From janitor to actor

Chapter 136 Paparazzi?

Chapter 136 Paparazzi?

Cui Shaoyu was pleasantly surprised when he received the news from Ren Shuai.

Unexpectedly, Teacher Li took the initiative to ask her to help review the contract. It seems that the signing of Teacher Li is not far away.

Then Cui Shaoyu immediately began to judge from a professional perspective.

Every clause in the contract is read very carefully.

She had seen many contracts before, but it was the first time she found out that there was such a strict confidentiality clause, and if the secret was leaked, she would have to pay a liquidated damages of 20 times the film salary.

Cui Shaoyu watched and found that the crew had to go to the island to shoot, and the actors needed to promise to keep their mobile phones blocked while on the island.

This is very strange.

It doesn't look like a serious contract between the lines, but a bit like a criminal organization deceiving people to engage in pyramid schemes.

To actually ask actors to block their mobile phones is simply a fantasy.

It is also necessary to implement closed management on the island. Wouldn't that be called "every day should not be done", and the land will not work.

No, no!
There is a problem with this contract, and it is a big problem. Fortunately, Mr. Li sent the contract to him to read, otherwise he might suffer a lot of losses and be fooled.

Cui Shaoyu thought about it, and quickly contacted Ren Shuai with a phone call.

"Mr. Li, I have read the contract."

Ren Shuai said: "There should be no problem, then I will contact you to sign the contract."

"Don't, don't, don't sign it first. I personally judge from a professional point of view that there is a big problem with this contract."

Cui Shaoyu spoke anxiously, for fear that Ren Shuai would be deceived.

Ren Shuai was a little surprised. He only showed Cui Shaoyu the contract just to be on the safe side, but he didn't expect there to be a problem.

Originally, he was thinking that a large-scale production crew like Ma Chunpeng shouldn't want to exploit small supporting roles.

"What's the problem?" Ren Shuai asked.

Cui Shaoyu said: "The confidentiality clause is too strict, and the island is required to be closed, and the mobile phone signal needs to be blocked. These requirements are very excessive. I have reason to suspect that this crew is definitely not a regular crew, and it may be a scam gang."

Ren Shuai was very surprised when he heard this, and he didn't expect Cui Shaoyu to come to such a conclusion.

"No, I think these requests are reasonable." Ren Shuai said.

Ma Chumpeng's production crew is notoriously strict, and the confidentiality clauses are naturally demanding. Moreover, for the sake of confidentiality, it is normal not to allow the use of mobile phones on the island.

Cui Shaoyu became even more anxious after hearing this, like a son or daughter who knows that the elderly in the family will be deceived, but can't persuade them no matter how hard they try.

She thought to herself that this clause is not right, why does Teacher Li think it is reasonable?
"Isn't it strange to take you to a sea island to seal it off?" Cui Shaoyu asked earnestly.

"It's not surprising." Ren Shuai said naturally.

This can only show that the crew is rich and powerful, and can rent an island as a shooting location.

Cui Shaoyu choked, feeling that although Teacher Li is kind, has excellent acting skills, and takes care of the younger generation, but at the same time has a shortcoming, that is, he trusts people too easily, so he is easy to be deceived.

"Okay, even if it's okay to go to the island to shoot, it's too weird to block the mobile phone signal after going to the island. If there is any danger, you won't be able to contact the outside world."

Ren Shuai thought about it for a while, and it was indeed a bit risky, but it is understandable for the crew to temporarily block the signal in order to keep the filming content confidential.

If there is any emergency, the crew will definitely help contact the outside, and the actors don't need to worry.

"It's okay, I can understand." Ren Shuai said.

Cui Shaoyu found that he couldn't be persuaded, so he could only change his strategy and said: "Then where is the producer of this crew?"

The producer Ren Shuai really didn't know.

So he said, "I don't know, but the director is Ma Chumpeng."

"Ma Chumpeng?"

Cui Shaoyu was startled, and immediately understood: "That's right, that's the way scammers do it. Pull up a big banner, use famous people in the industry as a cover, and only then can they attract people to be fooled."

She thought to herself of Ma Chunpeng's works, which are obviously fat, and everyone in the circle is staring at them and wanting to participate.

Not to mention a lesser-known actor like Mr. Li, even a top star might not be able to participate.

Ren Shuai was surprised, but Cui Shaoyu misunderstood that he had been deceived, so he explained: "That's right, it's Ma Chunpeng, he chose me himself."

Cui Shaoyu sighed when he heard the words, and wondered how a great director like Ma Chunpeng would choose actors himself.

This is more proof that the other party is a liar.

"As long as you haven't seen Director Ma with your own eyes, you must be a liar."

Cui Shaoyu made the final decision.

Ren Shuai laughed.

"I saw it with my own eyes."

Cui Shaoyu was ready to continue persuading, but was stunned when he opened his mouth.

Did she hear correctly? Ma Chunpeng personally selected Mr. Li and invited him to appear in the work...

The clown was herself.

Cui Shaoyu fell into a brief autism.

After thinking about it, Mr. Li should have been in the entertainment industry for many years, and he has seen through all kinds of tricks in the entertainment industry. If the contract is unreasonable, he will definitely be able to see it.

Since the contract was sent to her, it was probably out of consideration to see if she had the ability to be a qualified agent.

Cui Shaoyu felt cold in his heart. If he made such a big oolong, Teacher Li's evaluation of himself would definitely be lowered a lot.

Originally, I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to help Mr. Li get "Infernal Affairs", get closer to him, and lay the foundation for signing him in the future.

Guess screwed up now.

Ren Shuai saw that she didn't reply for a long time, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Cui Shaoyu quickly said: "It's okay, it's okay, since this is the case, then I think the terms of this contract are very reasonable, and you will definitely have no problem signing the contract."

Cui Shaoyu thought to himself, in Director Ma's play, even if the contract is unreasonable, people will rush to sign it, let alone this contract does not have any excessive requirements.

"OK, thanks."

Since Cui Shaoyu also thinks there is no problem, he can sign the contract as soon as possible.

Cui Shaoyu looked at the hung up communication, feeling sorry for him.

And Ren Shuai thought to himself, Cui Shaoyu is quite cautious in handling affairs and carefully reviewing contracts, so he should be a good choice as a broker.

Ren Shuai signed the contract online and fell asleep peacefully.

Early the next morning, Ren Shuai rushed from the hotel to the crew's dressing room.

Today he will die in battle with honor, and he needs to install the blood bag and other props in advance.

At this time, in the dressing room, Cui Zixun was doing the thug pose.

Although he has very few cameo scenes, they are basically martial arts actions, which require preparation and auditions in advance, so he came early.

Cui Zixun has dancing skills, so he is not particularly worried about acting. What he cares most about is whether his appearance is handsome enough.

His agent was standing outside the dressing room on the phone at this time, and he raised his eyes and saw Ren Shuai walking from a distance.

She immediately recognized Ren Shuai as the uncle on the plane, and immediately became alert.

The agent hung up the phone, turned around and walked into the dressing room.

"Zixun, what I said is indeed correct, that uncle has appeared again."

Cui Zixun was confused by the agent's nonsensical words, and he reacted for a while before confirming: "You mean Uncle Li?"

"Yeah, it's just outside the set. How can there be such a coincidence in the world. He followed you just after you joined the set. You must be a paparazzi!"

 Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommendation!

(End of this chapter)

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