Chapter 139

As soon as Ren Shuai walked to the set, he was offered water by Cha Yaohui graciously.

He thought to himself that this guy didn't say anything, but he still regarded himself as a big boss in his heart.

"You don't need to be so polite." Ren Shuai said politely.

Zha Yaohui nodded and said, "I understand, I understand, keep a low profile."

After finishing speaking, he trotted back to his seat, moved the folding chair over and said, "Miss Li, sit down."

Ren Shuai was really embarrassed to take advantage of others, so he sat on the chair and said, "Thank you."

Seeing that Ren Shuai didn't reject his kindness, Zha Yaohui felt relieved. Judging by this posture, the boss probably won't let the younger brother raise the plot to the actor himself.

He will be safe too.

Not far away, seeing Zha Yaohui standing beside Ren Shuai with a flattering face, the manager's eyes almost popped out.

This unscientific.

With Zha Yaohui's status and qualifications in the circle, there is absolutely no need to be so polite to a porter.

This kindness is almost as good as that of the younger brother who works for the boss.

She couldn't hide her doubts, and felt that things were not as simple as she thought, and she had to figure it out.

So she immediately sent a message to someone she knew well in the crew, wanting to find out about Ren Shuai.

After a while, the acquaintance returned the message.

"That teacher, I heard that he is the screenwriter Zhizhi's boyfriend. When he was acting, Zhizhi would come to watch in person."

The agent was very surprised. He never thought that the concierge turned out to be the boyfriend of Cai Zhizhi, one of the Iron Triangle. No wonder he was able to receive this drama.

However, even so, Zha Yaohui didn't need to be so obsequious, even if he saw Cai Zhizhi himself, he would at most be respectful.

After a while, the acquaintance sent her another message.

"The gossip said that Mr. Li's identity is not simple, he is not an actor at all, otherwise how could Zhizhi find him as her boyfriend."

When the agent saw the news, he secretly laughed in his heart. He is indeed not an actor, but just a porter.

Sister Zhizhi didn't know what he liked about him.

Then another message came.

"He's a gang leader, a very powerful one. You must stay away, and you won't be able to provoke him."

The agent froze for a moment.

This is impossible, how could a gang leader be a concierge...

Is it a disguise?
The manager's heart skipped a beat. Looking at Zha Yaohui's courteous appearance, the news might be true.

She felt a little trembling in her heart, and hurriedly walked to Cui Zixun's side and said, "Hurry up and bring a cup of coffee to Mr. Li."

Cui Zixun was in a daze. It was obvious that his manager had stopped him from getting in touch with Uncle Li just now, so why did he change his face after only a while.

He glanced at the nervous expression on his manager's face, and felt that she might be going through menopause soon.

"Go, be polite." The manager urged.

She didn't dare to go up to her. Fortunately, Cui Zixun seemed to have a good relationship with the boss, so he should let the boss put aside the past, and don't take her offensive attitude in the dressing room to heart.

Cui Zixun said bluntly: "Didn't you just say that you should have less contact with him, and you think Uncle Li is a concierge?"

The manager was so frightened that he almost covered Cui Zixun's mouth. He said it so loudly that others might not hear him.

In order to prevent this high-ranking person from being stupid, she lowered her voice and told Cui Zixun everything she had just inquired about, and asked him to establish a good relationship with Ren Shuai and stop talking nonsense.

Cui Zixun, however, was full of disbelief, thinking that his manager must have been deceived by the gossip, how could he be a boss if he is so amiable.

However, he originally wanted to communicate more with Ren Shuai so that he could learn some acting experience, so he happily walked over with his coffee.

"Ms. Li, drink coffee." Cui Zixun said with a smile.

Zha Yaohui saw that he was trying to gain favorability here, but someone wanted to grab a job?

"Ms. Li, the coffee is too hot. I'll put it on the table for you to dry."

Zha Yaohui took the coffee, turned around and put it on a small table not far away, then turned his head and glared at Cui Zixun.

Seeing his bewildering behavior, Ren Shuai felt like he couldn't sit still.

At this moment, Cui Zixun asked: "Mr. Li, I heard from my agent that you are really a gangster?"

The brokers in the distance are desperate.

Zha Yaohui on the side wondered how this idiot boy became top-notch, he didn't understand whether he saw it through or not, could he show his status as a big boss?
Ren Shuai stood up from his chair and said, "Of course not. I don't know who spread the rumors. You should know my identity best."

Cui Zixun nodded and said: "I just think it's a rumor, your temperament doesn't look like a boss."

Ren Shuai chuckled, feeling that this sentence didn't sound like a compliment to him.

Zha Yaohui looked at Cui Zixun with admiration, and only hoped that he would take care of himself.

At this moment, the director began to call the actors into position.

The scene was filmed outdoors, and the boss entertained guests in the courtyard of his hotel. Although it was called a reception, it was actually a transaction.

The foreign gang brought a lot of powerful weapons and wanted to trade them to the boss.

And Zha Yaohui played tricks in the dark, and exchanged the cash used for the transaction into ghost coins, with the purpose of triggering a fight between foreign gangs and big bosses.

After provoking a melee, he can take advantage of the opportunity to fish in troubled waters, solve the big boss in the dark, and then calm down the struggle. It is logical that he will become the new big boss.

There were a lot of people on the shooting site, and the scheduling was very laborious. After about 10 minutes, all the actors were in their positions accurately.

Ren Shuai sat cross-legged on a rattan futon. In front of him was a low desk with a tea set and an incense burner with green smoke rising from it.

He looked very comfortable in a casual sky blue coat.

Behind him are Zha Yaohui and Cui Zixun separated on both sides.

Lai Xingzhen stared at the monitor, picked up the walkie-talkie and said: "Attention all departments, get ready, start up."

Ren Shuai sat on the futon, picked up his teacup, took a sip and said, "Is the guest here?"

Zha Yaohui bowed respectfully and said: "The person sent to pick him up said he has already entered the door and is waiting for your order."

"Don't neglect the guests, let them in quickly."


Zha Yaohui winked downwards, and immediately a younger brother led him in.

A group of more than a dozen people came in with black suitcases and stood neatly opposite Ren Shuai.

The first person was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, with a delicate oiled hair and a full beard.

The man greeted him with a smile, and said straight to the point: "We have brought the goods, where is the money?"

Ren Shuai waved his hand and asked Zha Yaohui to come forward and said, "Inspect the goods first."

The man seemed to be dissatisfied, and stepped forward and said: "It is agreed to pay the money and deliver the goods, you don't want to go back on your word, do you?"

After these words fell, the dozen or so people behind him stretched out their hands into their arms in unison.

Ren Shuai overturned the teacup with a "wow", staring his eyes and said: "This is my site, I said, first inspect the goods!"

As soon as these words came out, his momentum rose instantly.

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(End of this chapter)

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