Chapter 126

Ren Shuai ate a large portion of braised pork at noon to reward himself.

In the morning, Gao Dagui agreed to give him a bonus of 1000 yuan, which is gratifying.

I don't know why when Gao Dagui left, he felt in a panic.

Are you afraid that you will regret it if you walk slowly?
Thinking of getting a salary of 6000 yuan this month, Ren Shuai ate two extra bowls of rice.

At the same time, he also had a new idea for the creation of "Cycle and Beginning".

I feel suddenly enlightened, and I can write vigorously in the afternoon.

He found out that there is a toxin that, when placed in drinking water, can paralyze the heart and cause people to ascend to heaven silently in their sleep.

In the previous article, there are no more than three people who have the time and ability to poison the protagonist.

Ren Shuai only needs to write down this line of thought, and find out the murderer while ensuring that the protagonist dies a few times less.

As for the follow-up plot, Ren Shuai has to think about it again, but the plot currently conceived can already write another [-] chapters.

In this way, I can survive until I retire, when I will have plenty of time to write novels.

A week passed in a flash.

Gao Dagui never appeared in Ren Shuai's field of vision again, which made him a little uncomfortable.

During this period, he has memorized [-] words, and it can be said that the results are gratifying.

The results of "Week and Beginning" are getting better and better at the starting line. After a week of recommendations, the collection directly exceeds [-].

Two big shots also tipped him 100000 coins, and other sporadic tips also reached 50000 coins.

Editor Jing Ying sent a message to congratulate him, who ranked first in this week's recommendation.

At the same time, he was also informed that he would continue to recommend it next week, and it was still the kind of strong recommendation on the cover of the starting line category.

Ren Shuai didn't know much about such recommendations, and he didn't care.

But he didn't know that a great author who was at the same time as him was squeezed into the second place and lost the cover recommendation. He was dissatisfied and went to read his novel.

It doesn't matter if you read it this time, the author just got stuck in it and couldn't get out.

After watching "Cycle and Beginning" in one day, I couldn't help but started to urge updates in the comment area.

In the end, he was discovered by his book friends, and he left a string of messages under the reminder message he sent.

"I said why you haven't updated today. It turns out that you came to Ren Shuai to read novels."

"You still have the face to read novels, hurry up and update."

"Don't read it, you won't learn it even if you read it, you'd better write your own novel."

"Don't be ashamed of yourself. Although your writing is not as good as Ren Shuai's, I will still find time to read your work after I finish watching "Cycle and Beginning."

These comments are basically making up for the big cow author.

The big cow shut himself off directly, issued a leave note, and the pigeons.

Ren Shuai didn't know anything about this, and he still sent the two watches unshakably.

Then he started to pack his luggage. Tomorrow is the first day of the celebration day holiday. He has already booked a plane ticket and flew to the street market at night.

Getting ready to shoot "Infernal Affairs".

Cui Shaoyu sent him an electronic version of the contract two days ago, and the total remuneration for starring in "Infernal Affairs" this time is 5000 yuan.

Ren Shuai was very satisfied.

He packed his luggage, got on the bus and rushed to the airport.

I don't know if there was a traffic accident today, and the highway to the airport was seriously jammed.

Ren Shuai originally thought it would be safe to leave three hours in advance, but he didn't expect that he would soon miss the plane now.

When he got off the bus, there was only one hour left before the plane took off.

Boarding is usually prohibited 45 minutes before departure.

Ren Shuai only has 15 minutes to board the plane.

But he was disappointed to find that the airport was crowded with people, many of them were holding up signboards, as if they were sending off their idols.

Ren Shuai squeezed in and finally changed his boarding pass, only to find that the way to the VIP lounge was blocked.

He turned his head and asked, "Does the airport not care if they are blocked like this?"

The young lady who changed the boarding pass smiled politely: "There is only one flight at this time, and we have informed the star to board the plane at the last time, so as not to delay other passengers."

"Then what should I do?" Ren Shuai asked.

The young lady still smiled politely: "You are the last passenger who has not boarded the plane. I am really sorry. I can only ask you to squeeze. We are very sorry for the trouble you have caused."

Ren Shuai sighed helplessly when he heard the words, who made him come late.

I can only bite the bullet and drill in.

The little girl holding the light sign found someone pushing hard beside her, and when she turned her head, she saw an old man.

She was very surprised, she didn't expect her idol brother to have a father fan at this age.

She beckoned her little friend to make way for this rare dad fan.

He is not young, and still has this kind of drive to chase stars, so he must be encouraged more.

Ren Shuai managed to squeeze out of the crowd, only to find that there was a human wall separated by security guards holding hands in front of them.

He immediately walked to the side of the security guard and said, "I want to get on the plane, please let me out, thank you."

The security guard glanced at him, unmoved.

Ren Shuai immediately put the boarding pass in front of him.

"Boarding will stop immediately. I'm not a star chaser. Let me go."

The security guard looked up and found that Ren Shuai was really a business class passenger, and he didn't look like a star chaser at his age.

"Okay, but the star will come over soon, so hurry up and don't stay."

Ren Shuai nodded, and just as the security guard let go and was about to let him go, the crowd suddenly became commotion.

"Ah, my brother is here."

"Honey, look at me, look at me!"

Seeing this, the security guard quickly held his hand again, stopped Ren Shuai and said, "Excuse me, wait a moment, let this star go first."

Ren Shuai was speechless, there were only 5 minutes left before the boarding deadline, and it would definitely be too late for the celebrity to walk over slowly.

But no matter what he said, the security guard refused to get out of the way, and said that it was the airport's request, and he dared not go against it.

The two were sawing, and found that the sound waves were approaching.

The star has walked over, occasionally taking autograph books from fans to sign.

Ren Shuai raised his eyes and saw a familiar figure.

Although he was wearing sunglasses, Ren Shuai recognized him at a glance.

It was Cui Zixun who came.

"Hey, Xiao Cui, look here!"

Ren Shuai hurriedly greeted him, wanting him to talk to the security guard and let him in quickly.

As a result, the security guard suddenly stepped in front of Ren Shuai, staring at him with burning eyes.

"Master, I originally trusted you. I didn't expect you to be so unscrupulous in pursuit of stars. Do you know that if I let you in, I might lose my job."

Ren Shuai was dumbfounded.

What kind of star is he chasing?
Could it be that he was misunderstood because he called Cui Zixun?

He didn't have time to continue talking to the little security guard. Seeing Cui Zixun approaching, he quickly stretched out his hand and waved: "Cui Zixun, look here."

Cui Zixun showed a standard smile and habitually took the autographs from fans.

He heard a male voice from the crowd, and without looking carefully, he took a card from Ren Shuai and planned to sign it.

"Stop it, that's my boarding pass!"

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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