Chapter 137
Ren Shuai found that there were more people outside the crew today than usual.

I thought it might be because the Rush scene required a large number of group performances, so I didn't think too much about it, and walked towards the dressing room on my own.

The assistant arranged by the production crew had already guided him through yesterday, but today he came here by himself.

Ren Shuai came to the door of the dressing room with ease, and suddenly felt a little itchy nose.

In the dressing room, Cui Zixun was still discussing him with his agent.

"I think you've misread the person. Even if it's really Uncle Li, he's here to chase stars, not to take secret photos."

Cui Zixun waved his hand, expressing his disbelief in what the manager said.

The agent said in a sentence from a person who has experienced it: "You are still too young and easy to trust others. I think he came towards the dressing room. If he can successfully sneak into the crew, he is no ordinary paparazzi, he is definitely very professional. That kind, just imagine, who would guard against an uncle, his image is the best camouflage."

"I do not believe."

As soon as Cui Zixun finished speaking, Ren Shuai opened the door and walked into the dressing room.

The manager suddenly turned his head, showing a smile that knew everything.

See, I'm right.

She proved to Cui Zixun how wise she was, and then walked to the door, intending to stop Ren Shuai.

However, Ren Shuai turned a blind eye to her and walked towards the dressing table in the other corner.

The dressing room of the crew is very large and can accommodate many actors to make up together, but it also distinguishes between the dressing room of the main actors and the dressing room of the extras.

Both Ren Shuai and Cui Zixun were arranged in the main actor's dressing room.

When the manager saw that Ren Shuai wanted to get away with it, did he really think that no one paid attention to him?
Do you think that hiding in a corner and secretly taking pictures of Cui Zixun's makeup won't be discovered?

Ren Shuai sat down in the corner, where he put his makeup on yesterday, and he was used to it.

When he entered the door, he noticed that someone was putting on makeup on the other side, but he couldn't see who it was. He was still thinking about quickly packing the blood bag and adjusting the position, and he didn't have time to pay attention to others.

At this moment, Cui Zixun's manager was standing behind him with his hands crossed, staring straight at him like that.

Ren Shuai saw the person coming from the mirror, thought it was a makeup artist, and wondered how to change someone.

But after a long while, the woman was still standing there, without any intention of putting on makeup.

Ren Shuai thought, maybe she didn't know what role she was playing, and she was too embarrassed to ask.

But the agent thought, this old man has good concentration, and he has been staring at him for a long time, but he is not guilty at all, and he is still sitting there comfortably.

Just as Ren Shuai was about to speak, he found a familiar figure walking from the other side.

It turned out to be Cui Zixun.

Why is he also in the crew?
Cui Zixun was in a complicated mood, wondering if Uncle Li really came to secretly take pictures as the agent said, right?

He would rather Uncle Li be his brainless fan, spare no effort to sneak into the crew in order to chase stars, just to see him.

Before Cui Zixun could speak, Ren Shuai said, "Why are you here?"

The manager smiled, actually pre-empting the attack, Zi Xun is probably not his opponent, maybe he was confused by a few words again.

You have to do it yourself.

Before Cui Zixun could reply, the manager asked back, "Why are you here?"

Only then did Ren Shuai come to his senses. The person behind him was not a makeup artist, but seemed to be Cui Zixun's manager. He had met once on the plane, but it was too ordinary, and he didn't remember his appearance.

"Come to act." Ren Shuai replied.

He was slightly puzzled, didn't Cui Zixun come to Alley City to hold a fan meeting, why did he appear in the crew.

A gleam flashed in the agent's eyes, thinking that you, a concierge, dare to say that you are acting.

It would be more believable to say that he came to see the door.

Cui Zixun saw the manager's bloody look, and was afraid that her words would be too harsh, so he interjected, "I'm also here to act."

Ren Shuai understood that it turned out that Cui Zixun wanted to cross over to become an actor.

"Oh, what a coincidence."

He nodded slightly, not intending to continue the conversation.

In the morning, the makeup time is quite tight. It is the first time for him to install a blood bag, and he wants to get familiar with how to use it first. He must find a makeup artist quickly.

So Ren Shuai stood up from his seat, planning to find the makeup artist lady.

But his actions were immediately interpreted by the agent as wanting to escape.

You can't let him go easily, you have to teach him a lesson, otherwise everyone will really pretend that they didn't see what he was trying to do.

"Where are you going?" She asked knowingly.

"Go to the makeup artist." Ren Shuai said truthfully.

The manager smiled and said, "We Zixun just brought two makeup artists, how about I lend you one?"

Ren Shuai turned his head, thinking that his makeup is not too troublesome, and the personal makeup artist of the top idol should be good, he can first ask his makeup artist to help with makeup and hair, and then install the blood bag after the professional makeup artist arrives .

"Okay, thank you very much." Ren Shuai readily agreed.

The agent didn't expect him to agree, and thought he was looking for an excuse to keep sneaking.

It seems to be a master, not easy to deal with.

See if I continue to trick you, I can always expose your old background, the manager thought to himself.

Ren Shuai simply sat next to Cui Zixun and began to describe the effect of the makeup to the makeup artist.

Cui Zixun saw what he said carefully, and thought that Uncle Li might really come to the crew to act, so he took the initiative to ask: "What role are you playing?"

Just as Ren Shuai was about to answer, his agent immediately interrupted: "Zixun, don't chat while you're putting on makeup, it will easily affect the effect of your makeup."

She thought to herself, if someone fooled her a few words, her silly artist might believe it, but sometimes she thought it was her paranoia.

That doesn't work.

"Uncle Li, if I remember correctly, you are the concierge, right?" She took the initiative to attack.

Ren Shuai wondered if chatting while putting on makeup would affect the effect of the look?
He didn't open his mouth, just said "hmm".

"Then why did you come to the crew to act again?" the agent asked.

Ren Shuai could only say, "Part-time job."

"If I remember correctly, this is the main actor's dressing room. You come here to make up, it seems that you are playing the main role?"


Ren Shuai thought to himself, the boss can also be regarded as a main supporting role.

The agent didn't expect that Ren Shuai would dare to follow along. Which one of the main characters in this crew is not a well-known person in the industry, and it's your turn to play the role of the janitor?
It seems that no tears will be shed without seeing the coffin.

The agent simply broke the casserole and asked: "What is the specific role, maybe there is a rivalry with Zixun."


Ren Shuai answered simply and simply.

Mainly in order not to affect the makeup artist's styling.

This time, even Cui Zixun was surprised.

He is acting as a thug under the boss, how could his immediate boss be Uncle Li?

Not to mention that [-]% of the big guys are senior actors, just talking about appearance, Ren Shuai and the big guys are not related.

The manager showed a triumphant smile, and I must have finally found out about it.

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(End of this chapter)

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