From janitor to actor

Chapter 129 Character Adjustment?

Chapter 129 Character Adjustment?

The streets of the alley market are relatively compact and the traffic density is very high.

It took Ren Shuai two hours of driving from the airport to the shooting location, and it was completely dark at this time.

He can only stay in the hotel arranged by the crew first.

At this time, the Audio-Technica is getting together for supper, and by the way, sorting out the shooting for tomorrow.

Director Lai Xingzhen showed some photos of the actors and said, "These are the actors who will participate in the filming tomorrow. The first three are fine, and the last one..."

Cai Zhizhi looked at the photo, and asked in confusion: "The actors for tomorrow have not been booked early in the morning, so what are you looking for? Can't the actors come?"

Lai Xingzhen shook his head and said: "I've been thinking over and over again this week. Teacher Li's appearance is really not suitable for the role of the boss, and I have already contacted Brother Qiang to help with the role, and he agreed."

Cai Zhizhi immediately said: "This is not good, Mr. Li flew here today, changing actors temporarily, isn't it the same as offending people to death?"

Hu Qifa also nodded and said in agreement: "That's right, Ah Zhen, it's not natural for you to do this."

Lai Xing sighed and said: "I also consider it for the sake of the work, besides, it's not that I don't let Mr. Li play the role, just give him a different role."

Cai Zhizhi asked: "Is there any suitable role? If someone plays passerby A, B, and C, it will still offend others."

"Teacher Li's image is more positive. It's no problem to play a high-ranking police officer. I plan to let him play the deputy director."

Lai Xingzhen had clearly planned it long ago.

But Cai Zhizhi had a good first impression of Ren Shuai, and unconsciously stood in his position and thought: "But the role of the deputy director has no camera, and the lines add up to three sentences. Everyone can see that we are perfunctory. You If you don't want him to play, you should have said it earlier, now that everything is settled, it would be very embarrassing to change people."

Seeing that the two disagreed, Hu Qifa acted as a peacemaker.

"It doesn't matter, when the time comes, take two more shots for Mr. Li, and arrange to add a few more lines. Most actors like positive images. Playing villains will hurt the popularity of passers-by after all."

Cai Zhizhi could only nod her head when she heard the words, but said: "When I see Teacher Li tomorrow, you two go talk about it, I can't open my mouth."

Lai Xingzhen said: "Let me tell you, that Mr. Li seems to be very easy to speak, and he should be able to understand it. It's all for the work."

Then the three of them roughly discussed the arrangement of guest actors, including Cui Zixun.

"This traffic star is very popular. Although it can help the work increase the box office, we must be cautious in assigning him a role." Lai Xingzhen said.

"Just arrange a handsome character, and be more chic when he dies, just to satisfy the appetite of his fans."

From the standpoint of a producer, Hu Qifa analyzed the market demand.

It took the three of them a little time to pick out two suitable characters from the script, a thug and a policeman.

They are all roles with very few roles and will be offline soon, very suitable for guest actors.

As for the two roles, let Cui Zixun choose which one to play.

Silent all night.

Ren Shuai got up early, washed up and went to the hotel restaurant for breakfast.

He has already got today's schedule in his hands. The role shooting time is in the afternoon, and he only needs to try on the costumes in the morning.

With plenty of time, he can enjoy the hotel's buffet breakfast to his heart's content.

Ren Shuai had just finished eating three quicksand buns and a bowl of seafood porridge, and was about to attack the fried rice noodles when he happened to see Lai Xingzhen.

Director Lai took a plate of vegetables and walked straight to Ren Shuai.

"Mr. Li, good morning."

Lai Xingzhen took the initiative to say hello, and then sat opposite Ren Shuai.

Ren Shuai also responded, "Morning."

Then the air fell into a brief silence, Lai Xingzhen held the fork in his hand, and kept poking at the plate of vegetables, as if there was something unspeakable, showing hesitant to speak.

He was waiting for Ren Shuai to take the initiative to ask questions, so that he could lead to the next topic.

Ren Shuai naturally saw that he seemed to have something to say, so he was considerate and silent, pretending to concentrate on eating with his head down.

He thought that since Director Lai was so entangled, he must have not thought about what to say, so he should be given room to think instead of asking questions.

If people want to talk, they will naturally speak up. Once he asks, people don't want to talk, wouldn't it be embarrassing.

The two of them had a tacit understanding and were waiting for the other to speak first, so the quiet breath continued.

Just when Lai Xingzhen's plate of vegetables was about to be mashed, someone finally broke the silence.

A bald and muscular man came over to say hello with a plate of meat.

"Director Lai, good morning, eat a good vegetarian breakfast."

As if seeing a savior, Lai Xingzhen hurriedly greeted: "Brother Qiang, come and sit down, let's have breakfast together."

The bald-headed brother immediately agreed and sat beside him with a smile.

Ren Shuai raised his head and saw the strong guy opposite, and found that he looked familiar, as if he appeared in many crime movies.

Judging by the image, he is definitely a big boss and professional.

Lai Xingzhen took the initiative to introduce the two to each other, and then found an entry point and said: "Brother Qiang often plays the role of a big boss, especially the appearance is very suitable. Teacher Li, you are different. You can see a positive image."

After Ren Shuai listened, he seemed to feel that there was something in his words.

Could it be that the role of the boss has been pushed?

Then Brother Qiang laughed and said, "Yeah, this time Ah Zhen invited me to play the boss again. If this continues, I will really have my ID checked when I go to the streets, haha."

Before Ren Shuai could speak, Lai Xingzhen quickly said: "Mr. Li, we have been studying the script this week, and found that the role of the deputy chief of the police station can better highlight your image. "

Ren Shuai understood after listening.

Although Lai Xingzhen assigned Brother Qiang the role of the boss, he did not replace him, but instead assigned him the role of a high-ranking police officer.

Although there are suspicions of arbitrarily arranging roles to appease him, Ren Shuai's original purpose was to participate in the filming of "Infernal Affairs" and expand his network in the street.

From this point of view, there seems to be nothing inappropriate.

Anyway, the contract has already been signed, and the salary will not be small, and it doesn't matter what role you play.

Besides, Lai Xingzhen is definitely a well-known director in the field of crime films, so give him face so that we can cooperate more in the future.

Ren Shuai nodded and said, "Yes..."

[Ding, congratulations to the host for unlocking the achievement function]

[Trigger achievement task: No one can steal my role (0/3)]

[Mission introduction: The pre-determined role cannot be changed, play the original role, reward achievement value 1 point, complete the achievement task, reward an exclusive gift box]

Just halfway through Ren Shuai's words, he was suddenly interrupted by a reminder in his mind.

too suddenly.

He has to react for a while.

What do you mean by system, are you going to jump out and sing the opposite?

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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