Chapter 156
At night, Ren Shuai lay on the bed happily.

Today he finally saw a glimmer of hope in his life after retirement.

Originally, he was worried about the issue of renting a house, but in view of his status as a consultant teacher, the school offered to keep his current dormitory for him to use as part of his welfare package.

In addition, there are food subsidies for three meals a day.

The only fly in the ointment is that the re-employment contract signed by Ren Shuai and the school is only for one year.

If you continue to hire in the second year, you can renew the contract.

It's not that the school doesn't want to sign with him for a longer period of time, but that the labor and employment management department has regulations that people who are hired after retirement can only sign with him once a year.

Ren Shuai only hopes that his development this year will be smoother, and strive to renew his contract with the school for a few more years.

After all, it is rare to come across such a good thing as taking a class once a month and still receiving a professor-level salary.

His drowsiness from excitement has subsided a lot, and he was about to get up and punch a set before falling asleep when his phone rang.

"Ms. Li, I'm Xiao Cui."

When Ren Shuai saw that Cui Shaoyu contacted him at night, he probably had something urgent to do.

"what's up?"

"If someone contacts you to sign a contract today, don't rush to sign."

Cui Shaoyu came up with just one sentence, calling Ren Shuai crazy.

He just signed a contract with the school, how did Cui Shaoyu know, and why did he stop him?
Is there a pit here?

But it was too late, he had already been led by Vice President Chu to sign the contract.

Seeing that Ren Shuai did not respond for a long time, Cui Shaoyu said anxiously: "You must have already signed it, why didn't you ask me to check it for you?"

Ren Shuai didn't know how to answer, the principal even came to invite him in person, and the conditions were very favorable without any restrictions, so why hesitate about such a contract.

"I don't think there is any problem," Ren Shuai said.

"Which company is it?"

After Cui Shaoyu finished asking, Ren Shuai was stunned, didn't she know, what company did she ask?
Ren Shuai wondered if the two had lost their conversation.

Then he asked, "What contract are you talking about?"

Cui Shaoyu explained: "Business endorsement contract or advertising contract, many people in the circle today are asking about you. They are all small manufacturers and small brands. They know that you are popular, so they want to ask you to shoot commercials and be an endorsement."

Ren Shuai was very surprised by this, he did not receive any contact related to this at all.

But it is a good thing that someone asks him to shoot commercials, and the pension can be further increased.

Cui Shaoyu confirmed it and found that Ren Shuai did not sign such a contract, so he said in relief: "Great, if you encounter such a contract, don't sign it yet. I will fly to Meiying directly to find you on the plane tomorrow morning."

Ren Shuai was stunned, wondering what the hell Cui Shaoyu wanted to do by mobilizing the crowd to fly over to find him.

There are two reasons why Cui Shaoyu is so anxious.

On the one hand, she wanted to sign Ren Shuai into the company, but Ren Shuai's dubbing ability was too strong, and he became popular in an instant. If she didn't act quickly, it was hard to guarantee that she would not be caught first.

On the other hand, she was a little worried about Ren Shuai. She felt that Ren Shuai was the kind of old artist who was easy to deceive. Shuai signed some contracts with big pitfalls.

After learning that Ren Shuai was missed by many businessmen, Cui Shaoyu immediately booked the earliest flight, very conscious of being a manager, and wanted to rush to Ren Shuai as soon as possible to escort him.

It is best to sign the contract of the brokerage company.

But Cui Shaoyu asked herself, the contract she booked for Ren Shuai was definitely not lower than his worth.

Ren Shuai is also thinking that since the retirement procedures have been completed, signing a contract with a brokerage company can be put on the agenda.

Although Cui Shaoyu is inexperienced, Ren Shuai feels that she is quite sincere and reliable, so he is naturally willing to cooperate with her.

One of the two is affectionate and the other is interested, and they hit it off immediately.

It is agreed to meet at the cafe opposite the school at nine o'clock tomorrow morning.

Ren Shuai was not on duty the next day, so he waited in the cafe early.

Cui Shaoyu walked into the store in a hurry, and he saw that he came directly from the airport without any delay.

However, it can be seen that she has been well-dressed, with her mid-length hair scattered on her shoulders, and with princess-cut bangs, she looks capable and beautiful.

After she entered the store, she saw Ren Shuai at a glance and walked over quickly.

"Mr. Li, long time no see."

After Cui Shaoyu saw Ren Shuai, he became a little cautious.

"Long time no see, please take a seat."

Ren Shuai invited her to a seat and handed her the coffee he had ordered earlier.

Cui Shaoyu was very flattered, thinking that Teacher Li was really a warm senior, and ordered coffee for her in advance.

She took a sip and felt that the bitterness of the coffee became much sweeter.

"Ms. Li, I am here this time because I actually want to talk to you..."

Cui Shaoyu met Ren Shuai's gaze, and suddenly she didn't know how to speak. She had already thought about her speech on the way here, but now her mind suddenly went blank.

I don't know if it's because when facing Ren Shuai, Cui Shaoyu can always think of the scene of her death when Ren Shuai found her from behind while she was muttering words.

Ren Shuai thought to himself that he was not serious, so why did he feel that Cui Shaoyu seemed to be afraid of him.

Obviously, the communication on the phone was very smooth.

He took the initiative to say, "You want to talk to me about signing a contract, right?"

Cui Shaoyu nodded immediately, and slowly returned to his normal state, saying: "I brought the contract, you can take a closer look, and you can modify it if you are not satisfied."

After speaking, she took out a folder from her bag and handed it to Ren Shuai.

Ren Shuai nodded and began to look through the contract. When he saw the column of salary division, his eyes froze for a few seconds.

Cui Shaoyu was very keen, and saw his changes at the first time, thinking that Ren Shuai was dissatisfied with the share ratio, and quickly explained: "Mr. Li, I set this ratio with reference to the standards of S-level contracts in the circle, and there is absolutely no moisture. "

Of course Ren Shuai knew that he had done his homework in advance in order to sign the contract.

From the information collected in the early stage and the information he inquired from Shen Luxi, we can know that this share ratio is indeed very kind.

The reason why Ren Shuai looked at it for a few more seconds was because he was surprised that the ratio was too low.

He is very satisfied with this.

It seems that Cui Shaoyu is really sincere when he comes to sign the contract this time.

Ren Shuai also focused on the contract period and compensation for breach of contract, which are very favorable conditions compared to him.

"No problem, but I have something to tell you in advance." Ren Shuai said.

Cui Shaoyu nodded quickly, indicating that she was listening carefully.

In fact, as an agent, signing an artist on behalf of the company, one shouldn't have such a low profile like her.

But she just has a good impression of Ren Shuai, and she opened the brokerage company by herself, and she would be happy if the conditions were better.

 Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommendation!

(End of this chapter)

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