From janitor to actor

Chapter 149 Random Dubbing

Chapter 149 Random Dubbing
Director Xiao glanced at the live broadcast countdown, and there were 30 minutes left.

He quickly took out the tablet he had prepared earlier and handed it to Ren Shuai.

"Teacher Li, take a look. These are the dubbing clips we screened out. When the live broadcast will be broadcast later, you can see which one you want to match."

Ren Shuai took the tablet, glanced at it casually, and said, "No need to prepare."

He thought to himself, the live broadcast was originally done to prove the ability of dubbing.

If the dubbing clips are selected in advance today, netizens will say that they have been prepared and suspected of cheating.

It's better to just randomly dub on the spot.

Director Xiao was shocked when he heard Ren Shuai's refusal.What Mr. Li means is, no matter what segment, no matter what content, can he match it?

This is impossible.

If this is the case, it is not described by verbal skills at all.It's simply a magic skill.

Choreographer Xiao was very worried, for fear that Ren Shuai would make a mistake and cause problems in the live broadcast.

Their TV stations have always focused on safety when making programs.

Choreographer Xiao suggested again that he hoped that Ren Shuai could prepare for it. The success or failure of this live broadcast is related to the future and fate of his show, and he cannot be careless.

Ren Shuai waved his hand directly and said, "It's good to let the netizens choose directly during the live broadcast, so that it's real."

Director Xiao saw Ren Shuai's confident appearance, although he was not sure, he believed it.

However, he still made a backup plan and asked his subordinates to prepare at any time to insert the advertisement into the live broadcast to prevent the car from overturning.

Ren Shuai put the plate full of delicious food on the table, and sat on the position where the live broadcast machine was set up, ready to enjoy the delicious food.

He glanced at Qian Meigui and said, "Sit down too, don't all stand."

Choreographer Xiao thought at this time, what Teacher Li says is what he says.

His eyes signaled Qian Meigui to sit next to Ren Shuai.

At this time, Ren Shuai didn't even know that this live broadcast had already attracted the attention of the whole network.

Since Comet TV released the notice of the live broadcast preview in the morning, the whole network has learned the news.

All netizens who have participated in the discussion of this matter are eager to know the truth of the matter.

I squatted in front of the computer or mobile phone early, waiting for the live broadcast to start, wanting to see what tricks the TV station and this teacher Li can play.

If it was the kind of clip that was already prepared and played live, they had reason to suspect that Mr. Li was just lip-syncing.

Netizens must make random requests for him to imitate in order to prove his true strength.

People who focus on the dubbing industry also received the news and spread the word in the group.

Let experts from all walks of life squat in the live broadcast room, trying to catch possible loopholes and see if he cheated in dubbing.

Many media who paid attention to this matter also entered the live broadcast room early, waiting for the first time to report the scene of the overturned dubbing, and even thought of the headline of the news.

As the saying goes, it’s not a big deal to watch the excitement, and the netizens who eat melons are also very interested in this matter. It just so happens that it is dinner time, and everyone took advantage of the meal to entertain, so they clicked into the live broadcast room.

Due to the attention of all parties, the blessing of hot searches, and the promotion of the TV station, the live broadcast room has not yet started, and more than 10 people have poured in.

Director Xiao couldn't help wiping his sweat when he saw the live viewing data.

I thought that Mr. Li should work harder, and don't make any mistakes.

The time passed by 1 minute and 1 second, and there were only 60 seconds left before the live broadcast began.

Ren Shuai has read the script, and the entire live broadcast lasts only half an hour. The basic process is to first issue a clarification, then perform a dubbing clip, and finally have a simple interaction with netizens.

For Ren Shuai, it's just a video while eating, there's no need to be prepared.

Director Xiao began the countdown with a serious face.

"Ms. Li, our live broadcast will start soon."

Director Xiao originally arranged for Ren Shuai to be a co-host, but Ren Shuai felt that it was too formal, he just chatted with netizens while eating, so there was no need to be too formal.

It happened that Qian Meigui was sitting next to him, and by the way, let her act as the host temporarily.

Director Xiao was not at ease with Qian Meigui, but he thought that Mr. Li might want to take this opportunity to support Qian Meigui, and he had something to ask for, so he could only nod in agreement.

Qian Meigui didn't expect such a surprise, and felt that Teacher Li was her lucky star.

Not only helped her keep her internship position, but also took the initiative to show her face in the live broadcast.

So she made up her mind that she must invite Uncle Li to dinner again.

Editor Xiao glanced at the time and said: "Attention all departments, the countdown is three two one, start!"

When the live broadcast started, Ren Shuai looked at the camera and raised his hand to say hello.

"Hi everyone, I'm Li Laifu."

"Hi everyone, I am the host of Comet TV, Qian Meigui."

The moment the live broadcast started, the number of people soared, from hundreds of thousands at the beginning to more than [-] in an instant.

The dialog box in the live broadcast room was frantically refreshing the content, basically it disappeared in a flash, and was quickly pushed away by the new news.

Director Xiao didn't expect the netizens to be so enthusiastic, so he quickly ordered his subordinates to control the number of speakers.

After Ren Shuai greeted the netizens, he began to get down to business, declaring very seriously that there was absolutely no fraud in the dubbing.

Thousand Roses also issued a statement on behalf of the program group.

At this time, a rhythm appeared in the live broadcast room, which repeatedly appeared in the dialogue column.

"Prove your strength!"

"Start your show!"

"Dubbing on the spot!"

These words appear repeatedly in the dialogue column.

As the host, Qian Meigui began to promote the process and said: "Mr. Li, we saw that the netizens in the live broadcast room are all looking forward to enjoying your dubbing performance, so have you prepared in advance?"

She turned her head to look at Ren Shuai, only to find that Ren Shuai lowered his head and took a bite of jellyfish.

With this pause, the comments from netizens changed direction.

"Don't prepare in advance!"

"Preparing in advance doesn't count!"

"It is recommended to pick randomly!"

Ren Shuai glanced at it and said: "It seems that netizens and I want to go together, and random dubbing is interesting."

It was only at this time that director Xiao realized that he had underestimated Uncle Li just now. He had already thought that the netizens would fix this, so he didn't even prepare for it.

On the contrary, he is used to doing TV shows, and he doesn't have enough understanding of the randomness of live broadcasts.

And just now, I was still scrolling through the messages to be dubbed randomly, and suddenly there was a pause.

It seemed that Ren Shuai agreed to this request so easily, which was beyond everyone's expectations. No one thought that he would dare to agree.

There was even a brief blank in the message, and the netizens obviously haven't figured out what questions to ask him.

Qian Meigui answered immediately, "Then how do you want to perform random dubbing?"

Ren Shuai had already thought about it, and said directly: "Let everyone post the clips that you want me to dub, take a countdown and take a screenshot, and choose the clip that is ranked first."

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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