From janitor to actor

Chapter 133 Shocking the audience

Chapter 133 Shocking the audience
All departments of the crew are already in place, and Lai Xingzhen sits in front of the monitor.

Ren Shuai and a group of actors who played the younger brothers stood at the door, waiting for the board to be played.

Lai Xingzhen said: "Pay attention, this scene must show the kind of arrogance that smashed the scene, especially the boss, must be full of momentum, and everyone must be calm when he appears on the stage!"

Ren Shuai thought about when Fa Ge played the God of Gamblers, there was a scene where he pushed the door open, and he probably understood what the director needed to feel.

He nodded slightly, indicating that he was ready.

However, Lai Xingzhen did not hold out much hope.

Zha Yaohui, who was following Ren Shuai, thought to himself that he needs to restrain his aura a little later, so as not to steal the boss's limelight.

Once I give it my all, I guess my aura will completely overwhelm the boss, and Sister Zhizhi will definitely not be happy by then.

After all, she is Sister Zhizhi's new love, for her sake, she should take care of her.

After seeing the actors getting ready, Lai Xingzhen shouted: "Get ready, start."

The camera is aimed at the gate from above and below.

The moment Ren Shuai heard that it was turned on, he immediately switched his state and his eyes became sharp.

Zha Yaohui, who was standing behind him, looked at the back of his head, as if he felt an aura enveloping him.

Before he could think too much, Ren Shuai kicked open the door of the meeting room, and stepped into the room resolutely.

Zha Yaohui quickly followed.

Lai Xingzhen, who was sitting in front of the monitor, was slightly surprised. The moment the door was opened just now, the impact was too strong.

It seemed that the big boss of the gang really came to the scene and led the younger brother to smash the scene.

He blinked, watching the monitor carefully.

I saw Ren Shuai walking into the conference room, his eyes swept across the audience arrogantly, the eyes were so aggressive that even the photographer panicked slightly.

Ren Shuai glanced around, and everyone unconsciously avoided his gaze.

Standing behind him, Zha Yaohui kept his mind strong, feeling that his aura was completely covered up.

With his back facing Ren Shuai at this moment, he could feel the pressure from the front.

Not to mention that Zha Yaohui didn't restrain his aura at all now, even if his aura was twice as strong, he still felt that he would be crushed.

Ren Shuai locked his eyes on the machine in the middle, and said to the camera: "Aaron, you called this meeting?"

His voice exudes a strong sense of strength, which is full of momentum.

The photographer felt a tremor in his heart. If it wasn't for the support of the machine, his hands would have trembled.

Being stared at by that kind of gaze, coupled with the blessing of the voice, is inevitably a little numb.

The actor who was in charge of the line outside the venue was also affected by the momentum, and his voice was a little unsteady: "Brother, why are you here?"

Ren Shuai's eyes were fixed, and his momentum became more and more domineering. He stepped forward and said, "You dare to call a meeting, do you want to rebel?"

The tone of the voice this time is not high, but it contains a kind of depression before the eruption of the volcano.

The photographer swallowed reflexively, and almost moved his hand away from the machine.

Lai Xingzhen, who was sitting in front of the monitor, felt a huge shock in his heart, as if he had been pulled into a tense atmosphere by Ren Shuai, and even the sound of his breathing was subconsciously lowered.

The actor's voice became more and more unstable, and his voice was much lower.

"Brother, I am also sharing your worries. After all, you are old and should consider retirement."

Ren Shuai was completely annoyed when he heard the words, and shouted angrily: "It seems that you don't want to mess around anymore!"

The drinking in this life was full of penetrating power, echoing in the entire conference room.

As soon as he finished speaking, he put his hand in his pocket, took out his pistol and pointed it at the camera.

The photographer was completely shocked by this shout, and got out of the way behind the machine in fright.

Lai Xingzhen looked at the monitor nervously, and found that the camera shook, and then he woke up from the deterrence.

He hastily shouted, "Card."

Hearing this, Ren Shuai put down his pistol, and gradually lost his aura.

As his momentum subsided, the actors and staff in the venue breathed a sigh of relief.

The atmosphere just now was too tense, and everyone felt their bodies tense up unconsciously.

They felt that the actor playing the boss was too powerful. From the moment he entered the stage, everyone's eyes were instantly attracted to him, and they couldn't move their eyes away.

And with his tone of voice and the spread of his aura around him, everyone felt a sense of oppression.

Even if the pressure is not directed at him, the pores can't help shrinking and he can't breathe freely.

It's like being in a gang fight.

This is not an actor, he can't be a real boss, right?

This idea popped up in the minds of everyone present.

After the director called to stop, several minutes passed, but no one at the scene made a sound.

It was Ren Shuai who broke the silence by himself and said, "Director, what about the one just now?"

He had already put his heart and soul into the situation just now, and after this performance, he inevitably felt a little tired.

After hearing this, Lai Xingzhen gradually regained his composure.

He observed Ren Shuai again at this moment, but he didn't find any aura of a big boss. The person who was in the camera just now seemed to be another person.


Lai Xing applauded in shock.

Until now, he still felt unreal, so he couldn't stop nodding and said, "Your acting skills can only be described as superb."

He really didn't expect that the boss played by Ren Shuai could be so powerful.

Cai Zhizhi, who was watching from the sidelines, walked over with a smile.

"Ah Zhen, what's the matter, Qi Qi and I are not exaggerating, Mr. Li's acting skills are absolutely top-notch."

Cai Zhizhi felt that Ren Shuai's actual filming this time was better than the audition in the morning.

She watched the whole process just now and once again felt the power brought by Ren Shuai. Even if she stood on the periphery, she was inevitably attracted by his aura.

Lai Xingzhen laughed and said: "Ms. Li's acting skills really scared me. It seems that I need to reflect on it after I go back. Before, I always believed that the external image of an actor can affect the role he plays. After seeing Mr. Li, I believe it. The acting skills can really make a facelift."

After he uttered these words, a pleasant prompt sounded in Ren Shuai's mind.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, complete the achievement task: no one can steal my role (1/3), reward achievement value 1 point]

Ren Shuai immediately sank into his mind to check the system.

Name: Ren Shuai/Li Laifu

Occupation: Concierge/Actor
Achievements: 1
Props: Charm Card*2
Skills: Primary Acting (930/1000)
Recognition degree: 5596
System functions: shopping mall, lucky wheel, backpack
Ren Shuai looked at it for a long time, and found that there was a number 1 behind the achievement, but there was no relevant explanation after clicking it.

I don't know what the use of this little achievement point is, he muttered to himself.

Since there is no description, he can only give up and study it when he has time.

Then he took a look at the primary proficiency of acting, and found that he was only 70 points away from being able to upgrade.

Now he can feel the occasional strenuousness in acting, and he was a little tired when he played the boss just now, this is a manifestation of lack of acting skills.

As he develops, he will inevitably take on more challenging roles in the future, and his acting skills must keep up.

Ren Shuai is looking forward to the effect of intermediate acting.

???Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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