From janitor to actor

Chapter 147 Calls from all parties

Chapter 147 Calls from all parties
After Ren Shuai and Cui Shaoyu had a brief exchange, they didn't take the trending topic to heart.

When he thought about it, the hot search thing would go cold in two days, and netizens would not stay idle and pay attention to the same thing all the time.

Besides, he has a dubbing card in his hand, so he is not guilty at all, and there is no need to rush to clarify.

Cui Shaoyu was also very curious. The incident was known all over the Internet. Why did the crew and the TV station not find Mr. Li?

"What are you going to do?" Cui Shaoyu asked.

"What?" Ren Shuai was puzzled.

Cui Shaoyu sighed, thinking that old artists really don't care about gossip, the so-called body is not afraid of shadows.

But now times have changed, and online comments have a great impact on real life. Once Mr. Li doesn't explain and clarify, netizens will think that he has a guilty conscience and dare not show up.

"I personally suggest that you still need to come forward to prove your dubbing ability, otherwise it will damage your image and affect the follow-up drama." She said.

Ren Shuai thought about it, it is not okay to affect the acceptance of the show, he must clarify.

He immediately replied: "Okay, then clarify."

Cui Shaoyu said: "You can post a statement under your personal account, saying that when you participated in "Magnetic Charm", the voice was completely dubbed by myself, and there was no fraudulent behavior."

The personal account in her mouth is similar to the personal authentication account of a celebrity's blog or other public platforms.

After hearing this, Ren Shuai said, "I don't have such an account."

Cui Shaoyu immediately realized that it is normal for an old artist not to engage in these things, and she said, "Then let me open one for you."

Ren Shuai is not really an old man after all, these operations are very simple for him.

"It's okay, I'll do it myself." Ren Shuai said.

Cui Shaoyu was a little worried, but Ren Shuai didn't give her a chance to question, and hung up the phone directly.

Without further ado, register an account and hurry up.

At this moment, Qian Meigui called him.

"Ms. Li, Taili just contacted me and said that I would like to invite you to do a live broadcast." She said straight to the point.

Ren Shuai guessed right away that Comet TV invited him to live broadcast in order to smash the rumors of dubbing fraud.

It just so happened that he also wanted to prove his innocence, so wouldn't it be a hit and miss?

Save yourself the trouble of registering an account and posting a clarification.

"Yes, no problem." Ren Shuai agreed directly.

Qian Meigui continued: "Then are you free this afternoon? The station seems to be in a hurry."

Qian Meigui had just finished the exam and found that there were several incoming call reminders on her phone. It was only after the rebroadcast that she found out that Director Xiao wanted to invite Uncle Li to do the live broadcast.

She had been taking exams in the classroom in the morning, and she didn't have time to look at her mobile phone. She didn't know what was trending, and she didn't know why Director Xiao was in a hurry to invite Uncle Li to do the live broadcast.

However, she faithfully conveyed the meaning of director Xiao.

Ren Shuai listened to the live broadcast in the afternoon, so he was a little too anxious.

"No, I have to go to work this afternoon."

"What about that night?" Qian Meigui asked.

Ren Shuai asked suspiciously, "Didn't you invite me to dinner tonight?"

Qian Meigui didn't expect Teacher Li to attach so much importance to her invitation that she put the meal before the live broadcast, and was a little moved.

But eating can be another day, live broadcast is more important.

Just before she was about to speak, Ren Shuai asked, "Can you broadcast live while eating?"

"Ah, this seems to work too."

Qian Meigui speculated that it might be that Mr. Li's performance in "Magnetic Charm" was too good, which attracted attention, and the program group wanted to conduct a chat live broadcast.

Doing a live broadcast is not like doing a show. There is no need to make it too serious. It is okay to record while eating, and the atmosphere will appear relaxed.

Qian Meigui directly agreed on behalf of the TV station.

Ren Shuai replied: "Then tonight at six o'clock, see you in the ninth season."

Then hang up.

Qian Meigui was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Teacher Li to hang up the phone so quickly, and she didn't chat much.

But when I think about it, there is plenty of time to chat during dinner at night.

She turned around and sent a message back to editor-director Xiao, saying that she would broadcast live at the cafeteria of the ninth season tonight.

Director Xiao was stunned after reading the news.

The TV station's live broadcast is a very serious matter in order to prove its innocence. The station is afraid that the dubbing effect will not be good, and it has specially prepared a lot of professional equipment.

As a result, the concierge unexpectedly wants to broadcast live while eating.

Sure enough, he is a bold person with high art skills, and he is not afraid of dubbing overturned at all.

Director Xiao never imagined that what he lost was just a meal.

"Since Mr. Li has agreed, then we will record in the ninth season, contact the store quickly, book the space, and set up the equipment in advance."

Director Xiao ordered his staff to prepare immediately.

Just as Ren Shuai put down his phone, the phone rang again, this time it was Shen Luxi.

"Ms. Li, have you read the trending searches?" She asked anxiously.

Today, the producer of "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds" asked around in the crew group, wondering who had Mr. Li's contact information.

After Shen Luxi's manager saw it, he asked about the matter.

Knowing that Ren Shuai was on the hot search because of rumors of fake dubbing, he told Shen Luxi.

She has no right to give others the contact information of Mr. Li without authorization. It is better for Shen Luxi to contact her personally.

In Shen Luxi's view, it is naturally impossible for an old artist like Mr. Li to cheat.

However, after watching the dubbing clips edited online, she felt that the dubbing was so similar that it was indistinguishable from the original film.

But she believed in Teacher Li unconditionally. It's not surprising that a talented person like Teacher Li deserves exactly the same.

It's just that Shen Luxi was anxious for Ren Shuai, fearing that the netizens might misunderstand him, so she quickly called to inquire.


Ren Shuai guessed that Shen Luxi might contact him because of dubbing.

When Shen Luxi heard that Ren Shuai's tone was very calm, she was stunned.

"Then you, don't you intend to clarify?" Shen Luxi asked.

"There will be a live broadcast with Comet TV tonight," Ren Shuai said.

Shen Luxi felt relieved after hearing this, and asked again: "The producer of the Nine Lives Nine Worlds crew would like your contact information, is that okay?"

Ren Shuai knew that the other party was also for the hot search. Since the live broadcast was going to be broadcast tonight, it was better to come together.

"Okay." He nodded in agreement.

Not long after finishing the call with Shen Luxi, Ren Shuai received an unfamiliar call.

The producer was very polite. After learning that Ren Shuai would be live broadcasting with the TV station tonight, he immediately expressed that the crew also wanted to participate.

And he is willing to sign a supplementary contract with Ren Shuai, as long as he can show his dubbing ability and take the opportunity to promote a wave of TV dramas, he can get a reward of 10,000 yuan.

Ren Shuai was overjoyed, he didn't expect such a benefit of being delivered to his door, so he naturally nodded in agreement.

Then Ren Shuai was thinking, the TV station seemed to have forgotten to ask about the salary, the live broadcast should not be for nothing, right?

The director of Comet TV is not generous enough.

Director Xiao, who was busy booking out the ninth season, sneezed.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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