From janitor to actor

Chapter 152 Look at your face

Chapter 152 Look at your face

Ren Shuai's speech was full of desire to survive, and at the same time the atmosphere was full of humor.

"Tool man is okay, hahahaha!"

"Ms. Li is a great talent, full marks for tools."

When netizens heard his speech, they couldn't help but be overwhelmed. There is no such thing as a tool man in this world.

Then everyone unanimously encouraged him.

"Come on, we won't trouble you."

"Ms. Li is really humorous. Our fans are not the kind of people who don't understand things."

"Don't worry, if you have anything to do, you must find the program group. It has nothing to do with you."

Director Xiao, who was standing aside, saw the message, his face darkened, thinking that Mr. Li was really good at talking.

This pot is naturally on the head of the program group.

Ren Shuai accepted it as soon as he saw it, and immediately prepared to dub after seeing that the netizens agreed.

He decided to dub according to the order of difficulty, with Ji Mingxi, Xu Yang and Cui Zixun first, and Wei Yan and Shen Luxi last.

In fact, for Ren Shuai who has a cheat, dubbing these people is equally difficult, but in public perception, the greater the gap with his own voice, the harder it is to dub.

In this way, netizens' expectations for dubbing effects will become higher and higher.

Ren Shuai simply matched three male stars, basically greetings, such as "Have you eaten", "Go to bed early and get up early", "Drink more hot water".

The program group also thoughtfully cast the faces of three male stars, making netizens feel more involved.

Hearing Ren Shuai's 100% restored star voice, netizens have to believe that he is really capable.

However, everyone still doubts whether female stars can still imitate exactly the same.

Wei Yan's voice is low and hoarse among women. Many people say her voice is not good, but some people say her voice is very sexy.

Ren Shuai didn't have much contact with Wei Yan, except for a brief exchange on the set of "Silent Business War".

But as long as it is a voice he has heard, it can be matched.

As soon as Ren Shuai spoke, it belonged to Wei Yan's unique voice, with a hint of charm in the hoarseness.

The netizen "Wait for me to grow a beard to my waist" asked Ren Shuai to use this voice to compose a paragraph of praise for him, the content of which was random.

Ren Shuai also doesn't have any profound literary skills, so he can only pass on the witty words he heard in his previous life to this friend.

"You are so cute. Flowers bloom, dogs wag their tails, pigs cock their mouths, and cars blow out tires."

He spoke very smoothly, but everyone else was stunned.

Qian Meigui was the first to react, laughing so hard that there was no such thing as image management for a long time.

Netizens also scrolled a bunch of messages after listening, praising Ren Shuai for his profound knowledge and eloquence.

Ren Shuai was a little ashamed when he saw it, and quickly waved his hands to express that he deserved it.

Now there is only the last Shen Luxi who has not been dubbed.

Among the five people, he is the closest to Shen Luxi, so it's not easy to trick her, just give her a regular content.

The netizen with the nickname "typing" in the screenshot hopes that Ren Shuai will use Shen Luxi's voice to match the three words "good morning", but asks for it to be cute.

Ren Shuai automatically ignored that request.

"Good morning."

He dubs with Shen Luxi's serious voice, which is neither crisp nor soft, which disappointed the netizens who were turned over.

Ren Shuai was not satisfied with Shen Luxi's exclusive calling voice.

However, Ren Shuai is still very good at being a man, and immediately said: "This is too short, let me play it freely for a while."

He previously promised the producer of "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds" that he would promote the TV series in the live broadcast.

Now it's time to use Shen Luxi's voice to do a wave of publicity.

The best of both worlds.

Ren Shuai softened his tone and started Amway's new drama "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds". This time, his voice was much fresher and softer.

You can clearly see the difference between receiving money and not having money.

Netizens expressed their amazement when they discovered that Ren Shuai could really speak exactly like Shen Luxi.

"It turns out that ventriloquism really exists in this world. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes today, I would never believe it."

"It's so scary, ask for a teacher hotline."

"A lot of money to learn art from a teacher, Mr. Li looks at me, looks at me, looks at me!"

Ren Shuai breathed a sigh of relief, the main task of today's live broadcast was finally completed, on the one hand, it proved that the "Magnetic Charm" program was not faked at all, and on the other hand, it promoted "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds".

At this time, the originally planned 30-minute live broadcast time has come, but the atmosphere is very lively, and Ren Shuai still needs to chat and interact with netizens.

At this time, a large number of viewers flooded into the live broadcast room again, because someone had edited Ren Shuai's latest dubbing clip and sent it out.

These clips perfectly attracted attention with the enthusiasm of several top-notch figures.

Many people came upon hearing the news.

"Ah, am I late, and still dubbing?"

"Old Immortal, let's add a few more paragraphs, I just came here."

Netizens' phrase "old god" no longer specifically refers to Ren Shuai's role in the play, but a pun expressing that he is also a god in the field of dubbing.

"It's so similar, it's a perfect re-enactment, Mr. Li, please add a few more paragraphs."

"I haven't heard enough, let's play the screen capture and dubbing again."

Those netizens who came earlier also started to join in the fun. Now that they have recognized Ren Shuai's strength, they naturally want to see more miracles.

But Ren Shuai's heart is all about the food. During the dubbing period, he has already delayed enjoying the food. How can he have the time to respond to the comments of netizens.

Seeing the only two crab legs left on the dinner plate, Ren Shuai started directly, broke them and said, "At this time, everyone should have dinner, why don't I make a sound of eating for everyone."

After speaking, he focused on attacking the crab legs.

Netizens were looking forward to it, but after seeing Ren Shuai's behavior, they were immediately indignant.

It seems to be teased by Teacher Li again.

"This isn't dubbing, it's obviously eating during the live broadcast!"

"Protest, Mr. Li is not a human being, I only have instant noodles here, you let me see this?"

"Did I go wrong, didn't I come to watch the dubbing, how did it become a food broadcast?"

Qian Meigui couldn't laugh or cry, feeling that Teacher Li liked interacting with netizens very much, so she, the host, had to take over the conversation and took the opportunity to introduce the lineup of the next issue of "Magnetic Charm".

After eating the crab legs, Ren Shuai looked up at the message and said with a smile, "Since you don't like the sound of eating, see you next time."

After finishing speaking, he picked up the empty dinner plate, got up and left, ready to refill another wave of food.

Director Xiao didn't expect Mr. Li to be so decisive. When the live broadcast was in full swing, he was ready to broadcast it. He didn't take the needs of netizens seriously at all.

To have strength is to be willful.

The effect of the live broadcast today is so good, of course it must have a beginning and an end.

He immediately ran to the side of Ren Shuai, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Li, let's add the last paragraph, and make a finishing touch."

Ren Shuai glanced at the steaming food around him, and thought that the task had been completed, and it didn't matter if the live broadcast was live or not.

Director Xiao continued: "The station attaches great importance to this live broadcast, and the funds are abundant. I have already applied for the highest announcement fee for you, so you should do me a favor."

Ren Shuai looked away from the food in an instant.

"No problem, I'm only looking at your face."

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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