From janitor to actor

Chapter 142 Unusual

Chapter 142 Unusual

Ren Shuai didn't hear the director call to stop, and suddenly felt that there was still a chance.

At this time, Zha Yaohui was obviously in a state of tension, wrestling with him, Ren Shuai guessed that he was not the opponent.

He simply let go, stopped snatching the knife in Zha Yaohui's hand, covered the wound on his abdomen with one hand, staggered back, and continued to speak lines.

"I trust you the most, why!"

With a loud shout, he woke up Zha Yaohui who was in a tense state.

However, the loud shout was too powerful. Although Zha Yaohui came back to his senses, he was even more frightened. Even with the professionalism of an actor, he could barely read his lines.

"Boss, you, you should have retired long ago."

Although the lines were uttered, Zha Yaohui's voice trembled abnormally, it seemed that the words had no momentum at all, but a hint of guilt.

Seeing that he still had no intention of making up the knife, Ren Shuai's eyes turned cold and he glared at Zha Yaohui.

That aura is like saying, if you don't kill me, you will die yourself.

Zha Yaohui felt a chill down his spine, as if his life was threatened, out of the instinct of self-protection, he raised his hand and stabbed it out.

Ren Shuai quickly turned sideways, aiming the blade at the blood bag on his chest.


He groaned, reached out and grabbed Zha Yaohui, and before he could react, he grabbed the knife and drove Zha Yaohui to stab another blood bag.

It looks like Zha Yaohui took the initiative to draw the knife and make up the knife.


Ren Shuai finally ended his mission, fell to the ground with hatred in his eyes, and died unexpectedly.

Zha Yaohui looked at the knife in his hand, feeling sorry for him.

The lines that should have been uttered viciously turned into murmurs.

"You forced me. If you don't die, how can I be in power?"

After saying this line, Zha Yaohui loosened and clenched the knife in his hand.

He still has lingering fears, and was terrified by Ren Shuai's eyes and tone. He almost couldn't hold the knife, and finally remembered that he was acting, so he quickly clenched the knife tightly, and his eyes gradually became sharper.

"Okay, card!"

Lai Xingzhen saw a completely different presentation from what he had imagined, and fell into a long exam.

Hearing the director's call to stop, Zha Yaohui quickly leaned over to help Ren Shuai who was on the ground, and said carefully, "Teacher Li, please slow down."

Ren Shuai sighed, a little helpless.

I wondered why Zha Yaohui, a senior action actor, was so timid. I just had a stronger look and tone, and he could scare into a quail.

Even speaking, he lacked confidence, like a primary school student who made a mistake and was invited by his parents.

Little did he know that Zha Yaohui already felt very strong.

Yesterday, after personally feeling the strong aura of Mr. Li on the set, Zha Yaohui made a whole night of mental construction, hoping that he can perform normally in the scene today.

However, he felt that he still underestimated the deterrent power of the boss.

Standing behind Teacher Li yesterday, the feeling of oppression is not too strong.

Playing with Teacher Li at close range today, I realized what timidity is.

When he faced Ren Shuai's powerful eyes, his heart began to beat wildly involuntarily.

Although he tried his best to control it, he managed to stab him with difficulty, but he was stopped by Ren Shuai's staring and questioning, as if his acupuncture points were tapped instantly, and he couldn't control his body at all.

Fortunately, he was woken up by a loud shout, and finally knew that it was time for him to read his lines.

But due to nervousness, the vocal cords were stiff, and the lines he read were trembling.

Zha Yaohui knew at that time that he had screwed up his performance, but the director didn't stop it, so he could only continue to hold on.

And according to the script, before he read this line, he should have made up the knife directly, and he couldn't find the time to make it up later.

At that moment, Zha Yaohui felt the menacing stare of Ren Shuai's death stare, and immediately had a stress reaction, and stabbed him out with a knife.

The knife stabbed out subconsciously, and he didn't see the right angle.

Fortunately, Ren Shuai took a half step sideways, allowing the knife to perfectly align with the blood bag.

Only then did Zha Yaohui heave a sigh of relief, but felt that his hand was moved, and he was stabbed again. Afterwards, Ren Shuai fell to the ground, and the oppression brought to him finally subsided.

It was only at that time that Zha Yaohui felt that his breathing became easier, and he barely relied on the actor's instinct to finish the last line.

The whole experience was unbearable.

"It's a good performance, let's take a break first."

Seeing his remorseful expression, Ren Shuai could only comfort him casually.

Who made himself too strong and put too much pressure on the opponent actors, Ren Shuai thought to himself, Zha Yaohui couldn't be blamed for the poor filming.

"I'll adjust it right away." Zha Yaohui nodded repeatedly.

He knew that Ren Shuai was just trying to comfort him. It's no wonder that his performance just now was really good.

At this moment, Lai Xingzhen walked out of the tent, smiling happily.

"Very good, Mr. Li is amazing, and Yaohui's acting is also very good."

After speaking, he began to applaud, and said to Ren Shuai: "This one is directly passed, congratulations on completing it!"

Ren Shuai was amazed.

Can Zha Yaohui pass one of those virtues?

What did the director think.

Zha Yaohui himself didn't understand, so he couldn't help asking: "Do you think the one I just said is okay?"

Lai Xingzhen nodded affirmatively and said: "It seems that you and Teacher Li have discussed it. The effect is very good, and the character construction has been plump and three-dimensional."

Ren Shuai scratched his head and didn't speak.

He found that Director Lai's biggest advantage is his strong brain power.

Zha Yaohui fell into self-doubt, who am I, where am I, why did the one I just acted pass?
Lai Xingzhen said with emotion: "When you just finished the performance, I was still hesitating. Later, after watching it several times and thinking about it again and again, I feel that this presentation is completely fine, especially the grasp of details and the ups and downs of emotions. There is a sense of contradiction, which is very catchy.”

Ren Shuai couldn't help being curious, he wanted to know, where did Director Lai see the details and emotional ups and downs?
Obviously, he was incompetent and furious throughout the whole process, but Zha Yaohui shrank like a chicken in fright.

Lai Xingzhen smiled and said: "Ms. Li's performance is as good as ever, and I have to praise Yaohui. It seems that you have finally made a breakthrough in acting."

Cha Yaohui was confused.

Lai Xingzhen laughed and said: "Although Ah Hui is a vicious and vicious character, he still bears a huge burden on his heart when he betrays the big boss who trusted him, so your tone is obviously weak, but your actions are not soft. This contradiction is well grasped.

Especially when he released the handle of the knife at the end and then held it tightly, it showed the inner transformation of the character and laid the foundation for him to completely become a villain in the future, and the details were well expressed. "

As soon as he praised him, Zha Yaohui almost believed it himself.

But at that time, he really didn't think too much about it. All the actions were passively carried out under the leadership of Mr. Li, so there was no emotional progression or grasp of details.


It turned out that Teacher Li was behind the scenes.

Zha Yaohui's heart was shocked, this boss is really extraordinary!

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(End of this chapter)

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