From janitor to actor

Chapter 145 Hot Search

Chapter 145 Hot Search
As soon as she saw Ren Shuai's call, Qian Meigui suddenly regained her spirits.

She held up her mobile phone and said to her roommate: "See, this is Teacher Li's call. You can directly ask him if he is the concierge of our school."

Xiao Rong glanced at the phone in doubt, but said nothing.

Thousand Roses answered the phone.

"Mr. Li, what do you want from me?"

Ren Shuai on the other end of the phone was speechless, it was Qian Meigui who called him first this morning.

"Didn't you find me, what's the matter?" Ren Shuai asked back.

Qian Meigui suddenly realized, no wonder she always felt like she forgot something today.

"Yes, yes, yes, I was busy writing my graduation thesis this afternoon, so I forgot about it. I originally wanted to inform you that "Magnetic Charm" will be aired tonight, and remind you not to forget to watch it, but... there is still time to watch it now." Qian Rose said with a little embarrassment.

"Oh, I know."

Ren Shuai thought that the important thing was just the broadcast of the variety show, and he didn't care about it.

Can not increase the degree of recognition.

Participating in this program is purely for the announcement fee.

Seeing that Qian Meigui seems to be really talking to Teacher Li who is playing the role of the old fairy, Xiao Rong starts to itch.

She poked her girlfriend and asked in a low voice, "Ask if he can record an alarm clock for me?"

Qian Meigui glared at her angrily, she would not mention such a shameful request.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong, Ren Shuai was ready to hang up the phone.

Qian Meigui hurriedly said: "Well, we want to conduct another round of campus interviews. I wonder if you can participate?"

Ren Shuai didn't care. Although the campus interview funds were small, it was better than nothing.

Just when he opened his mouth to agree, Qian Meigui seemed afraid that he would refuse, and quickly added: "I can increase the funding this time to 1000 yuan. Our column is relatively small, so don't be too small. If you don't mind, I also want to treat you to a meal, thank you for helping me keep my internship."

"……it is good."

Ren Shuai gasped, and spit out the word that he was about to say.

I gave 500 yuan in the last interview, but only asked a few questions, and the price/performance ratio is very good.

Ren Shuai is of course willing to pay 1000 for this interview, plus dinner.

Qian Meigui didn't expect Ren Shuai to be so happy, so she decided to reciprocate. She gritted her teeth and said, "Are you free tomorrow night? Are you interested in the ninth season seafood buffet on Zixia Road?"

Seafood in the ninth season is a high-end buffet restaurant of 600 per person, which shows that Qianmeigui has indeed paid for it.

Ren Shuai was naturally very satisfied, and hung up the phone after the appointed time.

Xiao Rong listened to the whole process, and saw that her best friend had made an appointment with Teacher Li, so she hurriedly said, "Can I go there tomorrow?"

Of course, Qian Meigui has no objection, so let her roommate confirm the fact that Mr. Li is Uncle Li in person.

"Yes, the meal expenses are at your own expense."

After Ren Shuai hung up the phone, he went to update the novel, because in two weeks he would go to the island to be closed, so he had to write out the content in advance and make regular updates before going to the island.

Ren Shuai was completely unaware that the "Magnetic Charm" he had participated in at will had attracted widespread attention, especially some bigwigs in the dubbing industry, who were astonished by Ren Shuai's performance.

Because of the structure of the human body, few people can dub such a large span.

It not only has a female voice, but also imitates a robot.

It is simply a lost ventriloquism in the Jianghu.

Many netizens watched this variety show because of Ji Mingxi, but they didn't expect to be fans of an unknown actor.

Many people have started discussions on the Internet and spontaneously promoted the "Magnetic Charm" program.

Some people edited the clips of Ren Shuai's dubbing and put them on short video platforms and various video platforms.

In a group of dubbing enthusiasts, Ren Shuai's video clips sparked heated discussions.

"Which big guy at this time, does anyone know?"

"I don't know, I've never heard of this name, but the strength is terrifying, and the dubbing ability is too strong."

"It's amazing, I really want to meet this teacher and learn dubbing skills."


Most of them were amazed at Ren Shuai's dubbing effect, but while chatting, some other voices were mixed in.

"I'm a conspiracy theorist, and I feel that it's very difficult for people to do this. The program group probably made a show to attract attention."

"No way, is it possible that the program crew dared to play the original sound to cheat?"

"I have reservations. The dubbing effect is so good that people doubt its authenticity. Either the strength is really against the sky, or it is shameful cheating."

There are not a few people who are skeptical.

This phenomenon not only appeared in chat groups, but also gradually spread to the entire network.

People in the two camps hold their own attitudes. Some think that Mr. Li is a master of dubbing, while the other suspects that the program group and Li Laifu are cheating and attracting people's attention.

Both sides have reasons.

One side said that Comet TV is a big platform, and there is no need to achieve such a level for the ratings of a program. Once it is exposed, it will not be worth the loss.

Moreover, there are many experts and audiences on the scene, and if the program group really cheats, it will be discovered, so there is no possibility of fraud.

The other party said that Li Laifu is an actor who plays the role of an old fairy, and he must represent the crew of "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds" to do publicity. After becoming famous through this method, it can help the TV series attract a lot of traffic.

Moreover, Li Laifu's reputation is not obvious, which is seriously inconsistent with his dubbing ability. It can be seen that he is the cannon fodder sent by the crew to attract attention. Once the matter is revealed, he will be sacrificed. The purpose of the program group and the crew to attract traffic has been achieved.

Netizens on both sides are sticking to their own opinions, and neither agrees with the other, arguing and arguing, which stirs up the heat of this topic.

In one night, the topic has already rushed to the top three hot searches after heated debate.

Comet TV officials never expected that an ordinary variety show would attract such widespread attention.

Director Xiao, as the person in charge of this program, was interviewed by the station leader as soon as he arrived at the unit.

He didn't know what happened at all. It wasn't until the leader showed him the data that he was surprised to find that the number of hits on his show had actually rushed to the top of the whole network's variety shows.

"It's...that's great."

Director Xiao was overjoyed, and didn't understand what the leader meant by calling him here.

Under normal circumstances, only when a mistake is made, the leader will interview alone. If it is a compliment, it can be widely advertised, and there is no need to avoid others.

"Didn't you watch today's hot search?" The leader asked blankly.

"Ah, I'll just watch."

Director Xiao quickly took out his mobile phone and found a trending search titled "Dubbing genius or shameless liar?", which rushed to the third place on the list.

There is also a sign representing popularity and freshness at the back. Obviously, this news has rushed to the current popularity in a short period of time.

 Ask for a recommendation, ask for a monthly pass~
(End of this chapter)

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