From janitor to actor

Chapter 131 Deterrence

Chapter 131 Deterrence
After negotiating with the makeup artist, Ren Shuai referred to some classic images he had seen in his previous life, and finally made a big boss look.

The modified face is rougher than the original skin, with a scar on the upper lip.

The hair was dyed slightly white at the root, and a strand was picked out to be dyed gray. The whole hair was covered with styling gel and combed into a big back.

Looking at the image in the mirror, Ren Shuai nodded.

The makeup artist's craftsmanship is good, although it takes two hours, the effect is gratifying.

Judging from his appearance, he already has a little gangster temperament.

But if you want to play a boss, you need aura support.

Ren Shuai put a black woolen coat on his shoulders, put his hands in the pockets of his suit pants, and walked out of the dressing room.

Lai Xingzhen, who was filming on the set, received a reminder from his assistant that Ren Shuai had already done the styling and was waiting for him to see the effect.

But at this time, he was still in the middle of filming, and he had no time to take care of him, so he contacted screenwriter Cai Zhizhi and producer Hu Qifa to watch it first.

Ren Shuai was in an empty lounge, thinking about his role.

He has never been a boss before, and it is difficult to grasp his heart, but the boss he plays does not need any depth, as long as he shows domineering and arrogant.

In this way, the difficulty is greatly reduced.

Soon, footsteps came from outside the door, and Cai Zhizhi and Hu Qifa walked in.

As soon as the two entered the door, they began to look at Ren Shuai. They felt that the effect after makeup was indeed much better than in the previous video, and it was a bit closer to a gang figure.

But in terms of momentum, it's still not up to the level of the boss.

Hu Qifa feels that Director Lai is right. It is indeed difficult for the image of Mr. Li to act as a boss, but he thinks that it is only a supporting role, even if there are some flaws, it will not affect the film's sales. The audience focuses on the protagonist. No need to nitpick on supporting characters.

The two greeted Ren Shuai, and Cai Zhizhi smiled and said, "Director Lai is currently filming on the set, so he will come later, Qi Qi and I will take a look first."

After she finished speaking, she took another look at Ren Shuai and felt that this outfit was very suitable for him. The scar design on his face was very ingenious. Not only did it not compromise Ren Shuai's appearance, but it also added a touch of sexiness.

But there is always the illusion that he is like the police sent to the gang to go undercover
Although this kind of feeling is very good, it is far from the characters in her works. Teacher Li feels very connotative, but the bosses in her works are superficial and domineering.

Cai Zhizhi even wanted to modify the role for Teacher Li.

But in this way, the positioning of other characters will be difficult to find, and they will all change with the changes of the boss, and the whole story will shift.

Ren Shuai saw that the two kept looking at him. Although there was appreciation in their eyes, they should not be too satisfied.

"Since Director Lai is not free for the time being, please take a look first."

Cai Zhizhi and Hu Qifa nodded and sat down, but Ren Shuai walked out of the lounge.

"I remember a scene where the boss led his subordinates to a gang meeting and walked in from the outside. Let me try this scene, shall we?"

After hearing the words, the two realized Ren Shuai's intention to leave, so they nodded and said, "Okay, thank you for your hard work, Mr. Li."

Ren Shuai went out, closed the door, and decisively used the item card.

It's time to witness a true miracle.

He raised his head slightly, his eyes gradually became sharper, and his whole temperament began to change.

The next moment, Ren Shuai pushed the door open violently, and strode into the room with great strides.

Immediately, he turned his head to look at the two people on the chair.

The two people sitting in the room were startled, and subconsciously shrank back.

At that moment just now, Hu Qifa seemed to feel the gaze of a real boss, and his heart almost missed a beat.

And Cai Zhizhi was also intimidated, and after a while, she was surprised to find that Teacher Li's temperament was completely different.

This kind of aura emanating from the inside out seems to be able to cover the entire room, making people focus on him.

The calm eyes and the slightly drooping corners of the mouth gave people a sense of oppression.

Immediately afterwards, Ren Shuai spoke.

"Aaron, you called this meeting?"

Ren Shuai's voice perfectly matched his temperament, and there was a sense of deterrence in his sonorous voice.

And when he spoke, he looked at Hu Qifa, temporarily treating him as Aaron
It didn't matter after seeing it, Hu Qifa immediately moved the chair back again, feeling a little tight in his neck.

Faced with such a compelling stare, Hu Qifa expressed that he couldn't stand it, and quickly looked away.

However, Ren Shuai didn't care about his reaction at all, and still took a step forward during the role performance, his tone full of dissatisfaction and disdain.

"You dare to call a meeting and want to rebel?"

Facing Ren Shuai's words, Hu Qifa couldn't hold back anymore, he stood up from his chair in fright, and hid behind Cai Zhizhi.

Cai Zhizhi, who was watching the whole process, had a heart beating wildly and felt a little nervous.

Even if you don't meet Ren Shuai's eyes, you can feel the pressure, let alone Hu Qifa who is facing each other head-on.

Ren Shuai followed Hu Qifa's movement, followed with his eyes, and his eyes were still fixed on him, which contained anger and contempt.

Hu Qifa was behind Cai Zhizhi at the moment, so it was Cai Zhizhi who faced Ren Shuai.

She couldn't help swallowing, her face turned pale.

"Li, Teacher Li, it's alright." Cai Zhizhi stammered.

Ren Shuai immediately looked away when he heard the words, and slowly let out a breath.

It is also a bit exhausting for him to maintain his aura all the time.

Seeing that Ren Shuai relaxed, Cai Zhizhi's face gradually recovered, thinking that the real gang boss might not have such a strong coercion as Teacher Li.

Hu Qifa was really frightened just now. Seeing that Ren Shuai had withdrawn his magical powers, he didn't dare to continue to sit on the chair and kept standing.

"Ms. Li is amazing, what Xiao Cui said is right, she definitely has plastic surgery-like acting skills!" He said in admiration.

Ren Shuai said politely, "Thank you for the compliment."

Cai Zhizhi recalled the performance just now, and couldn't help being amazed, as if the boss in the pen was alive, standing in front of him like that.

She quickly answered, "Inspiration is definitely not a compliment, it's just telling the truth, it really opened my eyes."

Cai Zhizhi looked at Ren Shuai at this time, and the more he looked at it, the more pleasing to the eye. In the past, he just felt that Ren Shuai's appearance was in line with her aesthetics, but now it seems that everything is in line.

Temperament, acting skills, conversation.

Coupled with the outfit of the boss at the moment, there is a strange charm.

Hu Qifa regained his composure a little bit, and resumed his old style.

He quickly walked to Ren Shuai's side and said, "It's definitely an honor for our crew to invite an actor like Mr. Li. Ah Zhen is so ignorant that he even asked you to audition. I will criticize him later."

Ren Shuai thought to himself, the charm card and dubbing card take off, if they can't keep you down, isn't the system just a decoration.

He replied: "Everything is for the work, I can understand."

It’s understandable to understand, but I’ve paid so much, do you want to consider giving me a raise?

 Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommendation!

(End of this chapter)

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