From janitor to actor

Chapter 128 It's Poor

Chapter 128 It's Poor
In desperation, Ren Shuai took a picture with Cui Zixun.

Cui Zixun looked at the phone and said, "I'll edit the picture and send it to you."

Ren Shuai was speechless.

He didn't even want to take a group photo, and he wouldn't post this picture, so what kind of picture was edited.

Cui Zixun opened the photo editing software proficiently. His appearance is relatively good and he does not need major repairs. However, there is no makeup today, and the skin texture and color need to be adjusted.

As the saying goes, if you only cultivate yourself in a group photo, you will be doomed to be ignored in the future.

Cui Zixun also helped Ren Shuai edit the picture.

As a result, he was surprised to find that Uncle Li looked more handsome than him.

Although the sense of age is still there, the temperament is very strong, and the world-weary eyes in the group photo reveal a strong sense of luxury.

In contrast, Cui Zixun looks like a little fan taking a photo with his idol.

This will not work.

Cui Zixun resolutely cancels the operation and restores Ren Shuai to his original appearance.

After all, as the saying goes again, who dares to be more handsome than me in a group photo, since then the world is a passerby.

After repairing the picture, Cui Zixun said: "Uncle Li, turn on the Bluetooth, and I will send you the picture."

After speaking, he suddenly realized that the uncle may not know what Bluetooth is, nor what wireless map transmission is.

But Ren Shuai unfolded the folded phone, tapped it twice casually and said, "Send it."

Cui Zixun's eyes lit up. He didn't realize that what Ren Shuai was holding just now was actually a foldable phone. He thought it was a traditional old flip phone.

This mobile phone seems to be a new limited edition from the manufacturer. He had always wanted to own it before, but unfortunately he didn't get it due to the limited quantity.

Unexpectedly, Uncle Li actually used it, so it must be a pirated version.

Seeing Cui Zixun in a daze, Ren Shuai urged, "Hurry up."

Only then did Cui Zixun come back to his senses, and while passing on the picture, he asked, "Where did you buy this phone?"

"It was given by someone else."

His mobile phone was an accessory gift for filming "Who Is the Murderer", but he didn't expect that it was still out of stock on the market.

The scalpers have already doubled the price, which may not be possible to grab.

Cui Zixun thought, such a valuable thing must have been bought for him by Uncle Li's children.

After Ren Shuai received the picture, he glanced at it and found that Cui Zixun only repaired himself.

A look shot past like a knife.

Cui Zixun suddenly smiled guiltyly: "You are naturally beautiful, ah no, your Yushulin Peak is so graceful that you don't need to edit the picture at all."

Ren Shuai didn't bother to talk to him.

Soon the stewardess notified the takeoff, asking everyone to fasten their seat belts and open the sun visor.

In order not to communicate with Cui Zixun too much, Ren Shuai quickly lowered the seat after the plane stabilized, and half-lyed down to sleep.

And Cui Zixun also lowered his seat, turned his head to Ren Shuai and said, "Uncle Li, I have a small fan club tomorrow afternoon to promote the new album, do you want to go and see it?"

Ren Shuai resolutely refused: "I still have a job, maybe I can't leave, so I won't go."

Cui Zixun snorted and asked, "Then I'll give you a copy of the new album, do I need to sign it?"

Ren Shuai thought to himself, he is already considered top-notch, and if he spares no effort to promote the album, let him try to give him some face and accept it.

And this kind of album is more valuable after signing.

"Okay." Ren Shuai nodded.

Cui Zixun secretly laughed in his heart, the uncle is obviously his fan, but he refused to admit it because of his embarrassment.

As soon as he said that he would sign an album for him, he immediately agreed.

Ren Shuai didn't want to talk to him any more, so he simply turned his head to the other side.

Seeing this, Cui Zixun was even more sure of his guess, the uncle was shy after finishing his autographed album.

He was very understanding and did not expose it.

Then he quietly walked to the manager and asked for an album, signed it and walked back to hand it to Ren Shuai.

But he found that Ren Shuai had fallen asleep with a slight cry.

Cui Zixun didn't dare to disturb, and walked back to his original seat lightly.

Seeing his enthusiasm, the agent reminded him friendly: "Don't get too close to him, maybe he just wants to build a relationship, get your private information, or take a sneak shot after you fall asleep, and now let me reveal something about you If you sell your photos on the Bagua operation account, you can get a lot of money."

Cui Zixun said indifferently: "Uncle Li is just my fan, you are overthinking it."

The manager said noncommittally, "The concierge spent tens of thousands of yuan on air tickets just to meet you?"

Cui Zixun said with a smile: "Uncle Li said that he still has a job in the alley market, and he didn't choose this flight just to meet me."

The agent sighed in the tone of a person who has experienced it: "He traveled across mountains and rivers and across the city. Could it be for work? Don't forget that his job is a concierge. The alley is so big that he can't find a concierge. He has to go all the way to ask for a concierge." Is he going to see the gate?"

Cui Zixun was speechless, but he believed that Uncle Li was not the person his manager said he was.

Men's instincts are sometimes more accurate than women's.

Uncle Li definitely sat in the business class just to be fans of him!
"Wait and see."

Cui Zixun muttered, and began to close his eyes and rest.

Three hours passed quickly, and the plane began to land.

Ren Shuai was woken up by the stewardess' soft voice prompts, he woke up slightly, and stretched himself.

Cui Zixun also started to pack his things and get ready to get off the plane.

After the air pressure ravaged the ears, the plane landed smoothly at Xiangshi Airport.

Ren Shuai took his small bag and walked out.

When passing by Cui Zixun, he greeted him politely, but Cui Zixun stopped him loudly.

Along the way just now, Cui Zixun was always thinking about what his manager said, so he didn't sleep well.

He wants to prove to his agent that Uncle Li is definitely his fan, not a paparazzi just to get his first-hand news.

"Uncle Li, you bought the business class on this flight just to be a fan of me, right?" Cui Zixun asked.

Hearing this, the manager stroked his forehead, thinking that he had suffered from the second stroke again.

If you ask this in person, you will definitely say that you are a fan of him. How can you still admit that you are a paparazzi?

When Ren Shuai heard Cui Zixun's question, he immediately wanted to give him three words.

After thinking about it, he felt that Cui Zixun was pitiful, so he took back those three characters.

It's really hard to be a top star, the pressure is too much, he's a good guy, he'd be stupid if he said he was stupid.

He waved his hand politely and comforted, "Of course not, goodbye!"

After finishing speaking, he quickly walked off the flight without looking back.

Cui Zixun was stunned, and immediately looked at the manager with a determined face and said, "I'm not wrong, Mr. Li is definitely my fan, and he just refuses to admit it because of face."

The manager was silent, feeling that tomorrow the gossip news would report that Cui Zixun suffered from hypochondria.

Sure enough, the best way to get rid of fans is to get in close contact with idols.

Ren Shuai didn't have time to pay attention to the top-notch self-fantasy. After getting off the plane, he contacted the driver who came to pick him up, and went straight to the shooting scene.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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