Chapter 138
The manager looked at Ren Shuai, and said calmly: "With your image, it's almost meaningless to act as a big boss."

Ren Shuai was puzzled.

This manager is very lenient, but the top managers are probably more proud, and they want to control everyone.

He didn't mind, and said modestly: "I don't want to either, the director insisted on letting me act."

The agent was stunned for a moment, and thought that this old man had a thick skin, and he was bragging about it after seeing that he was completely worn out.

"I see you are..."

Just when the agent was about to reveal Ren Shuai's identity as a paparazzi, the door of the dressing room was pushed open.

The young lady who put on Ren Shuai's makeup yesterday walked in.

She looked around and saw Ren Shuai sitting on a chair, and immediately walked over quickly.

"Ms. Li, I'm really sorry. I had a bad stomach last night and I came late. Do you still follow the shape of yesterday? I'm ready to make the jelly on the back of the boss, and the scar on the lip. Bring the silicone patch and make sure it's exactly the same as yesterday."

Ren Shuai saw that she still had a disheveled face, and immediately comforted him: "It's okay, Xiao Cui's makeup artist is already helping me with the preliminary styling, and you can help me to retouch it later."

Cui Zixun's manager suddenly went into a daze.

Just now the make-up artist called that uncle Mr. Li, and said he wanted to make him look like a boss, could it be that he is really...

Before finishing this thought, Ren Shuai suddenly turned his head and asked, "By the way, what did you want to say just now?"

"No, what did I say?"

The manager hastily coughed dryly to cover up his embarrassment.

Just when she was about to pass by, her own artist handed out a backstab and said, "Just now you said that I think you are, what is it?"

The manager was thundering, how could he train such an artist.

IQ is really on the face.

She immediately smiled brightly and said, "I mean, I think you are the boss himself, Mr. Li."

Ren Shuai was puzzled, didn't he just say that he almost meant something?

The manager felt a dull pain on his face, and it was sure that he had slapped him in the face.

But who would have thought that a concierge could act part-time in a movie and participate in such a well-known movie in the circle.

She has been in the industry for more than ten years, which is almost unheard of.

At this time, Cui Zixun suddenly remembered that when he was recording a variety show last time, there was a part of acting. At that time, Uncle Li was very good at acting, but he didn't expect to be a part-time actor.

"What a coincidence, I play the thug, and I have a scene with you, please give me more advice." Cui Zixun laughed.

Ren Shuai's face darkened, thinking that he had seen Cui Zixun's acting skills last time, so he could only say that he worked very hard.

And this idol, who doesn't seem to be very smart, has a rivalry with him today...

Will it delay the evening flight?
The manager was about to cry because of his own artist, thinking that you are a top-notch anyway, so you can do something to a concierge if you have nothing to do.

Even if he plays the boss, so what, is it possible that you still expect the acting skills of a part-time actor to take you flying?

Seeing Cui Zixun's sincerity, Ren Shuai could only smile and say, "I will try my best."

The two of them quickly finished styling. Cui Zixun needed to learn martial arts moves first, so he left the dressing room first.

Before leaving, he still said to Ren Shuai: "Mr. Li, please help me in a while. It's my first time acting and I have no experience in acting. Please help me."

Ren Shuai could only smile and nod.

He still doesn't know when to bite the blood bag in his mouth to be more realistic. There is really nothing that can help others in this regard.

After leaving the door of the dressing room, Cui Zixun walked happily to the set.

The agent followed behind, sighing in a very weak way: "Don't even think about it, then Uncle Li is just a gatekeeper. Even if he has taught himself to act for a few years, his acting skills are not very good. Besides, I think his image He doesn't look like a big brother at all, maybe even acting on his own is a problem, you still expect him to take you?"

Cui Zixun doesn't trust his manager's judgment anymore, he waved his hand and said, "Ms. Li performed in the variety show last time, and I just watched it on the spot, and the performance was very good."

The agent didn't take it seriously, and said: "Even if he has some acting skills, but his status is so low, there is nothing to communicate with, and you are not an old artist. You are top-notch, so there is no need to deal with these small supporting roles."

Cui Zixun didn't take it seriously, feeling that the manager was a bit powerful.

He just felt very comfortable communicating with Uncle Li, and he didn't try to please or flatter him like others.

About an hour later, Ren Shuai was finally able to master the use of the blood bag proficiently.

Not only in the mouth, but also in three places on the body.

The one on the abdomen was going to explode when Zha Yaohui stabbed him, and the two on the chest were detonated by Ren Shuai through the remote control to match the rhythm of his body's reaction when Zha Yaohui made up the knife.

He lamented that the crew that specializes in shooting action scenes is professional, and the blood packs are carefully prepared, with various types, sizes, and detonation methods.

After Ren Shuai put on his makeup, he was ready to go to the set.

At this time, Cui Zixun had learned the movements from the martial arts instructor and was practicing by himself.

However, martial arts and dancing are obviously two different fields. Although his dancing skills are good, his martial arts movements are not strong enough and straightforward.

The agent saw Zha Yaohui who was waiting next to him, and knew that he was a senior martial arts actor, so he invited him to give some advice.

"Mr. Cha, thank you for your hard work. It's Zixun's first time shooting an action scene. You have rich experience. Please help me to see how to make it look good."

The manager smiled very attentively.

Zha Yaohui nodded slightly, he looked like a senior in the industry, and he was born in martial arts, and his body was full of tendons, which made him look full of momentum.

Walking to Cui Zixun's side, adjusting his movements in various ways.

"No, you can't stretch your arms too straight, it's too rigid, you have to bend them slightly." Zha Yaohui pointed out.

Fortunately, Cui Zixun has a bit of talent in this area, and his understanding is not bad, and he can improve immediately after giving advice.

After more than ten minutes of adjustments, Cui Zixun practiced a bit like that.

The manager thanked Zha Yaohui very politely, and offered to pass the water: "Brother Yaohui, please drink water! Thank you so much, we will cooperate more in the future."

"You're welcome."

Cha Yaohui nodded casually.

Seeing that Cui Zixun had almost practiced, he stopped pointing and went to the side to wait.

The manager stood beside Cui Zixun and said, "See, seniors like this are the ones you should communicate more with. If they can help you in your career, just forget about someone like Uncle Li."

Cui Zixun took a sip of water, and suddenly saw Ren Shuai's figure appearing outside.

Instinctively, he wanted to extend his hand to say hello, but the agent immediately stopped him and said, "Okay, just listen to my advice, what kind of stickers do you always put on the concierge, what can he do for you?"

At this moment, Zha Yaohui who was waiting also saw Ren Shuai.

He immediately stood up from his chair, picked up the water bottle on the table, and trotted towards Ren Shuai.

"Ms. Li, drink water!"

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(End of this chapter)

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