From janitor to actor

Chapter 153 Surprise Easter Egg

Chapter 153 Surprise Easter Egg
Food or something, and I don't have long legs, so I can't run.

The needs of netizens are the most important.

Ren Shuai quickly returned to the live broadcast position, and Qian Meigui, who was next to him, was stunned for a few seconds.

I sighed in my heart that director Xiao is worthy of being a senior, but he coaxed Teacher Li back with just a few words.

The netizens in the live broadcast room saw that everyone was gone, and after complaining a few words in the message area, they almost quit, but the screen flickered.

People are back.

What does it mean?
One or two netizens regained their spirits, the keyboard flew up, and the message area was suddenly froze.

Everyone has already learned how to be smart. In case Ren Shuai suddenly counted down and took a screenshot, he directly sent out the content that he wanted him to dub.

The technician said that the pressure was very high, and the message area was almost blocked.

But this time Ren Shuai was completely uneasy about playing cards, so he directly asked the program team to prepare a blockbuster clip.

He looked at the camera and said with a smile: "I prepared a surprise dubbing easter egg for everyone, so I won't be doing screen captures anymore."

Netizens who were still enthusiastically scrolling through their messages suddenly became ill.

Those netizens whose hands cramped from typing on the keyboard burst into tears, as if they were being tricked by Teacher Li again.

Ren Shuai introduced: "Since it is a surprise egg, it should be prepared with something different from before. Please give me two minutes to prepare."

Netizens don't know what surprise Ren Shuai has prepared, but they are quite resentful about not being able to participate in screen capture and dubbing activities.

Qian Meigui took advantage of Ren Shuai's preparations to interact with the audience and said, "Everyone can guess what content Mr. Li will match?"

Netizens immediately began to associate, and the message area became lively again.

Ren Shuai watched the dubbing clip five times on the tablet, and nodded after remembering the time of the voice.

"Okay, let's start."

After Ren Shuai finished speaking, the program team immediately called up the screen-in-screen.

Netizens are very curious, Ren Shuai has demonstrated his god-level dubbing skills, what surprises can he bring to everyone?

Even if he can match the voices of everyone in the entertainment industry, netizens will not doubt or be surprised.

Soon, the clip starts playing.

In the picture, thick smoke is everywhere, and a missile shoots up into the sky with flames, lands, and explodes.

The sound was deafening, and the shock wave shattered all surrounding buildings.

Then the camera turned, and a full row of ten missile launchers slowly rotated, aiming at the sky at a 45-degree angle.

In the next second, all bullets were fired.

"Swish Swish Swish Swish"

The missile crossed a long arc and approached its destination rapidly.

Immediately afterwards, there were dense crackling sounds, and patches of thick smoke billowed up with the sound of explosions.

After the bombing, an aircraft skimmed through the smoke, emitting a scalp-numbing sound wave.

The screen is now over.

Some netizens didn't know why, but most of them stared at the change of Ren Shuai's mouth, and were surprised to find that all the sounds of explosions, launches, airplanes, etc. in the film came from Ren Shuai's mouth.

"Shocking! People can actually make such a sound!"

"Did I hear it wrong, those just now are definitely dubbing?"

"This ability is against the sky, what high-tech electronic synthesis sound effects are needed, it is simply a magic skill!"

"Teacher Li is mighty!"

"As expected of an old fairy!"

The message area was completely blown up, and netizens expressed their admiration for Ren Shuai in various languages.

Not to mention the message area, even the crew members on the scene were stunned.

Qian Meigui felt that her eyes and mouth were gradually opening uncontrollably. Although she had given up image management, this operation was really shocking, and she couldn't control her expression at all.

Ren Shuai looked at all kinds of rainbow farts constantly scrolling in the message, and felt very satisfied.

It's installed.

He looked up at Director Xiao, the meaning was very clear, this wave of operations is worthy of the highest notification fee.

Choreographer Xiao was already in high spirits, thinking that asking Mr. Li to cooperate was too profitable.

If there is an opportunity in the future, we will definitely cooperate more.

Qian Meigui finally came to his senses, and did not forget the job of the host, and quickly said: "The Easter egg prepared by Mr. Li is really a surprise."

Netizens now agree with Ren Shuai's strength unprecedentedly, and continue to echo all kinds of compliments.

Ren Shuai saw that the time was almost up, and it should be time to call it a day, so he winked at Director Xiao outside the camera.

Director Xiao immediately understood that it was really time to let it go, and quickly held up the teleprompter to ask Qian Meigui to end the live broadcast.

Netizens still have more to say, and want to enjoy a few more dubbings.

Ren Shuai seemed very understanding and said: "If you haven't seen enough..."

Having said that, he deliberately paused for a second, and the expectations of netizens were instantly raised.

"You can watch the replay several times later, thank you, bye!"

After finishing speaking, Ren Shuai downloaded the broadcast at the speed of light, and did not give netizens a chance to scold him at all.

Qian Meigui couldn't laugh or cry, she didn't expect Mrs. Li to tease the netizens to be addicted, and even before the broadcast, she didn't forget to make a wave of netizens' mentality.

After the live broadcast ended, Director Xiao immediately ran to watch the data.

Surprisingly, before the broadcast was closed, the number of people in the live broadcast room had exceeded 100 million.

Breaking the record for the number of people live on Comet TV.

This data is the real number of people, not a lot of live viewing numbers mixed with moisture.

Director Xiao feels that Ren Shuai is definitely his favorite person. Not only did he top the ratings of the last episode of "Magnetic Charm", but he will also attract a lot of traffic to each episode in the future.

A tepid program that was about to be cut from its investment was revived by Mr. Li.

Simply a miracle.

Director Xiao was extremely excited, and waved his hands vigorously: "Everyone eat as much as you want tonight, and the program team will pay for it!"


"Director Xiao is mighty."

"Thank you, Teacher Li!"

"Thank you Teacher Li!"

Although it was editor-director Xiao who spoke, the person everyone thanked was still Ren Shuai.

Today, if he didn't take the initiative to ask for the live broadcast of the ninth season, how could there be such a good welfare package.

Qian Meigui was also very happy. Today it was agreed that she was going to treat her, but the program team helped pay the bill.

This is not the happiest place for her. The key is that Teacher Li is the host of the live broadcast today.

As an intern, I was able to host a live broadcast alone, or a live broadcast with more than 100 million viewers.

Just like a dream.

Qian Meigui was very grateful to Ren Shuai, and secretly decided in her heart that she would invite him to eat the ninth season three more times to express her gratitude.

Compared to the two of them, Ren Shuai was the happiest.

Today, he not only enjoyed a private meal, but also accepted a campus interview by the way, earning a net profit of 1000 yuan.

At the same time, complete the promotion of "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds" during the live broadcast, and earn another 10,000 yuan.

Choreographer Xiao also helped him apply for the highest announcement fee for the live broadcast, a full 100,000 yuan.

This night, he only used one dubbing card to earn 110,0001000 yuan, which makes him happy to think about it.

Ren Shuai felt that the lobster in his mouth became more fragrant.

At this time, on the Internet, clips of his live broadcast began to be frantically reposted.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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