From janitor to actor

Chapter 141 Demonstration

Chapter 141 Demonstration
Filming continued as planned.

Lai Xingzhen stared at the monitor intently, feeling Ren Shuai's acting skills.

In comparison, Cui Zixun, who was originally a movie rookie, looked even more jerky, but fortunately, there were not many scenes, and he was supported by his appearance, so he could bear it.

Now that the shooting scene has been moved indoors, Ren Shuai and his men hid in the mansion to avoid the sharp edge.

After the filming started, Zha Yaohui took advantage of the confusion to sneak into the house and moved to Ren Shuai's side.

He turned to Cui Zixun and said, "Go and guard the door, I'll protect elder brother."

Cui Zixun nodded heavily, and ran to the door with a gun to snipe.

Ren Shuai glanced at the fighting situation outside, turned his head and said to Zha Yaohui: "Get rid of these people first, then let me check carefully later, why there are ghost coins in the transaction cash, and find out who is behind it!"

Facing Ren Shuai's forceful voice, Zha Yaohui nodded slightly guilty.

"Don't worry, brother, let's retreat to the back first, the firepower of these bastards is a bit fierce."

After finishing speaking, Zha Yaohui hurriedly led Ren Shuai back to the back door.

At this time, the group on the opposite side formed a suppressive firepower and instantly attacked the house. Cui Zixun could only fight against the enemy with all his strength, fighting more than ten people alone.

After the bullets ran out, it was hand-to-hand combat, and the scene was very tragic.

Lai Xingzhen called to stop at the right time, Cui Zixun's fighting scene was filmed alone, and after this scene was shot, it was a close-up of him alone.

Although Cui Zixun only made a guest appearance, but the traffic and celebrity status are there, the scenes of Ren Shuai and Zha Yaohui can only be in the back row.

Ren Shuai thought that the dubbing card was only valid for 6 hours, and it would be at least afternoon when Cui Zixun finished filming.

At that time, I have to exchange another item card, which is not worth it.

He thought for a while, walked to Cui Zixun's side while taking a break and said, "Do you want to improve your acting skills?"

Ren Shuai felt that his appearance at this time was like a bad uncle who used martial arts cheats to seduce ignorant children.

And Cui Zixun is like a silly kid licking a lollipop with a runny nose.


Cui Zixun nodded without hesitation, his desire to learn acting was very strong.

Especially in the face of such an unfathomable master of acting like Mr. Li, Cui Zixun is more eager to learn real skills from him.

Ren Shuai tightened his upturned mouth and said, "Observation is the best way to learn."

Cui Zixun was slightly puzzled, but failed to realize the deep meaning of this sentence.

Ren Shuai was speechless, forgetting that this top-notch man is not very smart, so he still has to speak plain words.

"If you watch my performance more, you will naturally learn more." Ren Shuai said.

Cui Zixun nodded and said, "I think so too. Your acting skills are really amazing. Not only your expression, but also your temperament can change. It really opened my eyes."

Ren Shuai was speechless, he didn't want Cui Zixun to flatter him.

He simply poked through the window paper and said, "Why don't I perform first, and your scene will be filmed later, maybe you will have more understanding by then, and the filming effect will be better."

Hearing this, Cui Zixun stared at Shuai Ren slightly for a moment, and saw that he was a little scared, thinking that this top-ranking person might be pretending to be stupid.

In the next second, Cui Zixun showed a grateful expression.

The gaze just now was a gesture of gratitude to the senior, and he didn't know how to thank him for a moment.

"That's really great. Having you and Brother Yaohui give me a demonstration, I feel a lot more at ease, thank you very much!"

Ren Shuai let out a breath, almost thinking that his small thoughts had been exposed.

"You're welcome."

He smiled and patted Cui Zixun on the shoulder.

The goal has been achieved, just talk to the director later.

Seeing Ren Shuai taking the initiative to greet Cui Zixun, the agent patted him on the shoulder, walked over curiously and asked, "What do you want Mr. Li to do?"

Cui Zixun smiled and said, "Mr. Li said that he would demonstrate acting to me."

The agent was puzzled. Didn't that mean that Cui Zixun should be asked to wait after they finished filming to confirm that it was really for demonstration of acting?
But the next second the agent didn't dare to think about it.

Seeing Ren Shuai's gaze sweeping this way, she was so frightened that she almost stopped breathing.

Don't guess what the boss is thinking, it's yourself who is unlucky after guessing.

The manager quickly nodded and said: "That's good, anyway, you don't have any other announcements today, and the time is reserved for filming."

After finishing speaking, she quickly retreated to the corner, hoping not to attract the boss' attention.

Ren Shuai and Lai Xingzhen communicated well, and successfully transferred their roles to the front.

After hearing the news, Zha Yaohui couldn't help admiring him in his heart. As expected of a big boss, top-notch people are nothing to worry about in front of him.

If you say the trick is adjusted forward, immediately adjust it forward.

Let the boss wait for others to shoot first?


Zha Yaohui trotted to Ren Shuai's side, and took the initiative to say: "Mr. Li, please bear with me later, if there is something I didn't do well, please forgive me, don't take it to heart."

"No, don't worry." Ren Shuai comforted.

Only then did Zha Yaohui heave a sigh of relief.

The filming started soon. In this scene, Ren Shuai is about to be betrayed by his most trusted subordinates, and then die with regret.

Lai Xingzhen originally wanted to talk about the play and give some instructions to the actors.

But after thinking about it, Mr. Li's performance was not his turn to point fingers at all, and it might be counterproductive to rush forward to give guidance.

"Okay, ready, turn on."

Lai Xingzhen didn't talk nonsense at all, and started shooting directly.

Ren Shuai and Zha Yaohui ran out from the back door. There was no one else around, and they were about to drive away.

At this moment, Zha Yaohui's eyes became gloomy, and a small knife slipped out of his sleeve, and he shook hands tightly.

"Boss, be careful!"

He yelled, and Ren Shuai turned around when he heard the sound, but it was Zha Yaohui's knife who greeted him.

With a pop, the knife stabbed straight into the abdomen.

Ren Shuai snorted, his body trembling slightly like a conditioned reflex.

He slowly raised his head and looked at Zha Yaohui, with surprise, puzzlement, anger, shock and other emotions in his eyes.

"I didn't expect it to be, you!"

There was a tinge of pain and annoyance in his voice.

Zha Yaohui met Ren Shuai's gaze, and suddenly felt a little panic and fear, and the second knife that was supposed to be handed out was delayed.

Ren Shuai's heart skipped a beat, thinking that Zha Yaohui might be frightened, and this one will probably have to be retaken.

But the blood bag has already been pinched, and it is too troublesome to change the costume for the reshoot.

I don't know if there is any way to save it.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, but his facial expressions were controlled extremely successfully, and he didn't show any drama.

Ren Shuai pressed Zha Yaohui's knife-holding hand, wanting him to make two stabs at him quickly.

However, Zha Yaohui held onto the handle of the knife tightly, not daring to stab forward at all.

The two seemed to be wrestling their arms, deadlocked in the air.

This is the end of the game, and there must be a reshoot, Ren Shuai was speechless.

But Lai Xingzhen didn't call to stop. He now has blind trust in Ren Shuai, and feels that this play might bring some surprises.

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(End of this chapter)

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