From janitor to actor

Chapter 144 Broadcast

Chapter 144 Broadcast
In the evening, Qian Meigui and her friends gathered in the dormitory, ready to watch the show.

Most of Meiying’s undergraduate dormitories are 4-person rooms, while graduate students are 2-person rooms.

Qian Meigui and her plastic sister Hua are both graduate students majoring in broadcasting and hosting.

Some time ago, she and her roommate Xiao Rong watched "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds" together. Qian Meigui said that the concierge is an old fairy, but her roommate didn't believe it. She also threatened that if it was the concierge, she would live broadcast it.

Later, Qian Meigui interviewed Ren Shuai, and used the recording to humiliate his roommate, intending to take advantage of him.

However, roommate Xiao Rong suspects that her recording is forged, just for tricks.

Qian Meigui made a bet with Xiaorong, saying that she invited the concierge to go to the TV station to record "Magnetic Charm".

When the time comes, let's see how Xiao Rong denies it.

Qian Meigui thought secretly, a smirk unconsciously formed on the corner of her mouth.

Sitting next to her, Xiao Rong shuddered unconsciously, always feeling that someone was thinking about her.

"It's started, it's started!"

On the table in front of the two of them, a PAD was erected, playing the prelude to the show.

Host Lan Yixin stepped onto the stage.

"Everyone at the scene, audience friends in front of the TV, hello everyone, I am the host Lan Yixin, and welcome to the all-star dubbing program "Magnetic Charm" created by Comet TV."

After she finished her opening remarks, she quickly got to the point. Several guests introduced themselves and greeted the audience across the screen.

Xiao Rong asked: "This guest nicknamed the concierge is the old fairy you mentioned?"

Qian Meigui revealed something in advance, nodded and said: "It's him, Uncle Li is amazing."

Xiao Rong didn't believe it: "People's nickname is Uncle Concierge, do you really think of him as Uncle Concierge?"

Qian Meigui saw that her roommate was unwilling to see Huang He, so she snorted and said, "Go ahead and look back."

Soon, it was Ren Shuai's turn to start dubbing.

"I made a wish when I was a child..."

After his breathless fast-paced dubbing ended, Xiao Rong gasped.

The sound matches the movements and mouth shapes of the actors in the original film, seamlessly, and it feels like the TV station has played the original version again.

She is specialized in broadcasting and hosting, and knows that the control of the voice and the cooperation of the breath need to be paid attention to. It is very difficult to present both flawlessly at the same time.

"This is too powerful, it is exactly the same as the original film."

After Xiao Rong was amazed, she turned her head and asked Qian Meigui: "Your show crew didn't cheat to play the original sound for the sake of effect, did they?"

Qian Meigui suddenly dissatisfied: "Why do you look down on my internship unit? Our comet TV is a serious and serious platform. Do we still need to use these small tricks to attract attention? Uncle Li is so strong!"

Xiao Rong nodded and said: "Then I'm more sure that this person is not the concierge of our academy. He is so strong, he can't do any work, and there is no need to go to the gate."

"Don't underestimate people. The concierge is versatile and belongs to the treasure master. Just wait and see, the next performance will be even more explosive!"

After the first round of dubbing, the double dubbing session ushered in.

Ren Shuai and Fei Xiaodong partnered, and the first segment performed was the father-son dialogue in "You Are Never My Son".

Xiao Rong looked at it and said excitedly: "My idol's drama, if you dare to make a poor match, I will complain about this broken program."

Qian Meigui is speechless. Her roommate usually looks like a lady, but when she meets an idol, she becomes a brainless nympho.

Especially it is a voice control, for those little brothers with charming voices, they are fascinated and fascinated.

If the voice of her idol brother is not matched properly, Xiao Rong may really turn her face on the spot.

The clip started playing, and the son was dubbed by Fei Xiaodong. As soon as he spoke, Xiao Rong frowned slightly.

"That's not okay. It's obviously talking in a pinched throat. It doesn't look like a child at all."

Qian Meigui nodded in agreement, and then quickly reminded: "Don't talk, listen to the rest."

Then the father character voiced by Ren Shuai began to speak.

"Because you're not..."

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Rong almost bit her tongue.

"This, this... Are you sure it's not my little brother himself?"

Xiao Rong exaggeratedly stood up from the chair, turned to look at Qian Meigui.

Ren Shuai's voice is the same as the subwoofer with a gentle voice in the original film, as if a small brush brushed against his ears.

It tickles the face and tickles the heart.

"Sit down, you. As for being so excited, you have to be scared to death later."

Qian Meigui gave her a blank look, and told her to concentrate on watching the show instead of being distracted.

However, as soon as Ren Shuai's last few words were dubbed, Xiao Rong still couldn't restrain her excitement and said, "Oh my god, it's exactly the same, Rose, can I ask you something?"

Qian Meigui is puzzled. Her roommate is naturally strong and rarely asks for help.

"what's up?"

"Help me get in touch with this guest and ask him to use my little brother's voice to record an exclusive alarm clock for me, okay?"

"not good!"

Qian Meigui resolutely refused, this request was too nympho, and she couldn't open her mouth at all.

Xiao Rong held her mouth shut, snorted, and said sourly: "It's not the real little brother's voice anyway, I don't care about it."

Qian Meigui ignored her and continued to concentrate on watching the show.

After the dubbing is over, there will be the dialogue between the Hunjun and Aifei in "My Nine-Tailed Fox Queen".

Xiao Rong was distracted at first, thinking about her little brother's voice, but when she saw that this was a dialogue between a man and a woman, she brought her attention back.

"Who deserves this female voice? Isn't it meant to be funny?" She asked curiously.

Qian Meigui let out a chuckle, put it off, and didn't say a word.

Xiao Rong didn't take it seriously, but a cute "giggle" laughter suddenly came from her ears.

She shrank her neck suddenly, goosebumps popped up.

"No, no, could it be that this female voice is..."

Xiao Rong looked at Qian Meigui with a hint of luck, but found that she had such a smile on her face.

Seeing her roommate's reaction, Qian Meigui was very satisfied. When she first heard the old man narrate this part, her reaction was exactly the same as that of Xiaorong.

It's like hairs bursting.

"It's too scary." Xiao Rong murmured.

Soon, the show entered the next segment, and the audience began to vote. The concierge lived up to expectations, won the top two, and was ready to meet the audience.

Xiao Rong held her breath, hoping that the concierge didn't do what Qian Meigui said, otherwise, she would really want to live broadcast the handstand and so on.

Soon, Ren Shuai entered the stage.

Xiao Rong's eyes lit up, and she said with a smile, "This is not the concierge of our school, he is so handsome, and the modern clothes are much younger than the old fairy's."

The big stone in her heart finally fell to the ground, thinking that if the concierge of the college was so handsome, she would have noticed it long ago.

Qian Meigui laughed inwardly. Before the show was broadcast, she had done skin rejuvenation and skin rejuvenation. Moreover, after Uncle Li participated in the show, the effect of makeup was good. Of course, he would not be as simple as when he was watching the door.

No matter how good-looking you are, wearing the earthworm-colored uniform of the school security guard can hide half of your charm.

Xiao Rong was lamenting a false alarm and was almost cheated by her best friend.

Over there, Qian Meigui's cell phone rang suddenly.

It was Ren Shuai who called.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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