From janitor to actor

Chapter 150 Difficulty

Chapter 150 Difficulty

The solution of live broadcast screenshots was a common method of live broadcast lottery drawing in Ren Shuai's previous life.

He learned and used it flexibly in this live broadcast event.

When Director Xiao heard this proposal for the first time, he couldn't help but praise it in his heart.

It’s just that this method has too much randomness, and it really doesn’t leave any room for myself. If I capture an impossible task, it’s like shooting myself in the foot.

Ren Shuai didn't care about it at all, he had confidence in the dubbing card.

The live broadcast continues.

Qian Meigui smiled and said to the camera: "Have you heard, please send out all the clips that you want Teacher Li to dub, we will count down the time for ten seconds, please ask Teacher Li to start the timer."

Ren Shuai lowered his head and took a bite of the oyster before saying, "Let's give everyone a little more time to think. The ten-second countdown is too short."

After finishing speaking, he took a sip of water and continued: "It's ok now, ten, nine, eight..., take a screenshot."

Ren Shuai just wanted to liven up the atmosphere, so it should be easier to live broadcast.

This was very sudden, but the speed of the netizens' hands was still very good, and they quickly swiped the screen on the message board.

The moment Ren Shuai said the screenshot, Qian Meigui took a picture with his mobile phone, and then covered the screen.

"Ms. Li, I don't dare to watch it. You should watch it yourself. I feel that netizens will not let you go easily."

Infected by Ren Shuai, Qian Meigui relaxed a little, and spoke in a joking tone.

Ren Shuai took the phone, turned it over without looking at it, and pointed it at the camera.

"Just let everyone see it."

When the camera focused on the screen of the mobile phone, Director Xiao broke into a sweat. It was completely random, and there was really no preparation.

A netizen with the title "The spring breeze blows ten miles away can't move me" left a message at the top of the list.

He left a message saying: "Please do the part of the male protagonist in the family meeting in "My Three Aunts and Six Wives"!"

Netizens took a look at the screenshots and immediately went viral.

"No, it's too easy!"

"I don't know how to cheat by taking screenshots, it's not difficult!"

"It's too routine, and it feels like there's an inside story."

Ren Shuai looked at the screen shot of his mobile phone. He didn't know what kind of movie it was, so he turned his head and said to the staff: "Please find this clip and let me watch it?"

On the other side, Qian Meigui saw the netizen's message, and immediately took her mobile phone and said: "This screenshot is absolutely true, if you don't believe me, you can check the screenshot time, there is no problem at all."

Ren Shuai ignored the netizens' doubts, took the tablet from the staff, put on the earphones and started listening to the clip.

This clip is very short, no more than 1 minute in length, and the main content is that the three aunts and six wives in the family hold a meeting for the male protagonist to promote marriage for him.

There are a total of eight characters in the film, except for the male protagonist, who are all female characters ranging in age from [-] to [-].

After a lot of verbal bombardment, the male protagonist finally collapsed, howling and spitting out bitterness.

After listening carefully, he took off his earphones and heard Qian Meigui still explaining the authenticity of the screenshot to netizens.

Ren Shuai took over the conversation with a smile: "Everyone's protest is nothing more than questioning that the difficulty of the clip is too low. I watched it just now, and the male lead is just complaining. It's really too simple."

Qian Meigui was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and asked doubtfully, "Then do you think we should take another screenshot?"

"No, there is no need. Since the rules are like this, they cannot be changed at will."

Ren Shuai shook his head and continued: "The difficulty is not enough, let's increase the difficulty. I decided to dub all the characters in the clip."

"What, all characters?"

Qian Meigui was so surprised that she almost forgot about expression management.

Netizens who protested were dumbfounded for a moment.

The message box freezes again.

Ren Shuai nodded and confirmed, "Well, let's start."

Director Xiao heard the words, and quickly asked the technicians to create a screen-in-screen effect, and played the clip of "My Three Aunts and Six Wives".

Ren Shuai inhaled slightly. He needs to dub all the characters for this dubbing, and the breathing time in the middle is very short.

The staff thoughtfully sent him the lines that had just been printed out, Ren Shuai read it silently, and nodded to indicate that it was time to start.

In the beginning, the protagonist's sister-in-law gave persuasion. The actor's voice was a little hoarse, but Ren Shuai perfectly restored it as soon as he opened his mouth.

Qian Meigui, who was sitting next to him, was suddenly surprised.

Listening to the female voice coming out of Teacher Li's mouth at close range, it's really unbelievable.

Immediately after was the aunt with a sharp voice, with a strong penetrating power. Ren Shuai opened and closed his lips, and that kind of high-pitched voice blurted out.

Then came the aunt with a hoarse voice. Her voice had the temperament of a duck's voice, which was very difficult to imitate.

But Ren Shuai didn't change his face, and just opened his mouth.

The ones who spoke at the back were the grandmother with an old voice like a witch, the elegant and sexy elder aunt, the hot-tempered second aunt who was more masculine, and the grandma who lacked confidence and panted heavily.

Everyone said a sentence, one after another, from Ren Shuai's mouth, which perfectly matched the original film.

Listening to the various voices coming from Ren Shuai's mouth, Qian Meigui's expression became more and more exciting.

She even wanted to probe to see if the structure of Teacher Li's mouth was different from others.

After the three aunts and six wives were finished, Ren Shuai changed his voice instantly, let out a young man's wailing, and began to vomit bitterness in a crying voice.

Although the voice was miserable, Ren Shuai's expression did not change significantly, like an emotional dubbing machine.

After the whole dubbing was over, Qian Meigui almost forgot to push the process, but luckily Ren Shuai turned to look at her.

"It's really amazing. It's the first time I know that someone can dub so many people at the same time. If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I would never believe it."

Qian Meigui basically gave up on expression management, and looked at Ren Shuai with shock and admiration.

Ren Shuai not only expressed several completely different voices, but was also exactly the same as the original version.

Netizens' comments suddenly became different from before.

Originally, the messages were all questioning and making things difficult, but some voices of praise and surprise appeared.

However, there are still many people who are skeptical, and feel that the live broadcast cannot prove that he has no lip-sync.

Faced with such doubts, Qian Meigui said: "Then let's take a screenshot again?"

Ren Shuai shook his head, but did not answer immediately.

He talked too much in one breath just now, he was a little thirsty, so he drank some water to moisten himself first.

Netizens saw that Ren Shuai dared not take screenshots anymore, and the offensive became fierce.


"Screen capture dubbing!"

"Can't refuse!"

Seeing that the wind direction was about to change back again, Qian Meigui was a little anxious, so she quickly looked at Ren Shuai and said, "What do you want to do?"

Ren Shuai laughed and said, "Since netizens say I'm lip-synch, there will still be doubts even if I do it a few more times. Why don't you change the method, everyone leave a message about the voice of the dubbing partner and the content of the dubbing, and I will use the voice of the dubbing partner to read out the voice of the dubbing on the spot. content."

This method is inspired by Xiaorong.

Qian Meigui's eyes lit up instantly after hearing this.

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(End of this chapter)

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