to be split 5:5 with the platform.

This is not too small, but most of these rewards are accompanied by reminder messages, the purpose is to encourage him to update a few more chapters.

But Ren Shuai's manuscripts are too pitiful, and the content behind has not been edited, so I dare not update more.

He could only update two chapters at a time step by step.

Looking at the remaining [-] or so chapters, I was a little worried. According to this trend, it will be over in a dozen days.

When it was near the end of the year, he had to spend more energy on filming and had no time to write at all.

The manuscript must be released in the past few days.

Ren Shuai made up his mind and fell asleep peacefully.

The next day, Ren Shuai in the guard room stared blankly and slumped on a chair.

Writing a book is not difficult, and he has the writing skills rewarded by the system, just move his fingers and tap the keyboard.

But as the whole morning passed, he couldn't hold back even ten words.

Inspiration: None!

In "Chapter 50", the protagonist died again, and it was so silent that even the protagonist himself didn't know how he died.

Ren Shuai had been thinking about it all morning, wondering how the protagonist died without knowing it.

But he lacks experience in this area. The last time he died was sudden death, not murder.

And the protagonist in the novel must be killed by the murderer.

Ren Shuai thought about it and felt that he needed off-court assistance.

He took out his cell phone.

Open the search software and enter the search information - "how to kill someone silently, so that the victim will not notice".

While searching for information, there was a familiar "creaking" sound outside the door.

Gao Dagui stepped out of the patrol car, and glanced sharply at the guard room through the glass window.

Ren Shuai was afraid of being caught writing a novel at work, so he quickly put his mobile phone on the corner of the table and sat upright.

Gao Dagui pushed the door open and entered, and said, "I saw you looking down and playing with your phone from a distance, don't you want this month's bonus?"

Ren Shuai explained: "I just received a message and read it casually."

The scar on Gao Dagui's face trembled, and he glanced at the corner of the table with his eyes that he thought were very wise, thinking that you can't fool me with your rhetoric, and you must catch your braid today.

After speaking, he walked around Ren Shuai's chair casually and walked to the other side of the table.

However, in Ren Shuai's eyes, this expression was like that of a stroke patient with facial convulsions.

Obviously trying very hard to control, but the harder I try, the more sad I feel.

Coupled with Gao Dagui's narcissistic eyes, it gives people the illusion that he is mentally abnormal.

Ren Shuai thought this way, and there was a little pity in his expression unconsciously.

At this moment, Gao Dagui suddenly poked his head, his neck stretched to the corner of the table in an instant, and his eyes were fixed on the phone that Ren Shuai hadn't had time to lock the screen.

Gao Dagui looked at the search interface lit up on the screen, and smiled secretly in his heart, now I caught him straight, let's see how you can argue.

He has always been brooding over the previous failures, and today he is finally going to make a comeback.

Gao Dagui wants to see, Ren Shuai is distracted at work, what kind of shady things are he looking at.

"How to kill someone silently, so that the victim is unaware..."

Gao Dagui scanned the jargon and was about to teach Ren Shuai a lesson when he suddenly realized something was wrong.

This, the content... so scary...

At this moment, his eyes collided with Ren Shuai.

Gao Dagui clearly saw the trace of pity on Ren Shuai's face.


Gao Dagui lost his footing and kicked the chair behind him.

Ren Shuai saw that his mobile phone interface was seen. Although it was inappropriate for Gao Dagui to do so, the one who was at fault was himself who was writing novels at work, so let's admit his mistake first.

After all, bonuses matter.

He smiled a little embarrassedly: "Well, captain..."

Before he could finish speaking, Gao Dagui quickly waved his hand and said, "I was wrong, I was wrong, I shouldn't have looked at your phone, no, no, I didn't see anything."

Gao Dagui moved his steps outside while talking.

Seeing Ren Shuai's smile just now, his heart trembled.

Seeing this, Ren Shuai got up quickly, wondering why Gao Dagui suddenly changed his temper and admitted his mistake.

Could it be that he was in trouble?

Seeing Ren Shuai get up, Gao Dagui straightened his body instantly, standing where he was, not daring to move any more.

Although he didn't know why Gao Dagui took the initiative to admit his mistake, Ren Shuai felt that he should give him some face.

So he said with a smile: "I know that you often patrol, and it is also for the improvement of the overall work level, not for yourself. I am actually quite moved."

"No, don't dare to move, dare not move."

Gao Dagui froze in place, not daring to move at all.

He's remorseful now, and he has clearly made up his mind several times before, and he will avoid troubles for Li Laifu in the future.

But every time he patrolled, he couldn't control himself. He turned the steering wheel, as if subconsciously, and drove the patrol car here.

This is great, it completely pissed off Li Laifu.

He had already planned how to kill him, and was smashed by him on the spot, he would definitely be murdered.

Gao Dagui thinks that he should have realized that a person like Li Laifu who doesn't even have a wife and children has no care and consideration at all, and even doesn't even have a job after retirement.

In this case, if you want to take revenge on someone, it is not a matter of thinking, and there is no burden on your heart at all.

It's not that Gao Dagui doesn't want to resist.

But he knew his situation, and he usually sat in his office or in a patrol car, not to mention exercising, and he seldom even walked.

Unlike Li Laifu, who insists on boxing and exercising every day, he has a lot of six-pack abs.

If you really want to fight, he is definitely not Li Laifu's opponent.

Ren Shuai was very surprised. He didn't know why Gao Dagui suddenly tensed up, as if he saw a natural enemy.

He turned his head and looked out the window, but he didn't see the school leader.

"Captain Gao, that, my bonus..."

Ren Shuai didn't want to go into the details of Gao Dagui's changes. What he cared about was the bonus.

You can't deduct his performance bonus just because he looked at his phone today.

It's a full 300 yuan.

As if Gao Dagui's acupoints had been unlocked, his body relaxed a little, and he saw a trace of life in his eyes.

"That's right, I came here today to tell you that you work hard and fulfill your duties, and your bonus should have been raised long ago."

"Up?" Ren Shuai was surprised.

I thought that being caught by Gao Dagui, it would be good not to deduct the bonus, so how could I give it back?
When Gao Dagui heard the accent, he immediately understood.

"Yes, it's going to be a big increase, 800, no, 1000 yuan!"

 Happy Women's Day! (▽)
  Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommendation!
(End of this chapter)

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