From janitor to actor

Chapter 161 1nd time

Chapter 161 The first time

Ren Shuai watched the role he played being suspected by others, and unconsciously brought it into it.

Obviously this character is just a tool to confuse the public, and the real murderer is someone else.

He continued to read the script.

Although he explained what happened, no one on board knew him, and no one had heard of him from his nephew.

So Ren Shuai naturally became the best suspect.

But soon, someone dug out a photo of him and his nephew from his wallet, and saw from the mobile phone photo that when his nephew celebrated his birthday, he wrote a card wishing his uncle a happy birthday.

These can prove that he is not lying, and the suspicion is temporarily ruled out.

But with this incident, everyone was wary of him and even pushed him out.

Ren Shuai could only look for food alone, and then accidentally fell off the reef during fishing, fell into the sea and disappeared.

Another [-] people discovered that Ren Shuai had disappeared. Several felt that he was hiding, but some suspected that the real murderer killed him in order to confuse the public and divert everyone's attention.

Ren Shuai didn't know the following plot, so he could only make a rough guess.

Most of them are continuing to search for the real culprit, while trying to find ways to contact the outside world.

But since the script is the work of the famous screenwriter Yunshang, it must not be that simple, and the subsequent plot must be full of reversals and depths.

Ren Shuai even looked forward to it, wondering what happened next.

It's a pity that the crew kept secrets very well. If you want to know the whole plot, you can only go to the cinema to watch it when it is released.

After reading the script, Ren Shuai looked for the character a little bit. There are at least three stages of this character's psychological changes. In the first stage, he took on the job for his nephew, worried about being exposed, and would be a little nervous in everything he did.

In the second stage, after he is regarded as a suspect, he will feel distressed that no one will believe what he said, and he will be anxious when he can't find a way to prove his innocence.

In the third quarter, he was finally ruled out of suspicion, but he was still ostracized, with a mixed feeling of grievance, fear, loneliness and other complex emotions.

Early the next morning, Ren Shuai came to the set on time according to the schedule.

The first scene to be filmed was a scene on a cruise ship where the tourists just boarded.

Among them, Ren Shuai's role is mainly the crew roll call after boarding the ship.

In this scene, Ren Shuai and the captain, one of the protagonists of the film, have a rival scene.

The actor who plays the captain is Yihua, a well-known film king in the industry. Although he has never really won the film king, his acting ability is recognized as excellent in the industry.

Ren Shuai has already joined the crew several times, and feels that Ma Chunpeng's crew is indeed more professional and luxurious than other crews.

Although he didn't recognize those cameras and equipment, they looked very expensive.

At this time, Ma Chumpeng was already sitting in front of the monitor, and next to him was the production director.

The two briefly discussed the design and arrangement of the plot, and then began to notify the actors to be in place and ready to start.

This is the first scene shot today, and the scene is not too small.

The main characters in the film will appear in this shot, some are the staff of the ship, and some are passengers.

After arranging the positions of the thirty or so main actors, Ma Chumpeng announced the start of the film.

When other crew members boarded the ship one after another, Ren Shuai was the last one in the line.

He was wearing a hat and a mask, his eyes were slightly nervous, and he quickly followed the colleagues in front of him.

Since more than a dozen actors participated in this scene, the shooting speed was not fast. They shot seven or eight scenes repeatedly, but Ma Chumpeng was still not satisfied.

Among the crew members who boarded the ship was the male number two of the film. Like Ren Shuai's nephew, he was also an intern crew member.

Since Ren Shuai's nephew has the same identity as him, the two have more private exchanges than others.

Ren Shuai also focused on avoiding him this time.

The drama of the two characters started from the moment they boarded the ship.

However, the male number two is a young actor with a little lack of acting skills, and it may be the first time he has participated in a big production like Ma Chumpeng, so he seemed a little nervous during filming.

In the arrangement of this scene, he should look left and right, always wanting to talk to Ren Shuai behind him, but Ren Shuai deliberately avoided him.

This scene is not difficult for Ren Shuai. Even wearing a hat and mask, he can still show the tension and a little bit of guilt in his eyes.

However, the male number two is not enough. After several unsuccessful conversations with Ren Shuai, he should show appropriate doubts and curiosity.

But he didn't express these emotions very well, either not clear enough, or slightly exaggerated.

Ma Chumpeng was not very satisfied with his grasp of the degree of emotional release.

After personally giving instructions, he simply took Ren Shuai as an example.

"Looking at Li Laifu's performance, although he didn't show his facial features, the emotion conveyed by his eyes is very accurate and in place, neither exaggerated nor insufficient. This is where you need to improve."

Ma Chumpeng attaches great importance to the expression of emotion in his eyes.

The male number two joined the crew through the relationship of the production director. Although his acting skills are not too strong, they are still remarkable.

But compared with Ren Shuai, it's a little worse.

Hearing what Ma Chunpeng said, the male number two nodded seriously.

The production director next to him was a little unhappy.

This is not directed at Ma Chunpeng, but at Ren Shuai.

He knew that Ren Shuai was a concierge, not an actor with a professional background. At this time, Ren Shuai's performance overwhelmed the actors he had chosen, which made him feel a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, the male number two is quite savvy. After adjusting his eyes a little, he barely passed.

But Ren Shuai didn't know that because he had performed slightly better just now, he was missed by the production director.

After this passage is passed, it will be the crew roll call on the ship.

Ren Shuai will have a simple rivalry with Yi Hua who plays the captain.

Ma Chunpeng was quite satisfied with Ren Shuai's performance, and he was very confident in the filming of the scene, so he announced the start without lecturing.

Yi Hua stood in the captain's room, held a roll call board and began to roll the rolls. When Ren Shuai was called, he noticed something unusual, and stepped forward a few steps to look directly at him.

Sensing a trace of oppression in Yi Hua's eyes, coupled with the nervousness of the character he played, Ren Shuai felt a little stage fright for no reason.

When it was his turn to speak, his voice trembled a little.


Ma Chunpeng was not very satisfied with this, and came over and said, "Although you are nervous and scared, you can't be too obvious, otherwise you will definitely give up.

And as an experienced crew member, you have the experience of facing the captain, even if you are nervous inside, you must remain calm on the surface, and express this complex feeling between the inside and the outside. "

Ren Shuai understood this feeling, but when it was his turn to watch, he lost his standard.

For the first time, he felt overwhelmed by rival actors.

Ren Shuai's fighting spirit began to burn.

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(End of this chapter)

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