From janitor to actor

Chapter 130 Achievement Mission

Chapter 130 Achievement Mission
Ren Shuai said the word "yes" just now, and the system prompt sounded.

This time we have to go back and round.

"It can be, of course I respect the director's opinion very much, but..."

Ren Shuai stopped here.

He just wanted to take the opportunity to see what mission the system triggered, and this achievement mission was something he had never heard of before.

Lai Xingzhen saw that he wanted to agree, but he didn't agree. He didn't know what to say, so he asked, "Do you have any concerns?"

Ren Shuai pretended to be thinking, but in fact was delaying time, checking the information in his mind.

Name: Ren Shuai/Li Laifu

Occupation: Concierge/Actor
Achievements: None (activated)
Props: Charm Card*3
Skills: Primary Acting (880/1000)
Recognition degree: 5996
System functions: shopping mall, lucky wheel, backpack
He found that the achievement that had been displayed as "none" was now followed by the word "activated".

Enter the achievement view and find that a content is displayed in the achievement list.

Achievement: No one can steal my role (0/3) (in progress)
Ren Shuai took a closer look at the brief introduction of the achievement mission, and found that the meaning of the system is to let him play the original role of the boss, and he cannot be replaced, so the mission is considered successful.

This is a bit difficult.

If it is not done well, it is likely that Lai Xingzhen will be offended.

But Ren Shuai is very greedy for system rewards, and hearing the name of the exclusive gift box for achievements, he feels that it should be very good.

You still have to find a way to complete the task.

Since Lai Xingzhen has already made a request, it is inconvenient for Ren Shuai to veto it directly, otherwise the two of them will lose face, let alone the possibility of continuing to cooperate in the future.

Ren Shuai thought for a while, and said, "Director Lai, I understand your proposal very well. I also know that my image doesn't match up with the gangsters. Changing to Brother Qiang will have an advantage over me."

Lai Xingzhen breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and felt that Teacher Li was really good at speaking, and he could understand his painstaking efforts for the sake of the work.

Before he finished thinking about it, Ren Shuai continued: "However, I am a little worried for Brother Qiang. He always plays the same type of role, and the path of the play will become narrower and narrower. In the future, he will not be able to take other roles. gone."

Brother Bald Qiang nodded immediately when he heard the words. Although he was joking just now that his ID would be checked on the street, he was actually very worried about this in his heart.

The most taboo of actors is to always play the same role, which is not helpful for personal artistic development or improvement of acting skills.

However, Director Lai's status is not low, and he specially invited him, but Brother Qiang refused because of his face.

Seeing what Ren Shuai said, Brother Qiang asked curiously, "What advice does Mr. Li have?"

Ren Shuai smiled and said, "In my humble opinion, the image of Brother Qiang should try to play a positive role, especially the high-ranking officials of the police station."

After hearing this, both Lai Xingzhen and Brother Qiang smiled, feeling that Shuai Ren was joking.

However, Ren Shuai said solemnly: "Although our "Infernal Affairs" mainly focuses on action scenes, it is still a crime film after all, involving a lot of undercover plots, and the audience is familiar with the actors, so they can easily judge who will play the role." Good guy, whoever plays the bad guy has no sense of expectation at all.”

Of course, Lai Xingzhen had thought about this a long time ago, so he specially arranged for an actor who seemed to be full of righteousness to be in the police force, but he was actually a gang spy.

He was noncommittal about what Ren Shuai said.

Ren Shuai said again: "There is truth and falsehood, director Lai must have considered this point, but simply arranging positive-looking characters is not enough for the police, I think it is necessary to arrange deception items to make people look like bad guys. Only by inserting into the police force can they confuse the public."

Lai Xingzhen was stunned by Ren Shuai's phrase "The truth is also false and the false is also true".

This sentence has never appeared in this world, and Ren Shuai's follow-up statement is indeed very reasonable, which made Lai Xingzhen fall into thinking.

He whispered to himself: "If the image of Brother Qiang appears in the ranks of senior officials, he must be very conspicuous. It is easy for people to judge him as a mole, and they will ignore the real mole. Only when the showdown is finally, will there be a surprise."

The more he pondered, the more he felt that it was feasible to do so.

But he changed his mind, if Brother Qiang was going to play the deputy director, who would play the gang boss?
Teacher Li's image is really inappropriate.

Ren Shuai saw his looseness, and hit the iron while it was hot: "Otherwise, I will take advantage of the fact that I don't have a shooting task in the morning, and first do the boss's makeup and hair style, and try the scene briefly. I personally still have some confidence in playing this role. "

Brother Qiang immediately reconsidered: "Mr. Li is right. I think his image is very malleable, and he can play a boss with makeup."

The reason why he praised Ren Shuai so much was because he was very eager to play the role of the deputy chief of the police station.

After debuting for so many years, Brother Qiang has not received any positive roles. This time he has the opportunity to play a good person, and he must seize it.

Seeing that the two agreed, Lai Xingzhen nodded and said, "Okay, Mr. Li, let's try the play in the morning."

Ren Shuai nodded happily.

Finally, the role-changing thing was reversed.

But whether he can successfully play the role of the boss or not depends on the effect of the audition for a while.

Ren Shuai thought that since his acting skills were rudimentary, it would be fine for him to act as an ordinary boss, but he really couldn't do it if he wanted to show that kind of aura of a [-]-meter-eight boss who could calm people down when he appeared on stage.

It is also time for plug-ins to show their advantages.

When checking the system just now, Ren Shuai was pleasantly surprised to find that the recognition had broken through the [-] mark and was about to reach [-].

It can be said to be unprecedentedly rich.

You can exchange whatever item card you want.

Currently, the item cards sold in the mall include: charm cards, lines cards, makeup cards, dubbing cards and martial arts cards.

If you want to highlight the boss' aura, you must have a charm card, and Ren Shuai still has three cards in stock at this time.

If the characters want to speak with momentum, the dubbing card is indispensable. As for the styling, Ren Shuai still chooses to trust the makeup team.

Once the system makeup is used to make cards, I'm afraid it will only make him look more handsome and further away from the image of a big boss.

Fortunately, the boss doesn't have a lot of lines, so he doesn't need a line card, no action shots, and no martial arts card.

Calculated in this way, Ren Shuai only needs to spend 400 approval points to buy a dubbing card.

After eating, he followed the assistant arranged by the crew to the dressing room, ready to design the big guy's look.

Ren Shuai usually exercises regularly, so his figure looks thin. He hopes that the makeup artist can help him appear thicker, which can increase the visual oppressive effect.

The make-up artist lady was very professional. After hearing the request, she immediately brought Ren Shuai a muscle suit.

After the clothes were put on, he immediately looked much stronger.

Ren Shuai looked in the mirror with satisfaction, nodded and said, "Very good, please help me with the makeup and hair of a gangster."

The young lady looked at Ren Shuai's appearance and said in surprise, "Teacher, are you sure you're not playing a policeman?"

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(End of this chapter)

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