Chapter 158
At the beginning of next year, Fendenko Niche will hold a spring show.

Back when Ren Shuai and Shen Luxi were walking on the red carpet, there was a hot search, which made Fenden Kou Niqi's classic suit popular, so they were invited to endorse.

This matter was handled by Shen Luxi's agent.

But since Ren Shuai now has his own agent, he is naturally embarrassed to entrust others to help him.

"Two months ago, I received an endorsement invitation, and I may sign a contract early next year, but I don't know the specifics, and others helped to handle it." Ren Shuai said.

When Cui Shaoyu heard this, he immediately became vigilant, and said: "You must be cautious when accepting endorsements. You'd better not entrust others to handle it for you. I will help you connect. Can you give me the contact information of that person?"

Ren Shuai nodded and said, "It's Shen Luxi's manager."

Cui Shaoyu was very surprised, and immediately felt a little sense of crisis, thinking that this gold medal agent would not be the same as himself, and wanted to sign Mr. Li, right?
It's not enough to have Shen Luxi, a super cash cow, under his banner, but he is thinking about Teacher Li.

Fortunately, I acted quickly, otherwise Teacher Li might be snatched away.

Ren Shuai saw that there was something wrong with her expression, so he said: "Shen Luxi and I received the endorsement invitation together, and her manager helped to deal with it."

Cui Shaoyu was slightly embarrassed, thinking that Teacher Li would not see through his little thoughts.

She quickly took a sip of coffee to relieve her embarrassment, and then she noticed the key to this sentence.

"What brand is the endorsement invitation that you and Shen Luxi received together?"

She thought, Shen Luxi's endorsement level has always been good, and she shouldn't be a small name. If it's barely okay, she can consider accepting it.

Ren Shuai smiled and said, "Fenden Kou Nikki."

Cui Shaoyu reacted for a few seconds first, and after confirming that he had heard correctly, he asked in surprise, "The cutting-edge luxury brand Fendenko Niche?"

Ren Shuai nodded.

Cui Shaoyu suddenly felt that he didn't seem to understand Ren Shuai.

In her perception, Ren Shuai is an old artist who is humble and willing to take care of his younger generation. He has good acting skills and top-notch dubbing skills, but he has rarely set foot in the entertainment industry. No one knew him.

But at this time, Cui Shaoyu felt that he was naive again.

As a professional agent, it is simply a professional mistake if he does not have a thorough understanding of the signing target.

The more we got in touch, Cui Shaoyu felt that Ren Shuai became more mysterious, as if shrouded in layers of veils, and each time a layer was lifted, there were different surprises.

"How did you receive the invitation from Fenden Ko Niqi to represent you?"

Cui Shaoyu was very curious, let alone Ren Shuai, such a top-tier Intercontinental brand, even Shen Luxi wanted to grab it. How did he receive the initiative from the brand?

Ren Shuai could only briefly introduce the situation to her.

Cui Shaoyu was shocked when he heard that he and Shen Luxi were filming the cover of "Fashion Baiyang" together, and that the mysterious man who was trending together turned out to be Ren Shuai.

At the beginning, she paid attention to the news, but she didn't let it go until no one found out the identity of the mysterious man on the whole network.

Unexpectedly, the mysterious person who searched unsuccessfully on the whole network is actually Ren Shuai!
Cui Shaoyu was speechless for a long time, feeling that he had really won the first prize by signing Ren Shuai.

Cui Shaoyu was very moved that someone as powerful as him actually chose him, a manager with little experience, out of such great trust.

After she calmed down, she immediately stated: "Don't worry, I will choose all your announcements and jobs very carefully in the future, and all the top resources in the company will be given priority to you!"

Ren Shuai was a little at a loss for Cui Shaoyu's sudden loyalty.

He could only nod in response: "Okay, I will try my best to cooperate."

Cui Shaoyu was even more moved when he heard the words. He didn't expect Teacher Li to be so talented and humble, like a white moonlight.

Afterwards, the two continued to chat about work.

Cui Shaoyu went back to the company to help Ren Shuai arrange the follow-up work, and Ren Shuai had to stand on the last post.

There is still one week before flying to the island to film, and it is also Ren Shuai's last week as a concierge.

He wanted to end Uncle Li Laifu's career perfectly, at least say goodbye to everyone in the security team.

Although there is a high probability that we will see you again in the future.

After returning to the dormitory, Ren Shuai opened the system interface.

Everyone said that he was out of the circle, so the recognition will also increase with the tide.

Name: Ren Shuai/Li Laifu

Occupation: Concierge/Actor
Achievements: 1 (activated)
Props: Charm Card*2
Skills: Primary Acting (990/1000)
Recognition degree: 16850
System functions: shopping mall, lucky wheel, backpack
The moment he saw the interface, Ren Shuai was shocked, and his recognition rate soared by more than [-] points.

"Nine Voices and Nine Worlds" has not yet ushered in the finale. It stands to reason that there should not be such an explosive increase in recognition. It can only show that the wave of promotion during the live broadcast played a huge role.

Ren Shuai knew that the effect was so good, so he should promote a few more words during the live broadcast.

But the current effect has exceeded his expectations.

According to this trend, the freedom of item cards he was looking forward to is just around the corner.

Satisfied, Ren Shuai shut down the system, opened the starting line APP, and prepared to update a wave of novels.

As soon as he clicked on the interface of the work, he was bombarded with overwhelming news on the site.

He had set up automatic updates two days ago, but he didn't even log in to the system. He didn't expect that there would be so many unread messages when he came up today.

The first few items were the system reminding him that a certain book friend made a large reward and became the diamond king of this book.

The next few items are various honor reminders sent to him by the website, informing him that his works have been listed on the top of various lists.

Ren Shuai took a look at the rewards he had received, and it turned out to be more than [-] in cash.

The number of favorites of "Cycle and Beginning" has exceeded [-], and the number of comments has exceeded [-].

From the data point of view, this novel is completely popular.

While Ren Shuai was satisfied with his income, he was also a little distressed.

The comments are full of short messages about him, and those book friends who have rewarded a large amount of money are also urging updates, but Ren Shuai really didn't save the manuscript to explode the update.

He still has to save manuscripts for the seven days after going to the island, so it is even less likely that he will explode in these few days.

Ren Shuai thought for a while, and could only write a statement to appease the emotions of the book friends. At the same time, he said that he would make changes according to the reward amount, but it would be half a month later.

As soon as this content was published, it immediately attracted a large number of replies.

"It's very dishonest. If you have time to write a statement, you might as well write more novels."

"No, no, I can't wait half a month, I can't wait half an hour."

"The keyboard will be moldy in half a month, so hurry up and add more!"

"The donkeys in the production team don't dare to procrastinate like this. If you have time to eat and sleep, why don't you have time to add more?"

"I really want to drag the author into the small black room to code words!"


Ren Shuai can only sigh, it's not his fault, but the system is too stingy.

Did not give him all the novels.

 Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommendation!

(End of this chapter)

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