Chapter 148
At [-]:[-] in the evening, Ren Shuai appeared at the door of the ninth season.

However, the ninth season at this time is very different from the bustling city in the past, and there is no one waiting for a seat.

There were no diners even in the restaurant.

Ren Shuai was a little puzzled, and looked at his phone. Qian Meigui said he would be there in 5 minutes.

He found a place outside the door and sat down casually.

Just 1 minute after sitting down, a little girl in a restaurant uniform came over and said politely: "Hi customer, I'm very sorry, the restaurant is reserved tonight and is temporarily closed to the public."

Ren Shuai frowned slightly, and couldn't help complaining about the local tyrant who booked the venue, it was really not the right time.

It was not easy for someone to invite him to a high-end buffet, but he wanted to reserve the place today.

He could only nod in resignation, and use his mobile phone to search for similarly priced restaurants nearby.

Fortunately, there really is one.

Just next street.

He got up and left directly, walking towards the restaurant.

At this time, director Xiao in the restaurant of the ninth season contacted Qian Meigui.

"Are you with Teacher Li? Where have you been?"

"No, Mr. Li said that he has already arrived, and I will arrive in 5 minutes." Qian Meigui said.

Director Xiao looked around and said, "I didn't see Teacher Li."

Qian Meigui was puzzled. Teacher Li just sent a message saying that she had arrived.

She clicked on her phone, glanced at the latest message she received, and burst out laughing.

Choreographer Xiao, who was still on the phone, asked, "What are you laughing at?"

Qian Meigui immediately restrained her laughter and said, "Mr. Li said that the ninth season was reserved by someone, and he was not allowed to enter. Then he was going to eat at the big hotel on the next street, and asked me to notify the program team to change places."

Choreographer Xiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and hurriedly said: "Get Teacher Li back quickly, and try the equipment in advance."

Qian Meigui got the order and acted immediately.

In Ren Shuai's perception, to engage in live broadcasting, all you need is a mobile phone and a stand.

There is no need to mobilize a large number of teachers, let alone prepare too long in advance.

It doesn't matter if you change venues temporarily.

When Thousand Roses brought him back to the ninth season, Ren Shuai was surprised to find that the program crew was so generous.

The local tyrant who booked the venue was actually a TV station.

A restaurant with no other diners, filled with all kinds of seafood and various delicacies.

Ren Shuai felt a sense of happiness, the treatment was so good, he even thought that it would be okay even if the program team didn't pay the notice fee.

But it's better to give.

Director Xiao saw Ren Shuai appearing, and hurried over to greet him.

The success of the live broadcast tonight depends entirely on Mr. Li's performance.

In the afternoon, he had already publicized the news of the live broadcast on the Comet TV website. He only hoped that Mr. Li would not lose the chain.

Ren Shuai greeted him briefly, then turned to get the dinner plate.

Now that the food has been prepared, it is natural to eat it while it is hot, and it will not taste good when it is cold.

Director Xiao was stunned, he didn't expect Mr. Li to pick up the meal so casually.

It's not really for dinner, is it?
He didn't dare to stop it, the live broadcast time was set at [-]:[-], and there was still some time, so let Teacher Li eat his fill first.

"Why are you staring blankly, don't you eat?"

Ren Shuai found that he was the only one picking up the meal, so he turned to ask the staff.

Choreographer Xiao was stunned again, thinking he wanted Mr. Li to eat alone. They really didn't look suitable, so everyone went to get some.

Anyway, the booking fee has been paid.

The staff of the program group were allowed to rush to the food happily.

Everyone has long been tempted to drool by these delicacies, but director Xiao told them to put work first, and no one dared to move.

Thanks to Mr. Li.

Everyone looked at Ren Shuai gratefully.

While picking up the meal, Qian Meigui brought her roommate to Ren Shuai's side, and said in a low voice, "Ms. Li, this is my roommate Xiao Rong. He is very fascinated by your dubbing."

Ren Shuai nodded with a smile, thinking that this round-faced girl is the one who threatened to live broadcast the handstand and so on.

What a bold woman.

The last time Qian Meigui interviewed him, the main purpose was to prove that he was the concierge of Meiying, so as to identify roommates.

This live broadcast called Xiao Rong, wouldn't it be to fulfill the promise?

This, is not appropriate, is not appropriate.

He turned his head and smiled at Xiao Rong: "I know you are joking, don't take it seriously."

Xiao Rong was taken aback for a moment, she was joking, did she think she was fascinated by Teacher Li's dubbing?

No, she is really fascinated by Teacher Li's voice, and she came here today to ask for an exclusive alarm clock for waking up.

"I'm not joking." Xiao Rong replied seriously.

Ren Shuai was stunned, and looked Xiao Rong up and down, thinking that this female classmate seemed quite conscious, why did she lose her head?
He immediately turned his head, and whispered to Qian Meigui: "Quickly persuade her, don't get on her head, there's no need for the upside down live broadcast."

Qian Meigui burst out laughing upon hearing this.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Li misunderstood so seriously, no wonder he looked at his roommate so strangely.

"Don't get me wrong, she just came to ask for a recording of you."

"What recording?" Ren Shuai was curious.

Although Qian Meigui felt ashamed, she still explained it for her best friend.

Xiao Rong stood aside and couldn't help nodding her head, her eyes twinkled with little stars.

Ren Shuai was a little speechless, he coughed and said, "Let's wait until there is no one else."

The recording doesn't matter, the key is the content.
Ren Shuai suddenly remembered that Qian Meigui was going to conduct a campus interview for him.

In order to change the subject, he immediately asked: "Do you want to conduct your campus interview now?"

Qian Meiguiguang was thinking about recording for her roommate, and almost forgot about the campus interview.

She glanced at the time and said, "Alright, let's ask you a few questions before the live broadcast starts."

In her opinion, now that Uncle Li has rushed to the hot searches with his dubbing skills, his net worth has naturally skyrocketed. The campus interview that only costs 1000 yuan is worth asking a few questions during the meal at most.

Qian Meigui clicked on the recording software and asked, "Mr. Li, hello, after the "Magnetic Charm" you participated in was broadcast, it aroused widespread attention. Have you studied dubbing specifically?"

Although Qian Meigui knew the answer a long time ago, the content of the interview was broadcast to all teachers and students in the school.

Everyone still doesn't know much about Uncle Li.

"I didn't study."

After Ren Shuai finished speaking, he picked up a garlic lobster and nodded in satisfaction.

The private room is different. Generally, lobsters are served on a per-person basis, and now you can eat whatever you want.

Qian Meigui has long been used to Ren Shuai's style of doing other things while accepting interviews.

"Then do you usually practice?"

"No, uh, yes."

Ren Shuai feels that saying no is a bit inconsistent with the general rules and arouses suspicion, so let's keep a low profile.

Qian Meigui began to ask further, what exercises have been done.

Ren Shuai can only make up.

He borrowed the methods taught in the movies in his life, such as reading newspapers with red wine in his mouth, drinking more hot water and so on.

Qian Meigui wanted to ask again, but director Xiao had already started urging her, so she could only finish in a hurry.

Start live preparation.

 Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommendation!

(End of this chapter)

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