Chapter 151

Netizens suspected that Ren Shuai was lip-syncing because his dubbing was too similar to the original version.

If the lines are not spoken according to the original content, naturally there will be no lip sync problem.

After Ren Shuai mentioned this method, he immediately received unanimous praise, and everyone believed that this method was feasible.

Netizens have gained experience this time, and before Qian Meigui can say the countdown, they have already started swiping their screens frantically.

Ren Shuai glanced at the scrolling messages, and found that the most popular ones were those who were top-notch in the circle, and the dubbing content was mostly embarrassing.

Qian Meigui also noticed this, and joked: "Everyone seems to want you to dub the top streamers in the circle, the content is quite private."

Ren Shuai smiled and said, "Let me think about it."

After finishing speaking, he bowed his head to eat the lobster. Half of the lobster had been destroyed, and the other half was cold because he didn't have time to eat it because he was preparing for the live broadcast.

Netizens were very patient this time, no one urged him, and they were obviously expecting him to say something about Marysu with his top-notch voice.

During this interval, everyone diligently swiped the message.

Thousand Roses took advantage of the live broadcast to play a few commercials.

Director Xiao was very happy. Mr. Li raised the expectations of netizens with this wave of operations. The number of viewers in the live broadcast room has exceeded the 500,000 mark.

Ren Shuai finally killed the lobster, then wiped his mouth and said, "I've thought about it, and the content that is too shameful is not allowed."

Then he added: "The stars I don't know are also not allowed, maybe they will be sued."

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Bian's smile froze on his face. He originally wanted to grab a wave of top-notch enthusiasm, but after being said by Uncle Li, he couldn't.

Ren Shuai had already guessed the idea of ​​the program group in his heart, and chasing the popularity of top streams was their preferred form of operation.

But if Ren Shuai said something shameful with a top-notch voice, not to mention whether he would be sued, he couldn't bear to be chased and intercepted by top-notch fans.

Then the TV station will not take the blame for him.

It's just to prove that dubbing is not cheating, but there is no need to make such a big sacrifice to please netizens.

When netizens heard Ren Shuai's words, they were inevitably disappointed. They all thought that at his age, he could know a few top-notch dubbers, so there was no room for choice.

So everyone booed again and began to swipe the screen to leave messages.

"Don't dare to promise is cheating."

"Ms. Li has given up, and can't match the top-notch voice."

"The speed of light hits the face, I just said that I can match it as I like, but now I don't agree!"

Qian Meigui saw it, and quickly smoothed things over and said, "Everyone, don't get excited. Teacher Li didn't say that you can't match, but just limit the content and objects a little."

Netizens don't care about this, they still swipe the screen to ask Ren Shuai not to set restrictions.

Seeing this trend intensifies, Ren Shuai said decisively: "Countdown for three seconds, prepare to take a screenshot."

As soon as this remark came out, the netizens no longer cared about leaving comments and teasing, and all began to enter the content they wanted him to dub.

Three seconds is so short that the handicapped party can't even type out two words, let alone dubbing content.

This wave of operations by Ren Shuai not only curbed the trend of protests swiping the screen, but also restricted those netizens who wanted to send large pieces of shameful content.

"Three two one, stop."

Not to mention the netizens, even Qian Meigui was almost caught off guard by his sudden countdown.

Fortunately, at the last second, she still pressed the screenshot button in time.

After the screenshot was taken, the page began to frantically scroll all kinds of messages for him to dub.

Ren Shuai glanced at Qian Meigui's screen capture interface, and couldn't help laughing.

In the screenshot at that moment, only one fast-handed netizen typed five words, the content was that a certain celebrity said...

I didn't have time to type out the content behind the words.

The remaining few messages basically have no specific meaning, and there are even garbled characters.

He turned the screenshot to the camera, and netizens immediately felt that they were being teased by him.

Ren Shuai has watched a lot of live broadcasts in his previous life, and he knows a little about the means of controlling messages in live broadcasts. The wind direction was obviously wrong just now, so he must find a way to control it.

At this time, the messages are much more regular, and they are all about a certain star plus dubbing content.

Ren Shuai nodded in satisfaction, and without giving the netizens time to react, he immediately said, "Maybe the countdown was too fast just now, and there is no valid content in this screenshot, so let's do it again, two, one, stop."

Fortunately, Qian Meigui has learned from the past, and has been paying attention to Ren Shuai's words. When he suddenly counted down, he quickly took a screenshot.

She couldn't help but think, Teacher Li is very playful, isn't he afraid of being hacked if he teases netizens like this?

Ren Shuai has his own ideas, if he wants not to be hacked by netizens, he must have the spirit of self-hacking.

If you want not to be led by the nose by the netizens, you have to bring the netizens into your own rhythm and let everyone become his shape.

"Is this screenshot valid?"

He turned to ask Qian Meigui.

"Ah, let me take a look."

Qian Meigui gradually found a bit of status as a live broadcast host, and began to interact with Ren Shuai.

She covered her hands on the phone screen and pulled it down a little bit.

"Wow, it's all valid messages this time, and the targets are all top-notch. Teacher Li may be going to have a headache."

Qian Meigui smiled and turned her phone to the camera.

Ren Shuai said: "Speak first, I have to get to know each other."

After all, he took the phone and saw a total of five messages in the screenshot.

Coincidentally, he actually knew each other...

In the sequence of screenshots, the first is Cui Zixun, the second is Shen Luxi, the third is Ji Mingxi, the fourth is Xu Yang, and the last is Wei Yan.

It can only be said that it is a coincidence that there are so many top players in the entertainment industry, but these five people just got together for a screen.

Netizens saw the screenshot and started booing.

"These people, Mr. Li, at least know Shen Luxi!"

"Unfortunately, the content is too ordinary."

"Change the content!"

Everyone clamored for Ren Shuai to change the dubbing content, because the messages in the screenshots were ordinary greetings or greetings, not exciting at all.

Ren Shuai doesn't want to find trouble for himself, but he can't always disappoint everyone.

You have to give two sweet dates for a slap. He teased a wave of netizens just now, and the content of the screenshot message is too ordinary at this time, and it can't calm everyone's agitated mood.

After all, coming and going is the long way.

Since the quality is not enough, then the quantity should be made up.

Ren Shuai smiled and said, "I took a look and found out that the celebrities all know each other. If that's the case, why not..."

After finishing speaking, he made a fool of himself.

Netizens immediately started picking up.

"It's all right, it's all right!"

"All match!"

Ren Shuai was very satisfied with this interaction, nodded and said: "You can't favor one person over another, these five have to be matched."

Thousand Roses immediately applauded and cheered.

Director Xiao was also very satisfied with this wave of operations, and kept nodding his head.

At this moment, Ren Shuai suddenly said seriously: "If this dubbing infringes the rights and interests of these five, please ask the five stars and fans to take responsibility directly to the program team. I am just a tool."

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(End of this chapter)

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