From janitor to actor

Chapter 132 Related Accounts

Chapter 132 Related Accounts

After Ren Shuai tried the play, he was completely impressed by Cai Zhizhi and Hu Qifa.

The two were full of praise for his acting skills, and Cai Zhizhi even thought about designing a character for Ren Shuai in his next work.

At noon, they kindly invited Ren Shuai to have lunch. Ren Shuai felt that the two were just being polite, so he politely declined.

As everyone knows, Cai Zhizhi invited him very sincerely.

After the audition, her appreciation for Ren Shuai has been upgraded from the original appearance to both inside and outside.

And Hu Qifa's invitation is also very real. As a producer, he feels that he can hire a teacher of this level of acting for only [-] yuan. Base.

It's a pity that Teacher Li didn't appreciate him.

Ren Shuai, who returned to the hotel room, ordered a lunch and asked the waiter to deliver it to the room. He found time to write some new chapters of "Cycle and Beginning", and by the way, updated two chapters on the starting line.

Now the popularity of novels continues to rise, with the blessing of recommendations, collections have skyrocketed, and the amount of rewards has also reached a new high.

Because a leader-level reader popped up from the circle of book friends, and with a wave of his hand, he tipped 300000 coins, which is equivalent to 3000 yuan in cash.

Ren Shuai was very happy, and seeing that the patron loved the work so much, he made an exception and updated another chapter.

On the other side, Cai Zhizhi and Hu Qifa, who were enjoying lunch in the restaurant, saw Lai Xingzhen who had come back from work, and beckoned him to sit down and eat together.

Their production team is very particular about time when shooting. They start when they should start, and stop when they want to finish work. They will never be late or procrastinate. They are very strict about the working time.

Since most of the shots they shoot are action shots, the physical energy of the actors and Wu Xing is very high, so the lunch break is relatively extended.

After Lai Xingzhen finishes work in the morning, he can go back to the hotel from the set to rest for a while.

After he sat down, he looked at the two and asked, "I've been busy filming this morning, so I forgot to ask, is that Mr. Li good at acting? play."

Cai Zhizhi and Hu Qifa looked at each other, and said first, "Of course there is no problem."

Lai Xingzhen was dubious, he saw that Cai Zhizhi admired Ren Shuai a little bit, maybe his evaluation was not objective.

As a result, Hu Qifa leaned forward, his stomach almost hit the table, and said excitedly: "Where is it going to work, it is simply the boss himself, okay?"

"real or fake?"

Lai Xingzhen was taken aback by his partner and wondered if his actions should be so exaggerated.

Cai Zhizhi sighed while recalling: "Mr. Li really brought the characters in my writing to life. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe that he would have such a big change. After entering the characters, he completely changed a person."

Hu Qifa immediately nodded and said: "Especially when he entered the door, his aura and expression were completely different from when he went out. When I looked at him, it scared me to check."

Cai Zhizhi glanced at him, but did not reveal it.

At that time, Hu Qifa was so scared that he hid behind her, and even said something that almost scared her.

Lai Xingzhen has worked with the two for many years and has a deep understanding of the partners. If it weren't for that Mr. Li is really strong, the two would never have praised him so much.

It's just that he was very curious, that Mr. Li didn't look like an explosive actor at all, how could he be able to play the powerful aura of a boss.

Lai Xingzhen still couldn't believe it.

Cai Zhizhi knew Lai Xingzhen's temper, at best he was persistent, at worst he was stubborn, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe it anyway.

"When shooting in the afternoon, you can see for yourself. We have cooperated for so many years, Qi Qi and I can still lie to you."

Cai Zhizhi rolled her eyes slightly.

Hu Qifa followed suit.

Lai Xingzhen suddenly laughed twice, but did not answer.

He thought that since the two partners were so confident, he would like to see what kind of abilities that Mr. Li has.

After the lunch break, the film crew returned to the shooting location one after another.

The scene in the afternoon was a big scene. During the gang meeting, the two groups fought verbally and fought, and there were many action scenes and gun battle scenes.

The gang leader played by Ren Shuai is the only one who talks, but some of his subordinates have two hearts, thinking that he is old and should step aside.

So a secret gang meeting was called.

However, rumors of this meeting leaked out, and the boss found out, so he personally sent someone to bring it up.

The police station also received word that their gang would have a fight, so they sent people to ambush nearby, and after the two groups fought, they encircled and arrested them.

The boss was slightly injured in this operation, but he still fled under the cover of his men.

In addition to a large number of supporting actors participating in the afternoon plot filming, there is also the anti-number two of this film, a senior action actor named Zha Yaohui.

It was the anti-number two he played who later betrayed the big boss, and after killing the big boss with his own hands, he rose to the top by himself.

Ren Shuai knew that he was going to have a rivalry with him, so he greeted him.

Zha Yaohui nodded in return, glanced at Ren Shuai's appearance, and thought that this could not be the actor who played the role of the boss, right?
From the appearance, although the temperament is very unique, there is some special charm, and the makeup and hair have been made in the direction of the big guy, but it still doesn't look like it.

It's almost like playing a policeman.

Although he didn't say anything, his eyes betrayed his heart.

Ren Shuai caught his gaze and knew that the other party must not feel like a big boss.

He didn't say anything, the actor was naturally talking about his acting skills.

Cai Zhizhi also came to the set and stood on the sidelines observing Ren Shuai, feeling that he exudes an indescribable charm.

She wanted to see how powerful Teacher Li was when he was actually filming.

His acting skills can make people addicted after watching it.

At the same time, Zha Yaohui saw Cai Zhizhi from a distance, and hurriedly came over to say hello.

"Sister Zhizhi, why did you come to the set in person?"

Cai Zhizhi smiled and said, "Come and enjoy Teacher Li's acting."

Zha Yaohui was full of surprise, turned his head to look at Ren Shuai who was not far away, and asked doubtfully, "The actor who played the boss?"

Cai Zhizhi smiled and nodded.

Zha Yaohui's heart was shocked, could it be that Sister Zhizhi's heart is sprouting again, and she has a new love.

However, why isn't the target this time Xiao Xianrou?
Could it be that it's insecure to find a younger boyfriend, and sister Zhizhi wants to try an older one.

Zha Yaohui thought logically, since that Mr. Li didn't look like a boss in appearance and temperament, and could still play a role, it was probably because of Sister Zhizhi's relationship that he was forcibly placed in.

Cai Zhizhi had no idea what Zha Yaohui was thinking, and stared at Ren Shuai with undisguised admiration.

He didn't know that such gaze would cause great misunderstanding to others.

Ren Shuai was inexplicably labeled as a related household.

No one is optimistic about the big guy he played.

 Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommendation!

(End of this chapter)

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