From janitor to actor

Chapter 154 Retire?

Chapter 154 Retire?
Early in the morning, Ren Shuai received many messages.

Ren Shuai didn't have many friends, basically everyone sent him a message.

Mainly to praise his dubbing ability, and congratulations on his popularity.

Ren Shuai was ignorant of the attention he had received from his live broadcast last night.

The trending searches in the past two days have attracted the attention of many people. Netizens even believe that Ren Shuai is lip-syncing dubbing.

As a result, overnight, things reversed.

Still kind of upside down.

Many netizens who eat melons thought that Ren Shuai's dubbing fraud has been confirmed, but they didn't expect to become a dubbing master in a blink of an eye.

This kind of inversion and contrast is too strong and very topical, so it spreads instantly.

In addition, behind this topic, Comet TV and the crew of "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds" secretly promoted it, so it naturally spread faster.

Many investors and advertisers have noticed Ren Shuai and want to take advantage of the popularity to cooperate with him.

However, after searching the entire Internet, there was no way to find Ren Shuai's contact information.

Some connections directly connected to Comet TV, but Qian Meigui was the only one who had Ren Shuai's contact information on Comet TV.

Therefore, those who are eager to cooperate with Yu Renshuai have not been able to contact him for the time being.

During the lunch break, Ren Shuai and Xiao Liu from the security department temporarily changed their afternoon shift, and he needed to go through the retirement procedures.

In more than a week, he should set off to the island to close the shoot. He has no time to handle these things, so he can only go through the process in advance.

As soon as he got to work in the afternoon, Ren Shuai came to the office of the director of logistics. There was a retirement procedure that required the signature of the leader.

The head of the logistics department exchanged greetings with Ren Shuai politely, and wished him a happy retirement life and enjoyment of life.

Ren Shuai waited for him to sign, and then went to the human resources office.

Under normal circumstances, the retirement procedures are automatically followed by the staff of the unit, and there is no need for individuals to go through the process.

But Ren Shuai and his security team didn't have a dedicated person to deal with this matter, and everyone had to make several trips by themselves.

Just as Ren Shuai left the logistics department, the director's phone rang.

"Principal Chu, what do you want from me?" the logistics director asked carelessly.

The person who called him was the vice principal in charge of logistics, who was also the immediate boss of the security department.

"Is there someone named Li Laifu in your security team?" Vice President Chu asked.

The Director of Logistics quickly said: "Yes, he just came to go through the retirement formalities."


Vice President Chu's tone suddenly rose.

The logistics director was taken aback, and asked in a low voice, "Did he make any mistakes?"

"No, no, where are you, have you gone home yet?" Vice-principal Chu asked quickly.

"That's not true. He just came to me to sign, and he should still be in the process."

The director of logistics had no idea about the exact date of Ren Shuai's retirement. He only knew that he had just left ten minutes ago, so the formalities must not have been completed.

"What about others?" Vice President Chu asked.

"It should be, go back to the dormitory and pack your things." The director of logistics said uncertainly.

He still didn't know why the vice principal suddenly wanted to find a janitor in the security team.

"Take me to him, hurry up!" Vice President Chu said anxiously.

"Okay, I'll be there soon."

After the director of logistics hung up the phone, he immediately trotted to the principal's office.

Ren Shuai finally stamped the last official seal at this time, and was waiting to receive his retirement certificate in two days.

He planned to go back to the dormitory to clean up briefly, mainly because the house had not been rented yet, and the luggage could not be transported away for the time being.

When Ren Shuai walked to the door of the dormitory, he saw two people standing there wandering, one of them he didn't know, and the other was the director of logistics he had just met.

Could it be that he came to the dormitory to inspect the work?

Why didn't I receive the message before.

Just as Ren Shuai was thinking, the director of logistics just turned his head to see him, and hurriedly greeted him: "Lao Li, I'm looking for you, come quickly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Vice President Chu walking towards Ren Shuai at the side.

"Teacher Li Laifu, right?" Vice President Chu smiled enthusiastically.

The logistics director was a little dazed, why did he feel that Vice President Chu was very polite to Lao Li.

Ren Shuai didn't know the principal, so he looked at him suspiciously and said, "Yes, I am."

The director of the logistics department hurried over and introduced, "This is Principal Chu."

Ren Shuai nodded, wondering if the principal led a team to check the hygiene and safety of the dormitory?

"I'll open the door right now, you can check whatever you want."

As Ren Shuai said, he opened the door of the dormitory and let him in for two days.

Vice-principal Chu was dumbfounded by what he said, so why did he check to see if there was a misunderstanding.

The director of logistics didn't know what was going on, and the point was that he didn't know why the principal asked Ren Shuai.

Vice President Chu smiled and said to Ren Shuai: "Mr. Li, I heard that you are about to retire, right?"

Ren Shuai nodded, seeing that he didn't mean to come to check, could it be that he was condolences to the retired employees.

"I'm here this time to represent the school and invite you to re-employ me." Vice-principal Chu finally explained his purpose.

Ren Shuai was a little confused this time. He had never heard of security guards being rehired. Generally, the younger the better, who would be willing to rehire an older person as a security guard.

The director of logistics was also confused, not knowing what the vice principal meant.

Their security team has never had a tradition of rehiring.

Seeing Ren Shuai's doubts, Vice President Chu quickly explained: "The school wants to hire you as an instructor for the dubbing major."



Ren Shuai and the director of logistics expressed surprise at the same time.

Ren Shuai didn't expect his dubbing to attract the attention of the school, and he wanted to ask him to teach students.

But the director of logistics was completely shocked and couldn't figure it out.

Vice President Chu quickly began to explain what happened.

After Ren Shuai's dubbing live broadcast received attention last night, more people picked up his information on the Internet.

Someone discovered through "Us Once" before that Ren Shuai is the concierge of Meiying.

So someone contacted Meiying to inquire about Ren Shuai.

This incident was gradually known by the school. Meiying has always paid great attention to famous people in the school. No matter which graduate is famous, he will become a well-known alumni.

The school leadership found that Ren Shuai's dubbing skills were far beyond human reach, and definitely belonged to the level of a master.

After further investigation, it was found that he was a concierge of the school.

The principal immediately organized a meeting to discuss the issue of rational use of talents. Experts with such dubbing skills in the school must not be buried.

In particular, Ren Shuai's hidden value should not be underestimated. It is a waste to stay in the security post.

The final meeting decided to hire Ren Shuai as the instructor of the dubbing major.

As a result, Vice President Chu heard that Ren Shuai was going to retire.

How is this possible, the big boss in the dubbing industry, the school can't let it go easily.

He rushed to invite Ren Shuai's dormitory in person.

Ren Shuai probably understood what happened, but asked him to teach others how to dub...

Isn't this Arabian Nights?

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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