From janitor to actor

Chapter 160 Landing on the Island

Chapter 160 Landing on the Island
Ren Shuai had a roommate in his previous life, a foreign student who spoke plastic English. At first he couldn't understand it, but after a long time, he gradually got used to it.

Seeing that Song Lishu was not communicating well with the staff, Ren Shuai decided to lend a helping hand.

He took a step forward and asked in a fluent foreign language: "You mean, all the cars in the garage are reserved, and if you want to rent a car temporarily, you have to go through the car rental procedures again, and now there are only small cars, one car at most There are 4 people, there are too many of us, and at least three cars must be booked with luggage, but a valid certificate can only rent two cars at most, so at least two people’s certificates are required to apply, right? "

Although the staff member had an accent, his hearing was fine. Hearing Ren Shuai's fluent and standard foreign language, he nodded repeatedly to show that he was right.

Song Lishu's pupils trembled.

She was delayed for an hour just now and didn't understand the matter, but Ren Shuai understood it in a second?

What a god-defying listening level this is!

It turns out that Xueba is not just pretending.

The other onlookers basically didn't understand, but it seemed that the communication was successful, and they cast admiring glances at Ren Shuai.

Song Lishu opened her mouth slightly, looked at Ren Shuai and said, "Mr. Li, I didn't expect your foreign language to be so good."

Ren Shuai can only express his luck, but since he worked in a foreign company in his previous life, his spoken English is indeed pretty good.

"Then go through the formalities."

After Ren Shuai finished speaking, he took out his ID card and handed it to her. Song Lishu remembered the business and thanked her quickly.

After a few people successfully boarded the car, after another three hours of trekking, they finally arrived at the pier by the sea.

Next, they need to take a boat to the island for closed shooting.

The island is not too far from the pier, about an hour by boat.

Ren Shuai felt very novel about this experience. After going to the island, he looked around and found a huge green cloth hanging on the edge of the island, and in front of the green cloth was a small cruise ship.

Just looking at this scene, one can already feel the burning of funds.

Sure enough, it was a big production with unusual handwriting. Not only did it charter a small island, but it also rented a cruise ship.

It was almost evening when they landed on the island, and the sky gradually dimmed, but the rays of light in the distance were extremely magnificent.

Several actors were attracted by the beautiful scenery, took out their mobile phones and started taking pictures.

Before I could take a few more pictures, the reception staff of the crew came up to collect the mobile phone.

"Several teachers, I'm sorry, you need to temporarily hand in your electronic equipment during our visit to the island. The crew will keep it safe for you. If you need to contact the outside world, you can ask a life assistant to apply."

Several people had been prepared in their hearts, so they put their names on the phone and handed it to the crew for safekeeping.

Then someone began to arrange tents and assistants for Ren Shuai and the others. Song Lishu took the initiative to walk up to Ren Shuai and said, "Mr. Li, let me be your assistant for a few days."

After getting in touch with these supporting actors, she felt that Ren Shuai was more able to chat, mainly because the other supporting actors either looked at her with oily eyes, or put on airs as if they were big stars, and there was a weird personality who talked. Too poignant.

In contrast, Mr. Li is much easier to get along with, speaking naturally and funny, and has a sense of humor.

Ren Shuai wanted to change to someone he didn't know as an assistant and had to get acquainted again. Since Song Lishu offered to ask Ying, he would naturally not refuse.

"Well, please take care of me." He nodded politely.

Song Lishu quickly smiled and said, "Don't be polite to me. You can come to me for any work and life needs during filming these days. My tent is right next door to you."

Ren Shuai took a look at the tent dormitory that the crew built for the actors. It looked spacious and comfortable, and the environment was not bad.

After putting down his luggage, he asked, "Is the filming going to be officially done tomorrow? Is there a script for me to read?"

Song Lishu nodded and said, "I'll be in charge of bringing you the contract and timetable later, and I'll also bring you dinner. Do you have any taboos?"

Ren Shuai slept too soundly on the plane, missed breakfast, and several of them didn't eat at noon, and now they are already starving.

Since Song Lishu asked him if he had any taboos, he could only truthfully say: "No vegetarian dishes."

It is best to have a plate of beef in front of you now to make up for the loss of not eating for a day.

Song Lishu nodded habitually after hearing this, and realized something was wrong after she walked out of the tent.

Vegetarians all avoid meat and fish, did Mr. Li say the opposite?

She nodded understandingly, thinking that she would make a vegetable salad for Mr. Li later.

In the evening, Ren Shuai read the script while grazing on the verge of tears.

He regretted choosing Song Lishu as his assistant a little bit, and wondered if it would be too late to change now.

Ren Shuai decided to turn his appetite into motivation and concentrate on studying the characters in the script.

Ma Chumpeng's film combines the characteristics of black humor, crime and disaster films, but Ren Shuai doesn't have the full script and doesn't know the whole picture of the whole film. All he gets is the plot related to the characters.

The story begins with a cruise ship.

Ren Shuai plays a crew member in the play, but he is not a crew member on this cruise ship.

Because his nephew had a sudden accident and was unable to ask for leave when the ship was about to sail, he was forced to ask him to help replace the post.

His nephew is a trainee crew member. After this trip, he can save enough voyage to become regular, but due to unexpected incidents, he had to be absent, and he was worried that his regularization would be affected, so he didn't ask for leave and let Shuai Ren replace him. He goes to work.

Both of them studied ship maintenance, and they had the same professional skills, so they were not worried about any safety accidents.

It's just that his nephew's temporary absence, concealing it and not reporting it, is a serious dereliction of duty, and finding his uncle to replace him is even more dereliction of duty.

Therefore, Ren Shuai's replacement must not be discovered.

Fortunately, his nephew and his eyebrows and eyes are somewhat similar, and the figure is similar. It is not easy to be discovered after lying about a cold and wearing a mask.

But as luck would have it, something went wrong with their voyage.

The engine of the ship was damaged. Thanks to the experienced captain, the ship was barely stranded on a deserted island when the ship was almost blown up.

But this accident still caused them huge losses. Several crew members died in the violent collision, and most of the tourists on board drowned unfortunately. Only 21 people survived.

Ren Shuai is one of them.

After living on an isolated island, people found that the mobile phone had no signal at all and could not communicate with the outside world.

On the deserted island, there are no supplies for human survival. The most lacking thing is fresh water. Relying on the only supplies left on the wreckage of the cruise ship, 21 people can live for up to three days.

The most terrible thing is that the captain said that the accident was man-made, the murderer was among these people, and he may continue to commit murder.

So everyone set their primary goal on finding the murderer. If the culprit cannot be found, it will be difficult for everyone to leave alive.

At this time, Ren Shuai's identity was exposed and he became the primary target of suspicion.

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(End of this chapter)

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