From janitor to actor

Chapter 159 Divine Book

Chapter 159 Divine Book
A week passed quickly.

Ren Shuai had a meal with his colleagues who had worked diligently in the security post, and everyone sent him off for his glorious retirement.

Gao Dagui didn't show up this time, he has been avoiding Ren Shuai recently, and he doesn't know why.

When Ren Shuai went back to the dormitory to pack his luggage, he couldn't help feeling that he had retired as a concierge after only a few months.

Why are you still a little bit reluctant?

Fortunately, after school starts in March, he will return to school and become a glorious people's teacher.

The main task now is to study, because he will take the intercontinental examination in January, and he has already paid the registration fee.

Ren Shuai glanced at the "Five-Year Continental Examination, Three-Year Simulation" in his hand, felt its heavy weight, and resolutely put it in the suitcase.

During the seven days when the island was closed, it was just time to calm down, review well, and sprint for the exam at the end of January.

It doesn't take much luggage for seven days, he only takes a small suitcase and it's almost packed.

Ren Shuai took the suitcase and set off for the airport.

Ma Chunpeng's play is very mysterious, even the actors in the crew don't know the specific lineup, and a character like Ren Shuai who has a small role in the play has not even seen the script.

It is said that the artist is usually responsible for booking the air tickets, but Ma Chumpeng's drama has attracted a lot of attention, and the media is also watching closely. In order to avoid leaking the plot, the crew uniformly arranged the air tickets and itinerary for the actors.

Ren Shuai came to the airport according to the time and place notified by his mobile phone. Originally, Cui Shaoyu wanted to accompany him in person, but the production crew did not allow agents and assistants, and all actors were treated equally.

Ren Shuai was the last group to leave, and supporting characters like him were the last to leave, because the flight time and location were chosen by the protagonists.

This can't be helped, the showbiz is all about celebrity status, and everything is given priority to actors with high celebrity status.

Ren Shuai was lucky, maybe the film crew took care of him in view of his age and arranged a business class for him.

It takes ten hours to fly to Toyosu this time, which is not a short journey.

Ren Shuai had nothing to do, so he planned to read the divine book before going to bed to find out his status.

Although the suitcase was checked in, Ren Shuai specially took out the "Five-Year Continental Examination, Three-Year Simulation" just to pass the time during the long journey.

Also sitting in the business class, there was another actor in the crew, but everyone didn't know each other, so they didn't say hello.

Sitting next to Ren Shuai is Song Lishu who has been in charge of communicating with him, and this time is also responsible for organizing the last batch of actors to go to the crew.

She is one of Ma Chumpeng's assistants, and she is responsible for contacting supporting actors this time.

Song Lishu also heard some news about Ren Shuai recently, but she was just busy with the preparations before the start of the production, and didn't have time to learn more about it. She only knew that Ren Shuai's dubbing skills were very strong.

Seeing Ren Shuai take out a book with a familiar cover, she couldn't help asking curiously, "Are you reading this book to help you sleep?"

Ren Shuai turned his head, his eyes showed a little contempt, this is the misunderstanding of the god book by the scumbag.

"Study." Ren Shuai said concisely.

Song Lishu was surprised and asked curiously, "Will your child take the state exam this year?"

Ren Shuai felt that there was no way to talk today, so he shook his head and said, "No."

He only hoped that Song Lishu could be quiet and not disturb his study, so he took the initiative to find a reason to explain.

"I like doing questions. The content here is very interesting and attractive." Ren Shuai said seriously.

Song Lishu was shocked. In the world of a top student, a scumbag would not understand.

She thought to herself, if the enthusiasm for studying was half as high as that of Ren Shuai, she would not just be admitted to an ordinary university and become a small assistant.

Seeing that Ren Shuai was concentrating on the questions, she didn't dare to disturb him.

About half an hour after takeoff, Song Lishu heard the even breathing of the neighbor next door.

Turning his head to see, Ren Shuai had already fallen asleep peacefully with his pillow on the divine book.

Liar, didn't you promise to love learning?
Song Lishu felt both funny and speechless, this Uncle Li's words were really humorous.

Ten hours is not fast, but if it is calculated by sleep, it is really short.

Ren Shuai woke up and found that the plane was about to land.

He glanced at the wrinkled divine book in his hand, and touched it distressedly. He blamed the comfortable business class chairs for wasting his precious study time.

After getting off the plane, Song Lishu led a few people to transfer to the car.

It was also the first time for her to come to this place, and she didn't follow when she checked the spots, so she could only follow the instructions left by her colleagues to find the pre-booked bus.

Song Lishu asked others to wait on the spot, and ran to the car rental point by herself, but encountered some obstacles in communication.

People here speak foreign languages ​​with a heavy accent, and she can't understand them at all.

Ren Shuai and the other actors sat on the chairs in a daze, bored, and hadn't recovered from the moment they got off the plane.

Soon, more than half an hour passed, and Song Lishu still didn't come back. Some people couldn't sit still, so they got up to look for her.

After searching for half an hour, the person who was looking for them disappeared together.

Ren Shuai and the other actors looked at each other in blank dismay, thinking that they must have gotten lost, right?

After discussing for a while, several people decided to form a group to find someone.

This place is unfamiliar, and everyone dare not leave.

A young man was navigating with his mobile phone. After searching for a long time, he finally saw Song Lishu and the two at the car rental place.

At this time, Song Lishu's face was reddish, and she seemed very anxious. She kept communicating with the people at the car rental office in foreign languages, but felt that the two of them were on different channels, and they seemed to be talking to themselves.

The person standing next to Song Lishu stood there stupidly, obviously not understanding a word.

Seeing several people looking for her, Song Lishu hurried over to explain the situation.

"Teachers, I'm sorry, the car we originally booked couldn't arrive in time due to a temporary accident, but when I wanted to rent another car, I encountered some difficulties. Their car rental procedures were very troublesome. Couldn't figure it out either."

An actor said bluntly, "Do you not understand what he said?"

Song Lishu said with a little embarrassment: "The language here is too heavy, I really can't understand it."

The young actor who led the way said, "Use translation software."

Song Lishu sighed: "The translation software can't understand what people here say."

"Then call the crew and find an interpreter."

"I've looked for it. I can't contact the translator for the time being. I'm really sorry. This place is a bit backward, and many people don't bring their mobile phones when they go out." Song Lishu apologized repeatedly.

The main reason is that her foreign language listening ability is already average, but after adding some difficulty, it is almost like listening to the heavenly scriptures.

The staff at the car rental office talked and gestured, but Ren Shuai stood aside, but felt that he understood a little bit.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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