Chapter 143

Ren Shuai finished under the admiring eyes of the crowd.

Lai Xingzhen sent a bouquet of flowers with a big red envelope on it.

When Ren Shuai saw the red envelopes, he felt that it seemed good to hang up in the play, and he received red envelopes every time.

Lai Xingzhen walked over alone, and said to Ren Shuai: "Mr. Li, this cooperation is very pleasant. Both Zhizhi and Kaifa are the same as me. I am looking forward to the next cooperation with you. When this work is finished, we will post When promoting it, I hope you will appreciate it."

Ren Shuai remembered that the contract did mention that he would cooperate with the crew in the later stage of the announcement, but he was only a supporting role, and he would not be called under normal circumstances, so he didn't care.

Unexpectedly, the performance was so outstanding this time that Director Lai missed it.

He laughed and said, "As long as I'm free, I'll definitely cooperate."

Lai Xingzhen has been in the circle for many years, so he naturally knows that this kind of answer is polite. When it is time to announce it, Teacher Li must not be free.

And according to the usual practice, unless the protagonist has no time or is really short of people to fill the scene, the crew does not need supporting actors to participate in the announcement.

But Mr. Li's strength is too strong, and it will definitely be better to have him support the scene during the announcement.

"We are already in contact for the later promotion, and we have connected many high-rated variety shows. The recording will not delay too much time. Once the schedule is set, we will contact you as soon as possible, and will not delay your other arrangements."

Lai Xingzhen specifically said that he wanted to attract Ren Shuai to promote the high ratings of the variety show.

After all, which actor doesn't want to be famous? Participating in high-rated programs will naturally increase his exposure, and he will be able to take on more roles in the future.

Ren Shuai doesn't care about this, because participating in variety shows can't increase recognition.

Moreover, this kind of variety show for the purpose of announcing and releasing movies usually does not have too high a notice fee. It is a mutual benefit for the crew, actors and variety show platforms. .

Seeing Lai Xingzhen's sincerity, Ren Shuai thought that there might be another cooperation, so he agreed, "Okay, I will try my best to arrange the time."

Only then did Lai Xingzhen nodded contentedly and said, "Thank you, thank you, then I won't bother you. After I go back to the hotel and pack up, the crew will arrange a special car to take you to the airport."

Ren Shuai nodded and said goodbye.

Just a few steps away, Cui Zixun, who was fooled by him and was watching intently on the outside, came over.

"Ms. Li, I've been watching your performance just now. You have a strong aura. Can you teach me how to perform to look great?" Cui Zixun asked seriously.

Ren Shuai thought to himself, I have cheats, but you don't.

However, if he puts the top class behind him to perform, if he can't teach others something, I really feel sorry for him.

Ren Shuai vaguely remembers a famous comedian in his previous life saying something, but he can't remember the exact meaning, but he can borrow the general meaning.

"Performance should be from the outside to the inside, and then back to the outside. You have to understand this sentence carefully, and when you understand it, you will naturally know how to perform."

After Ren Shuai finished speaking, he left behind a handsome back.

This sentence is the crystallization of previous experience, giving it to Cui Zixun for free is definitely not treating him badly.

Ren Shuai left the set with peace of mind, went back to the hotel to tidy up and salute.

Cui Zixun felt that he should be touched by an immortal and taught him a unique skill. Although he didn't quite understand it, he was greatly shocked.

When Mr. Li told him this sentence just now, his eyes were full of memories and a kind of incomprehensible color, obviously the value of this sentence is not ordinary.

He needs to understand it well.

Ren Shuai didn't care about how Cui Zixun's scene was filmed, he was more concerned about what he got this time.

Enter the system interface to view.

Name: Ren Shuai/Li Laifu

Occupation: Concierge/Actor
Achievements: 1 (activated)
Props: Charm Card*2
Skills: Primary Acting (990/1000)
Recognition degree: 5856
System functions: shopping mall, lucky wheel, backpack
Ren Shuai stared at the acting junior who was only 10 points away from upgrading, and he was looking forward to it.

These 10 experience points should be able to increase when shooting the next work, and his acting skills will definitely be improved by then.

Then he looked at the approval rating, and it increased by another 260 points. Some of it should be contributed by the crew on the set, and even more should be attributed to "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds".

The TV series has aired nearly half of the episodes, and there are still many people who haven't watched it yet. Ren Shuai feels that when the whole series is over, there should be a surge in recognition.

Ren Shuai's goal is to realize the freedom of item cards.

Before that, he needs to think about life after retirement.

Having lost the staff dormitory, he must at least rent a house first, and then contact Cui Shaoyu to sign a brokerage company.

That way you don't have to worry about not having a job after retirement.

A day later, Ren Shuai ended his vacation and returned to work.

He began to browse the housing information on his mobile phone to see if there were any convenient and cheap places around him.

In this area, Uncle Li Laifu has lived for decades, and has long had feelings for him, and even Ren Shuai is a little bit reluctant.

It's a pity that the prices of the houses around Meiying have been pushed up by the students, and the price/performance ratio is extremely low, and he needs a month's salary to rent together.

If you want to rent a separate one-bedroom and one living room, the price is more than 9000, which is still the legendary old and small.

Ren Shuai was a little discouraged, and he felt happy that he had saved a little.

As a result, renting a house alone may not last for a year.

Really poor.

He sighed helplessly, and had no choice but to look for a house elsewhere.

He swiped the phone, and at this moment, an incoming call appeared on the phone. Before Ren Shuai could see who it was, he accidentally touched the hang up button.


He really didn't mean it.

Ren Shuai called up the call records and found that it was Qian Meigui.

I don't know what this mixed-race student is asking me for, and whether there is another interview to do.

Ren Shuai raised his finger and dialed it back.

There was a voice on the phone.

Ren Shuai could only hang up and wait to see if she would call back.

Qian Meigui on the other side was a little helpless. She called Ren Shuai just now, and it felt like she was through, but then she was on the phone.

Could it be that Uncle Li hung up on her?

Qian Meigui decided to try again, so she dialed back again, and this time it directly indicated that she was on the phone.

It seems that she is really on the phone with someone. Qian Meigui thought to herself that she should contact her in the afternoon. She just received a notice from the TV station saying that the program "Magnetic Charm" that was originally scheduled to be broadcast in three days will be broadcast tonight. .

Qian Meigui wanted to remind Uncle Li, don't forget to watch the show tonight, the reason why she didn't send a message was also because she wanted to thank him personally, because of his outstanding performance, he helped her keep her position as an intern.

By the way, I invite Uncle Li to come out for a light meal and then accept another round of interviews.

She had a hunch that after this episode of "Magnetic Charm" was broadcast, Uncle Li would definitely be popular.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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