From janitor to actor

Chapter 140 Admiration, admiration

Chapter 140 Admiration, admiration


Lai Xingzhen yelled to stop.

He walked out of the tent, took a look at the scene, and said to the cameraman: "Your lens was a little shaken just now, if it doesn't work, tie the machine to the bracket."

After finishing speaking, he walked up to the bearded actor and said, "The acting just now was not bad, but don't retreat at the last moment, you have to move forward. As the leader of the transaction, you will appear courageous."

Finally, he came to Cui Zixun's side and said in a low voice: "Zixun, the first performance was good, but you should pay attention to the eyes of the panoramic camera just now, don't be frightened, this is your territory, the eyes should be fierce and cold."

Cui Zixun nodded slightly when he heard the words, but his eyes were always on Ren Shuai.

Teacher Li shouted loudly just now, and his momentum soared.

Facing the sudden oppression, Cui Zixun just revealed his true feelings subconsciously.

Not to mention the frightened eyes, if he didn't know that he was still filming, he would have closed his eyes.

Didn't the cameraman's hands tremble and his beard backed away in fright?

Cui Zixun murmured in his heart, Mr. Li must not be really a boss, why did his aura become so strong all of a sudden.

Zha Yaohui looked at him with the eyes of someone who has experienced it, and thought that now he knows how naive he is.

After giving instructions, Lai Xingzhen returned to the tent.

He had expected Ren Shuai's aura long ago, so after these situations occurred on the scene, he did not get angry, but expressed his understanding of the situation of the cast and crew.

Through the monitor, he could feel how oppressive that sudden low drink was.

Not to mention those who are on the scene.

Ren Shuai noticed that the people around him were a little dodgy.

With that low voice just now, he deliberately imitated the dubbing of a big guy in a movie he had seen in his previous life, and the effect was unexpected.

Even caused the effect of momentum bonus.

It seems that dubbing cards and charm cards are superimposed, and the effect is not simply one plus one.

He analyzed that when more than two item cards are used, there will be some unexpected bonus effects.

Will have to try a few more in the future.

Soon, Lai Xingzhen announced the launch again.

The camera continued to shoot down the scene just now. The cameraman held the camera tightly and made up his mind that this time, no matter how scared he was, he could not shake his hands.

It's a big deal to shake your legs.

The bearded actor didn't dare to look at Ren Shuai, his eyes shifted to his shoulders, and then he began to speak his lines vigorously.

"Okay, if the strong dragon doesn't overwhelm the local snake, I'll give you face and let you inspect the goods first, but the money must be worth a penny!"

Ren Shuai nodded slightly in satisfaction, and motioned his men to inspect the goods.

Soon, the men said that the goods were fine.

The bearded man said loudly: "Let you inspect the goods first, my sincerity is enough, what about the money?"

Ren Shuai glanced at him coldly before turning his head to motion for Zha Yaohui to get the money.

Zha Yaohui's eyes flickered a few times, and he went to pick up the suitcase with his younger brother, and delivered it to Ren Shuai in person.

After doing this, he retreated quietly and stood next to a stone pillar, so that he could use the pillar as a cover for a while to prevent being injured by bullets during the scuffle.

The bearded men went to examine the banknotes, counted them, and suddenly raised a pile of money and shouted: "Boss, this is full of ghost coins!"

"What, dare to play me!"

The bearded man roared angrily, and reached out to touch the gun.

Ren Shuai didn't show any weakness, with only a moment of surprise in his eyes, he quickly overturned the low table and pulled out the pistol from his arms.

A shootout is imminent.


Satisfied, Lai Xingzhen called a stop, and said through a loudspeaker: "Everyone performed well in this one, and the shootout scene will follow. The actors prepare props."

The shootout scene was shot at two ends, one side was the shots of the extras being shot and fell to the ground, and the other side was the shots of the main characters.

Lai Xingzhen came over and began to explain the evacuation route to Ren Shuai and the others.

"Zixun, for a while, you protect the boss and retreat from the left, first hide behind the pillar, fire two shots before moving, and go into the house."

After speaking, he said to Zha Yaohui: "You hide behind the pillar on the right, and after you see the boss enters the house, quickly chase after him."

The three nodded in understanding.

After turning on the camera, Ren Shuai continued to lift the table, grabbing the legs of the table to block the vital points. This wooden table has a steel plate in it, which is specially used as a bulletproof shield.

Cui Zixun huddled behind the table with Ren Shuai, got up from time to time to shoot, and when he saw the right moment, he pulled Ren Shuai and ran to the left pillar.

But Cui Zixun was obviously inexperienced, and when asked to run, he actually ran with all his might.

He completely forgot that he is playing the role of a thug who sincerely protects the lord at this moment, so he should sacrifice himself to stand behind the boss.

Ren Shuai was speechless. According to Cui Zixun's acting, he was clearly a scum who abandoned the boss at a critical moment and ran away alone.

Let's save it.

So Ren Shuai grabbed Cui Zixun's wrist, blocked the direction of the bullet with his back, and then made a trotting motion and moved behind the pillar.


Lai Xingzhen yelled to stop, and started watching the playback on the monitor.

No matter how he looked at it, he felt that the boss played by Ren Shuai used the younger brother as a human shield at a critical moment.

But the boss is obviously the type who values ​​love and righteousness, so he shouldn't make such a move.

According to Mr. Li's performance in the early stage, it is obvious that he has a thorough understanding of the characters, and his grasp of characteristics is quite accurate. Shouldn't he behave like this?
Lai Xingzhen was a little confused, so he walked out of the tent and came to Ren Shuai.

"Ms. Li, did you grab Zixun on purpose? Does this performance have any deep meaning?" Lai Xingzhen asked modestly.

Ren Shuai smiled wryly, he didn't have any deep meaning.

It’s just that it’s not easy to shoot once. Cui Zixun’s performance like that will definitely have to be re-shot. He thought that he could save one or the other, so he held Cui Zixun who was about to run away alone.

Unexpectedly, there was an effect of pulling hands as a shield.

Seeing that Ren Shuai didn't answer, Lai Xingzhen lowered his head and said in thought: "You want to use the two completely different attitudes of your opponents to highlight the importance that the boss attaches to Zha Yaohui and the neglect of Zixun, and to bring out Zha Yaohui's betrayal. The despicableness at that time, and the desolation when He Zixun died in battle at the end, right?"

Ren Shuai was amazed.

Director Lai's brain power is also too strong.

Lai Xingzhen saw that Ren Shuai did not deny it, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this performance had more depth and layering.

"That's right, that's right, I didn't expect this level, thank you, Mr. Li, for your guidance, please be taught!"

He sighed and nodded his thanks.

Ren Shuai was stupid.

Turns out the old artist filter is really useful.

He didn't say a word, Director Lai suddenly realized a lot of deep meaning.

I admire you!
Cui Zixun watched the whole process, not knowing what was going on.

As a newcomer to film, he didn't know what was going on, he only saw the director's admiration for Mr. Li.

Teacher Li is definitely a real talent!
No wonder I grabbed myself so hard during the performance just now, I didn't expect this small movement to imply so many things I wanted to express.

I admire you!
  Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommendation!
(End of this chapter)

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