From janitor to actor

Chapter 127 I'm Not a Star Chaser

Chapter 127 I'm Not a Star Chaser

Cui Zixun was about to sign, but someone stopped him loudly.

He looked up and found that Shuai Ren was looking at him anxiously, with the boarding pass in his hand.

The moment Cui Zixun saw Ren Shuai, he immediately recognized him.

"Uncle Li, why are you here? Are you going to see me off?"

Cui Zixun couldn't help being moved, he didn't expect Uncle Li to be so caring, and even ran all the way to see him off.

Ren Shuai veiled a disgusted look, thinking that this guy's IQ would be used for his looks.

"I'm on the same flight as you."

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the boarding pass in Cui Zixun's hand.

It was only then that Cui Zixun noticed that what he was holding in his hand was not a signed card, but a boarding pass.

The flight information above was exactly the same as the one he took, and it was also business class.

Cui Zixun took a surprised look at Ren Shuai, thinking that the uncle is so serious about chasing stars, that he spent such a large amount of money to buy the same flight as himself.

Ren Shuai anxiously said: "Xiao Cui, don't be dazed, tell the security guard to let me go, and boarding will be closed if it is later."

Cui Zixun also knew that the flight would stop immediately, so he nodded and said, "Brother Security, I know this gentleman, let him in."

The dedicated little security guard glanced at Ren Shuai in surprise, then let go of his hand, expressing his admiration in his heart.

Unexpectedly, this uncle chased stars so much that even the stars knew him.

There are many people who have similar ideas with Xiaobaoan.

When the fans outside saw Ren Shuai being put in, they immediately became excited.

The little sister who was crowded beside Ren Shuai just now said excitedly: "That uncle was actually turned over by my brother!"

"Wow, the benefits of being a daddy fan, I really want to go in too!"

"Master, go away and replace me."

"Brother, I'm going to be flopped too, let me in!"

Hearing the shouts of a group of girls, Ren Shuai secretly rolled his eyes.

I thought to myself, how does he look like a fan of star chasing Cui Zixun?
It's almost the same for Cui Zixun to chase fans.

Ren Shuai didn't care what the fans shouted at all, and he didn't stop to wait for Cui Zixun to sign for the fans, and went straight to the VIP room.

And Cui Zixun's entourage had been waiting at the entrance of the VIP hall, and they all expressed doubts when they saw him let an uncle in.

Cui Zixun's accompanying agent saw Ren Shuai and found it familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it for a while.

But since Cui Zixun let him in, he probably knew someone.

When he approached and showed the boarding pass to the lady on the ground, the manager realized that this old man was also on the same flight.

Then she suddenly remembered where she had seen Ren Shuai, the concierge in the variety show "Once Upon a Time" recorded last time.

However, a concierge seldom chooses to fly in business class under normal circumstances. Could it be that this lord is deliberately getting close to Cui Zixun and wants to hype up some news?
The agent couldn't help but be careless. In order to compete for fame and fortune, the entertainment industry came up with endless means.

Whenever she encounters an abnormal situation, she will pay attention to it carefully.

This is why the artists under her banner have developed relatively smoothly.

Ren Shuai didn't notice the middle-aged woman next to him who had been watching him, and quickly entered the VIP lounge to board the plane.

When he passed through the VIP room, he looked regretfully at the fruit snacks on both sides, thinking that if he came earlier, he would be able to get more wool from the airport.


Not long after Ren Shuai got on the plane, Cui Zixun and his party boarded the plane one after another.

Their trip to the alley market had two purposes.

One is to organize a small fan meeting, and the other is to prepare for Cui Zixun's future cross-border showbiz, and the management team intends to let him meet some seniors in the circle there.

Especially Cui Zixun has good dance skills, and he is considering developing into an action star.

Action movies in Xiangshi are developing very well, and most of the well-known production teams are in Xiangshi.

They also specially contacted the crew of "Infernal Tunnel" during their trip, thinking of playing a cameo role in the film first, to test the waters.

The crew did recognize Cui Zixun's reputation, but he has no acting experience, and Audio-Technica still needs to meet him before deciding what role to play.

After boarding the plane, Cui Zixun saw that there was no one beside Ren Shuai, and thought that the uncle might be on this flight because of himself, so he walked over and sat next to him.

Although the manager had already reminded him to beware of some concierges, lest the other party touch him and rub his heat.

But Cui Zixun, who has worked with Ren Shuai, disagrees.

He thinks that the concierge is not such a utilitarian person, he just took the same flight with him purely for chasing stars.

If Ren Shuai knew that he was so narcissistic, he would definitely get up and leave, change seats, and never be next to such a person.

Brainlessness is contagious.

After Cui Zixun said hello to Ren Shuai, he showed his idol's friendly side and started chatting with him.

Ren Shuai didn't know what Cui Zixun liked about him, and why he posted it as soon as he got on the plane to show his favor.

He also greeted him in various ways, and handed him various snacks.

Ren Shuai originally wanted to take advantage of this time to type Braille and write novels.

After circling around for a long time, Cui Zixun finally asked: "Are you going to the alley market this time to take advantage of the holiday to travel?"

Ren Shuai shook his head and said, "Go to work."

Cui Zixun was surprised. He didn't expect that the concierge industry was so involved. Besides his job, he actually had to take part-time jobs during the holidays.

However, he quickly noticed the loophole in Ren Shuai's words.

If you want to work part-time, there is absolutely no need to fly business class. It costs more than [-] yuan to fly. What kind of work can you earn back?

The uncle bought the business class for star chasing. Just to get closer to him, it would probably cost him two months' salary.

It was so touching.

This money must not be given by the uncle.

Although Cui Zixun personally never encourages this kind of star chasing, but it is rare to have a father fan, he still has to take care of it.

"Uncle Li, bring your air ticket, I'll reimburse you."

Ren Shuai was dumbfounded for a moment.

What do you mean, how can you reimburse the air ticket while chatting?
It seems that Cui Zixun's brain is not only low in IQ, but also has serious problems.

"No, I still have to keep this ticket."

Ren Shuai said in his heart, if you really want to get reimbursed, you can get the money directly, what kind of air ticket do you want.

The air ticket has to be reimbursed by the crew.

After hearing this, Cui Zixun wondered if the uncle still wanted to keep it as a souvenir.

But in this way, it is inconvenient for him to let the agent take the money, so he can only pay out of his own pocket.

Seeing that Cui Zixun hesitated, Ren Shuai thought he wasn't stupid enough and knew that he cared about money.

"Don't think about it, you don't need to reimburse me."

Then Ren Shuai took out his mobile phone and sent Cui Shaoyu a message before takeoff, telling her that he had successfully boarded the plane.

When he gets off the plane, there will be a car sent by the crew to pick him up.

Cui Zixun felt that the uncle had strong self-esteem and did not want to accept his kindness.

So I thought about how to thank the uncle.

"Mr. Li, shall I take a photo with you?"

Ren Shuai:?
 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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