From janitor to actor

Chapter 157 The Broker

Chapter 157 The Broker

Ren Shuai pointed to a note in the contract, and turned the folder to show Cui Shaoyu.

The note requires artists to obey the company's schedule as much as possible, and not to ask for leave or absenteeism without reason.

Cui Shaoyu already knew from the information collected by various parties that Ren Shuai might really be a concierge of Meiying, not the Meiying teacher he originally thought. He probably had to go to work on time every day, and he might not have enough time.

She hurriedly said: "The announcement I arranged for you must be outside your work time, and you will definitely not delay your work."

Ren Shuai didn't expect that Cui Shaoyu's comprehension ability was quite strong, and he knew what he wanted to say immediately.

But Cui Shaoyu was hesitant to speak at this time.

Ren Shuai smiled and said, "If you have any ideas, you can speak up."

Cui Shaoyu smiled apologetically and said: "Maybe I'm a bit presumptuous, but your acting and dubbing skills are so strong, and you are still in Meiying. That, isn't it a bit... a waste of time?"

Cui Shaoyu didn't have the nerve to say the words of being a concierge, otherwise it would appear that she looked down on Ren Shuai's career.

Occupation does not distinguish between high and low, and society is so advanced that thinking cannot be left behind.

She just felt that being a concierge was not suitable for Ren Shuai as an actor. With so many talents, she should shine as an actor.

Ren Shuai thought to himself that he was worried about this.

Totally unnecessary.

He waved his hands and said with a smile, "I've already completed the retirement procedures."

Cui Shaoyu suddenly realized that it was no wonder that he had waited until this time to sign a contract with him. It turned out that he was waiting to retire.

But wait...has Teacher Li reached retirement age?
In Cui Shaoyu's cognition, he is at most 50 years old.

Especially the unique youthful vigor in Ren Shuai's eyes every time, even made her think that Ren Shuai would be younger.

Just when she was surprised, Ren Shuai continued: "But the school just signed a re-employment contract with me."

Cui Shaoyu suddenly recovered and became even more surprised.

Is it popular for concierges to rehire?
Ren Shuai took the initiative to explain: "But it won't waste too much time, just give the students a class every month."

Attend class?

Cui Shaoyu was a little confused.

The information she collected from the Internet before clearly pointed to the fact that Ren Shuai might be a concierge. She also took a long time to digest this information before accepting it.

After all, as a concierge, Ren Shuai's acting skills and dubbing skills are too strong.

But now, Ren Shuai actually said that he was going to teach the students. This is obviously Meiying's teacher!
Cui Shaoyu kept thinking in his heart, thinking that he was really fooled by the information on the Internet, and would actually believe that a powerful actor like Mr. Li is a concierge.

Even if it was mentioned in "Once Upon a Time" that Ren Shuai was the concierge of Meiying, there must be a script for that variety show, and Mr. Li probably just played the role of the concierge in it.

She believed it so easily, she felt speechless for her innocence.

Cui Shaoyu was very fortunate that he didn't say the word "concierge" just now, otherwise he would die in front of Ren Shuai again.

Ren Shuai had no idea that a lot of information was going through her mind, and she suddenly stopped talking like a machine stuck.

So I asked again: "One class every month, shouldn't it delay the play?"

"Oh, no delay, of course no delay!"

Cui Shaoyu quickly switched back from the state of contemplation, nodded repeatedly, and added: "The company will not arrange your time too full. In addition to giving you free time for class, there are at least eight days of vacation every month."

Ren Shuai expressed his satisfaction upon hearing the words, picked up the signature pen brought by Cui Shaoyu, and signed his name with a "swipe".

Cui Shaoyu was not quietly relieved until Ren Shuai had signed both contracts.

She was really worried that Ren Shuai would reject her.

"From now on, I will be your agent."

Cui Shaoyu showed a bright smile, which made her look even brighter. She was happy from the bottom of her heart at the moment.

Cui Shaoyu is quite optimistic about Ren Shuai's development.

After Ren Shuai accepted the contract, he suddenly remembered that he had already arranged for at least a month.

He had promised Zhou Su and Chi Yi that he would star in their follow-up works.

Since Cui Shaoyu is already his manager, it's time for her to know about these things.

"I agreed to several filming invitations before, and I may join the group at the beginning of the year. Do you need to make arrangements in advance?"

Cui Shaoyu was a little surprised. Unexpectedly, Ren Shuai had already accepted invitations for several dramas without the help of a brokerage company. It seems that his personal connections and strength should not be underestimated.

Fortunately, the conditions in the contract are the most generous, otherwise I would be a little sorry for Ren Shuai's worth.

"You can talk about it in detail, and I will arrange it all."

So Ren Shuai briefly introduced the situation to Cui Shaoyu.

After listening to it, Cui Shaoyu couldn't help admiring Ren Shuai even more. Even a demanding screenwriter like Zhou Chan took the initiative to invite him to play. It was definitely Ren Shuai's acting skills that convinced him.

Cui Shaoyu took out the tablet and took a brief record, and said, "Don't worry, I will take full responsibility for the docking and contacting of these matters and handle them personally."

Then Cui Shaoyu talked with Ren Shuai about the direction of future development and simple planning. According to her idea, since Ren Shuai has excellent acting skills and has never really entered the film and television industry before, there is no need to set restrictions.

It is best not to make requirements on the scope of the play, all kinds of roles can be tried, so as to broaden the way of play.

This coincides with Ren Shuai's thinking, but he does not think about this issue from the perspective of broadening the play, but from the perspective of enriching pensions.

Actors should not choose roles, and earn money when they have money.

The two chatted very congenially.

Another purpose of Cui Shaoyu's visit this time is to remind Ren Shuai not to easily reach an agreement with those small manufacturers.

According to her plan, Ren Shuai's development is limitless, and he should be cautious in choosing advertisements and endorsements.

"Mr. Li, you have attracted a lot of attention because of your strong dubbing skills. At least ten manufacturers are asking for your contact information."

Ren Shuai wondered, "Why don't I know?"

"Well, maybe you are a low-key person."

Cui Shaoyu thought to himself, fortunately Ren Shuai did not leave any contact information on the Internet, otherwise those small manufacturers must have bombarded him indiscriminately early in the morning.

"Do I want to accept an advertisement?" Ren Shuai asked.

"No, the ones who want to contact you now are some unknown small manufacturers. Once you reach a cooperation with them, it may affect the impression of those big brands on you. Although the popularity is booming recently, I suggest you wait for a while. Until a big manufacturer takes the initiative to approach, then consider the issue of advertising and endorsement." Cui Shaoyu gave his opinion very professionally.

Ren Shuai thought about it, it made sense, although rejecting small manufacturers would lose a certain amount of income, but in the future, big manufacturers can catch a big fish when they come to the door, and the income will naturally be more.

You can't lose the big because of the small.

He nodded to express his approval, and suddenly remembered that he seemed to have a Fendenko Niqi endorsement.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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