From janitor to actor

Chapter 135 New Agenda

Chapter 135 New Agenda

Cui Zixun wiped his sweat and walked backstage. He had just finished the fan meeting.

The manager kept monitoring the entertainment news in the background, Cui Zixun saw this and asked, "What are you looking at?"

The agent raised his head and said, "See if there is any gossip or black material about you."

Cui Zixun laughed, and while removing his makeup, he said, "Is there anything wrong with me, the fan meeting this time is also a small one, and I didn't buy any trending searches."

The manager pursed his lips and said, "I haven't forgotten the old man on the plane. He took the plane with you all the way, and he must want to break the news while you are holding a fan club."

"Uncle Li?" Cui Zixun waved his hand and said, "Impossible, I already told you that he is my fan."

The manager asked back: "Then you invited him to the fan club, why didn't he come, and said he was your fan, how can you have such an old fan?"

Cui Zixun thought that even if Uncle Li was not a fan, he would not be able to blackmail him, so he said: "Uncle Li said that he has a job, besides, is there any dirty information about me on the Internet?"

This time, the manager didn't reply right away, and said after a while: "Not yet, but it doesn't mean there won't be any time, besides, you're going to meet the team tomorrow. If there is any bad news, I'm afraid it will affect your acceptance of the show."

Cui Zixun smiled confidently: "I usually act upright and sit upright. There is nothing wrong with it. Besides, Mr. Li is a very nice person and won't do wicked things. You reminded me. I will see the group tomorrow. What role should I play?" ?”

This is his first electric shock, even if it is a cameo, he attaches great importance to it.

The agent called up a file on the phone, handed it to him and said, "The crew screened out two characters, one is a policeman and the other is a gang thug, and the detailed descriptions are on it. Personally, I think it's better for you to play the policeman. "

Cui Zixun looked at the data, there are two shots of the police character, and there is only one line: "Police, don't run."

In the plot, the police and their colleagues went to chase criminals together, and died in order to cover their colleagues who were shot in the head.

He looked down again, and the plot of the gang thug was that he, as the gangster's outstanding force value and the most loyal younger brother to the boss, stepped forward to protect the boss when the boss encountered betrayal, and singled out more than a dozen people, In the end, he fought hard and died.

Seeing this, Cui Zixun's eyes brightened and he said, "It's still a fight."

The agent nodded and said, "According to the plot and the degree of brilliance, the gang thugs must have the advantage, but considering that you have always been a representative of high-quality idols, it is better to play the role of a policeman to set a positive example."

Cui Zixun lowered his head and considered for a long time, then said: "But since I want to be an actor across the border, I have to take on any type of role. Besides, this is my first time trying to act in a movie, and it's an action drama. The role of a policeman is suitable for any action drama." No, on the contrary, the thugs have a good room to play."

The agent nodded, she was just out of safety considerations, in fact, she also knew in her heart that the role of a thug is more brilliant, and there are many successful precedents in the entertainment industry for playing young and Dangerous boys.

Many actors are sought after by fans because of the handsome and ruthless performance of Young and Dangerous.

Finally she made a decision: "Okay, I will listen to you this time, we will choose the thugs."

Cui Zixun was very happy, and said, "Do you know who will play the boss?"

The manager shook his head: "It's probably an old man in the industry."

Ren Shuai sneezed, wondering who was talking about him.

As he was walking towards the hotel, he laughed inwardly. He never expected that Zha Yaohui would really treat him as a big boss, and be careful with his words and actions.

He explained to Zha Yaohui for a long time that he was just an actor.

However, Zha Yaohui nodded as if he understood everything.

Ren Shuai really wanted to ask him what he knew, but it was obvious that the misunderstanding had deepened.

Since he couldn't explain clearly, Ren Shuai would not chase after him and insist on explaining.

It's more important to prepare for tomorrow's play.

The boss he played had a deal with a gang from out of town, and it was in this deal that an accident happened.

His most trusted second-in-command, Zha Yaohui, suddenly betrayed him and attacked him from behind.

Ren Shuai had never acted in a scene where he was beaten to death before, and he didn't know how to play dead after being stabbed.

I am not sure whether I can play a good effect even if my acting skills are elementary.

After returning to the room, he received a message on his mobile phone from Cui Shaoyu.

"Mr. Li, you are really amazing. Producer Hu contacted me just now and said that he is looking forward to a follow-up cooperation with our company, and their next work is already in preparation."

Ren Shuai didn't pay much attention, and felt that Hu Qifa should just be polite, so he replied two words to Cui Shaoyu: "Okay."

Cui Shaoyu was taken aback when he received the news.

Mr. Li only replied with two words, what do you mean, without asking about the content of the follow-up cooperation?

Or is it that Teacher Li is too busy and too tired to reply to her.

Cui Shaoyu thought a lot, and finally decided to wait for detailed information about the cooperation before contacting Teacher Li.

Ren Shuai is indeed a bit tired this afternoon.

Although there are no martial arts moves, the mental exhaustion is stronger than the physical.

Even with the blessing of prop cards, he has always hung his spirits, keeping his momentum at a high level and not daring to relax.

He had a casual dinner before getting ready to rest, but he received another message on his phone.

"Ms. Li, hello, I haven't contacted you for a long time. I hope you are well. Our crew has made a schedule and will notify you in advance. Please check it. The contract is attached. I look forward to your reply."

Ren Shuai was confused, who is this?
He looked at the sender's name, and then remembered that this was Director Ma Chunpeng's assistant, Ms. Song Lishu.

It seems that director Ma's play is finally about to start filming.

Ren Shuai lay on the bed, opened the files on the phone, and checked the schedule.

Ma Chumpeng's play is scheduled to start a week before the end of the year, which is still more than half a month away.

Ren Shuai calculated the time. It seems that he needs to start the retirement formalities in advance. I am afraid that he will spend the last week at the end of the year on the set, and he has no time to process materials.

He glanced at the shooting location again, but it was not in Yezhou.

The shooting location is on an island in Toyosu. It is a setting similar to a disaster movie, and the background is on a deserted island.

Ren Shuai lamented that it was really a big investment, and the shooting was done in real locations, and he really chose an isolated island to shoot when he said that he was shooting an island.

Since Ren Shuai is a supporting role, the notification was relatively late, and the main actors had informed the schedule a month in advance.

At the end of the itinerary, there is also a contract and insurance application form.

The focus of Ren Shuai's attention is naturally on the salary. He swiped his phone, opened the contract, and found the salary column.

There were exactly five zeros written on it.

A salary of [-] yuan is worthy of being a big production, and it is a big deal.

Ren Shuai was overjoyed.

He nodded in satisfaction, and was about to sign the contract, but after another thought, going to the island to shoot might be dangerous.

I don't know how to read the contract, so I simply sent it to Cui Shaoyu and asked her to help me with it.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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